changeset 0 fb279309251b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uidesigner/com.nokia.sdt.emf.dm.tests/src/com/nokia/sdt/emf/dm/tests/NewRootDataModelTest.java	Fri Apr 03 23:33:03 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description: 
+package com.nokia.sdt.emf.dm.tests;
+import com.nokia.sdt.component.IComponent;
+import com.nokia.sdt.component.IComponentSet;
+import com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.IDesignerDataModel;
+import com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IComponentInstance;
+import com.nokia.sdt.symbian.dm.DesignerDataModel;
+import com.nokia.sdt.testsupport.TestDataModelHelpers;
+import com.nokia.cpp.internal.api.utils.core.ProjectUtils;
+import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
+import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
+import org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject;
+import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+public class NewRootDataModelTest extends TestCase {
+	DesignerDataModel model;
+	static final String PROJECT_NAME = "newrootdm";
+	static final String FILE_NAME = "model.nxd";
+	static final String ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME = "com.nokia.examples.baseComponent";
+	static final String CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME = "com.nokia.examples.example1";
+	protected void setUp() throws Exception {
+		super.setUp();
+		IProject project = ProjectUtils.createAndOpenProject(PROJECT_NAME);
+		File projectDir = new File(project.getLocation().toOSString());
+		File dmFile = new File(projectDir, FILE_NAME);
+		// make a file local to this plugin, in the testdata directory
+		model = (DesignerDataModel) TestDataModelHelpers.createTestModel(dmFile, null);
+		TestDataModelHelpers.initDefaultComponentSet(model);
+		// establish a root container
+		IComponentSet cs = model.getComponentSet();
+		IComponent rootComponent = cs.lookupComponent(ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		EObject root = model.createRootContainerInstance(rootComponent);
+		TestDataModelHelpers.assignUniqueName(model, root);
+		model.saveModel(new NullProgressMonitor());
+	}
+	protected void tearDown() throws Exception {
+		super.tearDown();
+		model.dispose();
+		ProjectUtils.closeAndDeleteProject(PROJECT_NAME);
+	}
+	EObject getRootContainer() {
+		return model.getRootContainers()[0];
+	}
+	public void testGetRootContainer() {
+		EObject rootContainer = getRootContainer();
+		assertNotNull(rootContainer);
+		IComponentInstance ci = (IComponentInstance) EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(rootContainer, IComponentInstance.class);
+		assertNotNull(ci);
+		assertEquals(ci.getComponentId(), ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+	}
+	Command makeAppendChildCommand(EObject parent, String componentName) {
+		IComponentSet cs = model.getComponentSet();
+		IComponent component = cs.lookupComponent(componentName);
+		EObject child = model.createNewComponentInstance(component);
+		Command cmd = model.createAddNewComponentInstanceCommand(parent, child, IDesignerDataModel.AT_END);
+		assertNotNull(cmd);
+		assertTrue(cmd.canExecute());
+		return cmd;	
+	}
+	Object getSingleAffectedObject(Command cmd) {
+		Object result = null;
+		Collection cmdResult = cmd.getResult();
+		assertNotNull(cmdResult);
+		assertTrue(cmdResult.size() == 1);
+		result = cmdResult.toArray()[0];
+		return result;
+	}
+	public void testAddChildWithCommand() {
+		EObject rootContainer = getRootContainer();
+		IComponentInstance rootCI = getCI(rootContainer);
+		Command cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(rootContainer, CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		assertTrue(cmd.canUndo());
+		// result of the command should be the new object
+		Object item = getSingleAffectedObject(cmd);
+		assertNotNull(item);
+		assertTrue(item instanceof EObject);
+		IComponentInstance ci = (IComponentInstance) EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter((EObject)item, IComponentInstance.class);
+		assertNotNull(ci);
+		assertEquals(ci.getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		// object should be on the child list
+		EObject[] children = rootCI.getChildren();
+		assertNotNull(children);
+		assertTrue(children.length == 1);
+		assertEquals(item, children[0]);
+	}
+	IComponentInstance getCI(EObject object) {
+		IComponentInstance result = (IComponentInstance) EcoreUtil.getRegisteredAdapter(
+				object, IComponentInstance.class);
+		return result;
+	}
+	public void testRemoveChildCommand() {
+		Command cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(getRootContainer(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		EObject item = (EObject) getSingleAffectedObject(cmd);
+		TestDataModelHelpers.assignUniqueName(model, item);
+		ArrayList<EObject> list = new ArrayList<EObject>();
+		list.add(item);
+		cmd = model.createRemoveComponentInstancesCommand(list);
+		cmd.execute();
+		assertTrue(cmd.canUndo());
+		IComponentInstance rootCI = getCI(getRootContainer());
+		assertNotNull(rootCI);
+		EObject[] children = rootCI.getChildren();
+		assertEquals(0, children.length);
+	}
+	public void testMoveChildWithinParentCommand() {
+		EObject rootContainer = getRootContainer();
+		// first add two children to the root
+		Command cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(rootContainer, CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(rootContainer, ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		IComponentInstance rootCI = getCI(getRootContainer());
+		assertNotNull(rootCI);
+		EObject children[] = rootCI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 2);
+		IComponentInstance child1 = getCI(children[0]);
+		IComponentInstance child2 = getCI(children[1]);
+		assertEquals(child1.getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		assertEquals(child2.getComponentId(), ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		// now move the 2nd to the front
+		cmd = model.createMoveComponentInstanceCommand(children[1], rootContainer, IDesignerDataModel.IN_FRONT);
+		assertTrue(cmd.canExecute());
+		cmd.execute();
+		assertTrue(cmd.canUndo());
+		children = rootCI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 2);
+		child1 = getCI(children[0]);
+		child2 = getCI(children[1]);
+		assertEquals(child1.getComponentId(), ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		assertEquals(child2.getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		// now undo and check that the order was restored
+		cmd.undo();
+		children = rootCI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 2);
+		assertEquals(getCI(children[0]).getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		assertEquals(getCI(children[1]).getComponentId(), ROOT_COMPONENT_NAME);
+	}
+	public void testMoveChildDifferentParentCommand() {
+		// make two subcontainers
+		EObject rootContainer = getRootContainer();
+		Command cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(rootContainer, CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		EObject container1 = (EObject) getSingleAffectedObject(cmd);
+		cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(rootContainer, CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();	
+		EObject container2 = (EObject) getSingleAffectedObject(cmd);	
+		// first add child to the first container
+		cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(container1, CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		IComponentInstance container1CI = getCI(container1);
+		assertNotNull(container1CI);
+		EObject children[] = container1CI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 1);
+		assertEquals(getCI(children[0]).getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		// now move to the second container
+		cmd = model.createMoveComponentInstanceCommand(children[0], container2, 
+						IDesignerDataModel.IN_FRONT);
+		assertTrue(cmd.canExecute());
+		cmd.execute();
+		assertTrue(cmd.canUndo());
+		// verify it's gone from the first container
+		children = container1CI.getChildren();
+		assertEquals(0, children.length);
+		// verify it's in the second container
+		IComponentInstance container2CI = getCI(container2);
+		children = container2CI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 1);
+		assertEquals(getCI(children[0]).getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		// now undo and check that the previous state was restored
+		cmd.undo();
+		children = container1CI.getChildren();
+		assertTrue(children.length == 1);
+		assertEquals(getCI(children[0]).getComponentId(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		children = container2CI.getChildren();
+		assertEquals(0, children.length);
+	}
+	public void testGetDataModelFromInstance() {
+		IComponentInstance rootCI = getCI(getRootContainer());
+		assertEquals(model, rootCI.getDesignerDataModel());
+		Command cmd = makeAppendChildCommand(getRootContainer(), CHILD_COMPONENT_NAME);
+		cmd.execute();
+		EObject object = (EObject) getSingleAffectedObject(cmd);
+		IComponentInstance childCI = getCI(object);
+		assertEquals(model, childCI.getDesignerDataModel());
+	}