--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/uidesigner/com.nokia.sdt.series60.componentlibrary/components/containers/CAknForm.component Fri Apr 03 23:33:03 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,936 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!-- Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -->
+<!-- All rights reserved. -->
+<!-- This component and the accompanying materials are made available -->
+<!-- under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" -->
+<!-- which accompanies this distribution, and is available -->
+<!-- at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html". -->
+<componentDefinition xmlns="http://www.nokia.com/sdt/emf/component"
+xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" >
+ <component baseComponent="com.nokia.sdt.series60.DialogBase"
+ friendlyName="%friendlyName"
+ qualifiedName="com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknForm"
+ category="Basic"
+ instanceNameRoot="form"
+ version="1.0">
+ <documentation>
+ <information>%information</information>
+ <wizardDescription>%information</wizardDescription>
+ </documentation>
+ <symbian sdkName="com.nokia.series60" minSDKVersion="2.0"
+ className="CAknForm" classHelpTopic="" />
+ <designerImages
+ smallIconFile="CAknForm_sm.png"
+ largeIconFile="CAknForm.png"
+ thumbnailFile="form_tn.png"/>
+ <attributes>
+ <attribute key="is-initial-content">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="has-builtin-options-menu">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="event-handler-target">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="base-container-class">CAknForm</attribute>
+ <attribute key="base-control-observer-class">CAknForm</attribute>
+ <attribute key="default-cba-value">R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OPTIONS_BACK</attribute>
+ <attribute key="use-restricted-cba">true</attribute>
+ <attribute key="associated-palette-drawer">Editors</attribute>
+ </attributes>
+ <properties>
+ <property category="Form" name="EEikFormHideEmptyFields" type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikFormHideEmptyFieldsKey" />
+ <property category="Form" name="EEikFormShowBitmaps" type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikFormShowBitmapsKey" />
+ <property category="Form" name="EEikFormEditModeOnly" type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikFormEditModeOnlyKey" />
+ <property category="Form" name="EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat" type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat" />
+ <property category="Behavior" name="exitsApp" type="boolean" default="true"
+ descriptionKey="exitsAppKey" />
+ </properties>
+ <extensionProperties name="default">
+ <property category="Item" name="prompt" type="localizedString" default="prompt"
+ descriptionKey="promptDescription"
+ editorClass="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.ui.editors.ScalableTextEditorFactory" />
+ <property category="Item" name="EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey"
+ type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKeyDescription" />
+ <property category="Item" name="EEikDlgItemOfferAllHotKeys"
+ type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikDlgItemOfferAllHotKeysDescription" />
+ <property category="Item" name="EEikDlgItemSeparatorBefore"
+ type="boolean" default="false"
+ descriptionKey="EEikDlgItemSeparatorBeforeDescription" />
+ <compoundProperty category="Item" name="promptImage"
+ type="com.nokia.sdt.symbian.imageProperty"
+ descriptionKey="promptImageDescription" />
+ </extensionProperties>
+ <implementations>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IVisualAppearance"/>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.ILayout"/>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IScrollBoundsProvider"/>
+ <code class="com.nokia.sdt.series60.component.AknFormVisualAndLayoutImplFactory"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IPropertyExtenders"/>
+ <script file="CAknForm_propertyExtenders.js" prototype="CAknFormPropertyExtenders"/>
+ </implementation>
+ <implementation>
+ <interface id="com.nokia.sdt.datamodel.adapter.IQueryContainment"/>
+ <script file="CAknForm_queryContainment.js" prototype="CAknFormQueryContainment"/>
+ </implementation>
+ </implementations>
+ <sourceMapping>
+ <mapResource struct="DIALOG" headers="avkon.rsg avkon.rh eikon.rh">
+ <mapBitmaskMember property="." member="flags"
+ includedProperties="wait notifyEsc modeless">
+ <!-- initial blank entries force bits on -->
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="" value="EEikDialogFlagNoDrag" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="" value="EEikDialogFlagNoTitleBar" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="" value="EEikDialogFlagCbaButtons" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="" value="EEikDialogFlagFillAppClientRect" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="notifyEsc" value="EEikDialogFlagNotifyEsc" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="modeless" value="EEikDialogFlagModeless" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="wait" value="EEikDialogFlagWait" />
+ </mapBitmaskMember>
+ <select property="[parent].[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBARestricted]">
+ <choice value="">
+ <!-- no CBA -->
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <mapIdentifierMember property="[parent].[com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBARestricted].info" member="buttons" />
+ </choice>
+ </select>
+ <mapResourceMember struct="FORM" property="." member="form" headers="eikon.rh">
+ <mapBitmaskMember property="." member="flags"
+ includedProperties="EEikFormHideEmptyFields EEikFormShowBitmaps EEikFormEditModeOnly EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat">
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikFormHideEmptyFields" value="EEikFormHideEmptyFields" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikFormShowBitmaps" value="EEikFormShowBitmaps" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikFormEditModeOnly" value="EEikFormEditModeOnly" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat" value="EEikFormUseDoubleSpacedFormat" />
+ </mapBitmaskMember>
+ <mapArrayMember property="." member="items">
+ <select attribute="is-form-content">
+ <!-- only map visible items, not menu bars, etc. -->
+ <choice value="true">
+ <mapResourceElement struct="DLG_LINE" headers="avkon.rh"
+ instanceIdentifyingMember="id">
+ <!-- looking at the current array element, always
+ create a unique value from the dialog and instance name -->
+ <mapEnumMember property="." member="type"
+ nameAlgorithm="com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_CONTROL_TYPE"
+ />
+ <mapSimpleMember property="prompt" member="prompt"/>
+ <mapEnumMember property="." member="id"
+ uniqueValue="*"
+ nameAlgorithm="com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_DIALOG_LINE_ID"
+ />
+ <!-- looking at the current array element, get the
+ enumerator for the instance's control type -->
+ <mapBitmaskMember property="." member="itemflags"
+ includedProperties="EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey EEikDlgItemOfferAllHotKeys EEikDlgItemSeparatorBefore">
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey" value="EEikDlgItemTakesEnterKey" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikDlgItemOfferAllHotKeys" value="EEikDlgItemOfferAllHotKeys" />
+ <mapBitmaskValue properties="EEikDlgItemSeparatorBefore" value="EEikDlgItemSeparatorBefore" />
+ </mapBitmaskMember>
+ <mapResourceMember property="." member="control"/>
+ <!-- initialized in code for SVG support
+ <mapSimpleMember property="promptImage.bmpfile" member="bmpfile"/>
+ <mapIdentifierMember property="promptImage.bmpid" member="bmpid"/>
+ // stupid header doesn't initialize bmpmask to -1
+ <select property="promptImage.bmpmask">
+ <choice value="">
+ <mapFixedMember member="bmpmask" value="-1"/>
+ </choice>
+ <choice>
+ <mapIdentifierMember property="promptImage.bmpmask" member="bmpmask"/>
+ </choice>
+ </select>
+ -->
+ </mapResourceElement>
+ </choice>
+ <!-- default case does nothing -->
+ <choice/>
+ </select>
+ </mapArrayMember>
+ </mapResourceMember>
+ </mapResource>
+ </sourceMapping>
+ <sourceGen forms="AppUi AknView RootAppUi">
+ <!-- contributions as Form -->
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_FILE" domain="cpp" dir="${inc}"
+ file="${instanceName}.h"
+ owned="false"
+ location="">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="HEADER_FILE">
+#ifndef ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+#define ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_INCLUDES" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="HEADER_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <aknform.h>
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="EVENT_INCLUDES" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-includes"
+ location="region(Event Handler Includes)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="EVENT_INCLUDES" />
+ <defineLocation id="HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Forward Declarations)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+class MEikCommandObserver;
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS" baseLocation="HEADER_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="class(${className})">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * @class ${className} ${instanceName}.h
+ */
+class ${className} : public CAknForm
+ {
+public: // constructors and destructor
+ ${className}( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ static ${className}* NewL( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ static ${className}* NewLC( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver );
+ virtual ~${className}();
+ // from CEikDialog
+ TKeyResponse OfferKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType );
+ // from CAknDialog
+ void PreLayoutDynInitL();
+ TBool OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId );
+ // from CAknForm
+ void DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+ TBool QuerySaveChangesL();
+ TBool SaveFormDataL();
+ void DoNotSaveFormDataL();
+ void LoadFromDataL();
+ MEikCommandObserver* iCommandObserver;
+ };
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_METHODS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(Generated Methods)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS_METHODS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_TYPES" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ location="region(Generated Type Declarations)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+public: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS_TYPES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_IVARS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ location="region(Generated Instance Variables)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+private: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS_IVARS"/>
+ <defineLocation id="BASE_CLASS_LIST" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-bases"
+ location="bases()">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="BASE_CLASS_LIST" />
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_OVERRIDES" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(Overridden Methods)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+protected: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS_OVERRIDES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CLASS_USERHANDLERS" baseLocation="CLASS"
+ owned="false"
+ filter="unique-prototypes"
+ location="region(User Handlers)">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+protected: <% contrib.indentAdjust(-1); %>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CLASS_USERHANDLERS"/>
+ <template location="HEADER_FILE">
+#endif // ${instanceName.toUpperCase()}_H
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_FILE" domain="cpp" dir="${src}"
+ file="${instanceName}.cpp"
+ owned="false"
+ location="">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="MAIN_FILE"/>
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated System Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <avkon.hrh>
+]]> </template>
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <avkon.rsg>
+]]> </template>
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <eikmenup.h>
+]]> </template>
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <aknappui.h>
+]]> </template>
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include <eikcmobs.h>
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"/>
+ <defineLocation id="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated User Includes)"
+ filter="unique-includes">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+]]> </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="MAIN_USER_INCLUDES"/>
+ <inline>
+if (Engine.formMatches(form, [""])) {
+ this.getHrhFiles(contribs);
+ </inline>
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTANTS" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ location="region(Generated Constants)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CONSTANTS" />
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTOR" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::${className}(MEikCommandObserver*))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Construct the ${className} instance
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ */
+${className}::${className}( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ iCommandObserver = aCommandObserver;
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CONSTRUCTOR"/>
+ <defineLocation id="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY" baseLocation="CONSTRUCTOR"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="CONSTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <template location="MAIN_FILE"><![CDATA[
+ * Creates an instance and initializes it.
+ * Instance is not left on cleanup stack.
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ * @return initialized instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewL( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ ${className}* self = ${className}::NewLC( aCommandObserver );
+ CleanupStack::Pop( self );
+ return self;
+ }
+ * Creates an instance and initializes it.
+ * Instance is left on cleanup stack.
+ * @param aCommandObserver command observer
+ * @return new instance of ${className}
+ */
+${className}* ${className}::NewLC( MEikCommandObserver* aCommandObserver )
+ {
+ ${className}* self = new ( ELeave ) ${className}( aCommandObserver );
+ CleanupStack::PushL( self );
+ self->ConstructL();
+ return self;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="OFFER_KEYEVENTL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::OfferKeyEventL(const TKeyEvent&,TEventCode))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle key event (override)
+ * @param aKeyEvent key event
+ * @param aType event code
+ * @return EKeyWasConsumed if the event was handled, else EKeyWasNotConsumed
+ */
+TKeyResponse ${className}::OfferKeyEventL(
+ const TKeyEvent& aKeyEvent,
+ TEventCode aType )
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <defineLocation id="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY" baseLocation="OFFER_KEYEVENTL"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)"/>
+ <template location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL_BODY"/>
+ <template location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL"><![CDATA[
+<% if (instance.rootContainer.isInstanceOf("com.nokia.sdt.series60.CAknView")) {
+%>if ( ( aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyLeftArrow
+ || aKeyEvent.iCode == EKeyRightArrow )
+ && !IsEditable() )
+ {
+ // allow the tab control to get the arrow keys
+ return EKeyWasNotConsumed;
+ }
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- this is the same template emitted as an event include
+ from ContainerBase; we need to omit to reduce duplicates -->
+ <template id="OfferKeyEventOverrideContents" location="OFFER_KEYEVENTL"><![CDATA[
+<% if (!instance.events["offerKeyEvent"]) {
+%>return ${instance.attributes["base-container-class"]}::OfferKeyEventL( aKeyEvent, aType );
+<%}%> ]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DESTRUCTOR" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::~${className}())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Destroy any instance variables
+ */
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="DESTRUCTOR"/>
+ <defineLocation id="DESTRUCTOR_BODY" baseLocation="DESTRUCTOR"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="DESTRUCTOR_BODY"/>
+ <template location="MAIN_FILE"><![CDATA[
+ * Called to handle "Save" menu item. Displays save query.
+ * @return TBool ETrue if the form data is to be saved, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+TBool ${className}::QuerySaveChangesL()
+ {
+ TBool isAnsYes( CAknForm::QuerySaveChangesL() );
+ if ( isAnsYes )
+ {
+ SaveFormDataL();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ DoNotSaveFormDataL();
+ }
+ return isAnsYes;
+ }
+ * Called from QuerySaveChangesL when changes made to the form are to be saved.
+ * @return TBool ETrue if the form data has been saved, EFalse otherwise
+ */
+TBool ${className}::SaveFormDataL()
+ {
+ // TODO save values
+ return ETrue;
+ }
+ * Called from QuerySaveChangesL when changes made to the form are discarded.
+ */
+void ${className}::DoNotSaveFormDataL()
+ {
+ LoadFromDataL();
+ }
+ * Called from DoNotSaveFormDataL when changes are cancelled.
+ * Called from PreLayoutDynInitL to load initial values if needed.
+ */
+void ${className}::LoadFromDataL()
+ {
+ // TODO load saved values
+ }
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="PRELAYOUTDYNINITL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::PreLayoutDynInitL())">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Initialize controls and settings before a Form is laid out. (override)
+ */
+void ${className}::PreLayoutDynInitL()
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="PRELAYOUTDYNINITL"/>
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="PRELAYOUTDYNINITL_BODY"/>
+ <template location="PRELAYOUTDYNINITL">
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DYNINITMENUPANEL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::DynInitMenuPaneL(TInt, CEikMenuPane*))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Called when built-in menu is displayed. (override)
+ * CAknForm has a built-in menu. In view mode, the only menu item is "Edit" that switches the form to edit mode.
+ * In edit mode, the items are "Add field" "Save" "Edit label" and "Delete field"
+ * The code below removes all edit mode items except for "Save"
+ * To use these items, remove the appropriate lines and override the appropriate CAknForm methods.
+ * (E.g., to handle "Add field" remove the line for EAknFormCmdAdd and override CAknForm::AddItemL())
+ */
+void ${className}::DynInitMenuPaneL( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
+ {
+ CAknForm::DynInitMenuPaneL( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
+ if ( aResourceId == R_AVKON_FORM_MENUPANE )
+ {
+ aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknFormCmdAdd, ETrue );
+ aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknFormCmdLabel, ETrue );
+ aMenuPane->SetItemDimmed( EAknFormCmdDelete, ETrue );
+ /*
+ // sample code to add a custom item with command id 'myCommandId'
+ TInt pos;
+ if ( !aMenuPane->MenuItemExists( myCommandId, pos ) )
+ {
+ CEikMenuPaneItem::SData menuItem;
+ menuItem.iCommandId = myCommandId;
+ menuItem.iCascadeId = 0; // set for submenus
+ menuItem.iFlags = 0; // e.g. EEikMenuItemDimmed
+ menuItem.iText = KMyCommandIdText;
+ menuItem.iExtraText = _L("");
+ aMenuPane->AddMenuItemL( menuItem );
+ }
+ */
+ }
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="DYNINITMENUPANEL"/>
+ <defineLocation id="DYNINITMENUPANEL_BODY" baseLocation="DYNINITMENUPANEL"
+ owned="true"
+ location="region(Generated Code)"/>
+ <template location="DYNINITMENUPANEL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+<% var event = instance.events['dynInitMenuPane'];
+ if (event) {%>
+${event.handlerName}( aResourceId, aMenuPane );
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="OKTOEXITL" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${className}::OkToExitL(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle a button press and tell whether it closes the dialog. (override)
+ * @param aButtonId the identifier for the button (avkon.hrh)
+ */
+TBool ${className}::OkToExitL( TInt aButtonId )
+ {
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template location="OKTOEXITL"/>
+ <defineLocation id="OKTOEXITL_BODY" baseLocation="OKTOEXITL"
+ location="region(Generated Code)">
+ </defineLocation>
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ </inline>
+ <template location="OKTOEXITL_BODY"><![CDATA[
+<% if (properties.exitsApp) {
+ var id = findCbaRightId(instance.parent.children);
+if ( aButtonId == ${id} )
+ {
+ if ( CAknForm::OkToExitL( EAknSoftkeyBack ) )
+ {
+ iAvkonAppUi->ProcessCommandL( EEikCmdExit );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return EFalse;
+ }
+ }<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <template location="OKTOEXITL"><![CDATA[
+// The '${lookupString("exitsApp")}' property automatically adds code to exit the
+// application when the right soft key is pressed. If this property is set to false,
+// and AddToStackL has been called on the Form object (e.g., it was not shown as a dialog),
+// code must be added manually to avoid a panic when exiting the application.
+return CAknForm::OkToExitL( aButtonId );
+]]> </template>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GeneratePrepareForFocusTransition GeneratePageChanged GenerateLineChanged"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateProcessCommand GenerateOfferKeyToApp"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateFocusChanged"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateSizeChanged GeneratePositionChanged"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GenerateDraw GenerateOfferKeyEvent"/>
+ <useTemplateGroup ids="GeneratePrepareForFocusLoss GeneratePrepareForFocusGain"/>
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT resourceChanged -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateResourceChanged" ifEvents="resourceChanged">
+ <template id="DeclareResourceChangedOverride" phase="OverriddenMethods"><![CDATA[
+void HandleResourceChange( TInt aType );
+]]> </template>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedOverride" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::HandleResourceChange(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle global resource changes, such as scalable UI or skin events (override)
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::HandleResourceChange( TInt aType )
+ {
+ ${instance.attributes["base-container-class"]}::HandleResourceChange( aType );
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedBody" baseLocation="ResourceChangedOverride"
+ location="region(Generated Contents)">
+ <template/>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="InvokeResourceChangedHandler" location="ResourceChangedBody">
+${event.handlerName}( aType );
+ </template>
+ <template id="DeclareResourceChangedHandler" phase="UserHandlers">
+void ${event.handlerName}( TInt aType );
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="ResourceChangedHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(TInt))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( TInt aType )
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeResourceChangedHandler" location="ResourceChangedHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT resourceChanged -->
+<!-- BEGIN EVENT dynInitMenuPane -->
+ <templateGroup id="GenerateDynInitMenuPaneForForm" ifEvents="dynInitMenuPane">
+ <template id="DeclareDynInitMenuPaneHandler" phase="UserHandlers">
+void ${event.handlerName}( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane );
+ </template>
+ <defineLocation id="DynInitMenuPaneHandlerMethod" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
+ owned="false"
+ isEventHandler="true"
+ location="function(${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}(TInt, CEikMenuPane*))">
+ <template><![CDATA[
+ * Handle the ${event.eventName} event.
+ */
+void ${handlerClassName}::${event.handlerName}( TInt aResourceId, CEikMenuPane* aMenuPane )
+ {
+ // TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler
+ }
+ </template>
+ </defineLocation>
+ <template id="RealizeDynInitMenuPaneHandler" location="DynInitMenuPaneHandlerMethod" />
+ </templateGroup>
+<!-- END EVENT dynInitMenuPane -->
+ <!-- gather child contributions -->
+ <inline scope="prototype">
+ include("../srcgenLibrary.js");
+ </inline>
+ <inline scope="prototype"><![CDATA[
+${jsObject}.prototype.gatherFormLineImageContribs = function(contribs, instance) {
+ var contrib;
+ var any = false;
+ for (var c in instance.children) {
+ var child = instance.children[c];
+ if (!child.component.attributes["is-form-content"])
+ continue;
+ var enm = Engine.findBuiltinOrGeneratedEnumeratorForAlgorithm(
+ child, ".", "com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_DIALOG_LINE_ID");
+ if (enm != null && isImagePropertySet(child.properties.promptImage)) {
+ if (!any) {
+ contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainSystemIncludes");
+ contrib.setText("#include <eikcapc.h>\n");
+ contribs.add(contrib);
+ contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("PostInitialize");
+ contrib.setText("CEikCaptionedControl* theLine;\n");
+ contribs.add(contrib);
+ any = true;
+ }
+ contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("PostInitialize");
+ contrib.setFormattedText("theLine = Line( {1} );\n",
+ [ instance.memberName, enm ]);
+ contribs.add(contrib);
+ setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, child, "PostInitialize", null, 0,
+ child.properties.promptImage,
+ "theLine->SetBitmapFromFileL( {0}, {1} );\n",
+ "theLine->SetBitmapFromFileL( {0}, {1}, {2} );\n");
+ }
+ }
+]]> </inline>
+ <inline>
+ if (form != 'RootAppUi') {
+ if (Engine.formMatches(form, [ "AknView", "AppUi" ])) {
+ // clear out any image stuff
+ resetImagePropertyState(instance);
+ // get default and dialog-specific contributions
+ contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form+"|Dialog"))
+ // set images dynamically
+ this.gatherFormLineImageContribs(contribs, instance);
+ } else {
+ // get specific desired contributions
+ contribs.addAll(Engine.generateChildContributions(form))
+ }
+ Engine.collateContributionsByPhase(contribs, ["Initialize", "PostInitialize"]);
+ // fix up the phases so they point to real locations
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassSource", "MAIN_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassHeader", "HEADER_FILE");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainConstants", "CONSTANTS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", "MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "MainUserIncludes", "MAIN_USER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Construct", "CONSTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Initialize", "PRELAYOUTDYNINITL_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "PostInitialize", "PRELAYOUTDYNINITL_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "Destroy", "DESTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassTypeDeclarations", "CLASS_TYPES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "BaseClassList", "BASE_CLASS_LIST");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "OverriddenMethods", "CLASS_OVERRIDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "UserHandlers", "CLASS_USERHANDLERS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "EventIncludes", "EVENT_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", "HEADER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ForwardDeclarations", "HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "InstanceVariables", "CLASS_IVARS");
+ Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(contribs, "ClassMethods", "CLASS_METHODS");
+ //Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "HEADER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "HEADER_FORWARD_DECLARATIONS");
+ //Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES");
+ //Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "MAIN_USER_INCLUDES");
+ Engine.removeDuplicateContributionsForLocation(contribs, "DESTRUCTOR_BODY");
+ }
+ </inline>
+ <template id="IncludeRsgFile" location="MAIN_SYSTEM_INCLUDES"><![CDATA[
+#include <${resourceFileNameBase}.rsg>
+]]> </template>
+ <!-- contributions as child -->
+ <template form="AknView" phase="MainUserIncludes">
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+ </template>
+ <template form="AknView" phase="ForwardDeclarations">
+class ${className};
+ </template>
+ <template form="AknView" phase="InstanceVariables">
+${className}* ${instanceMemberName};
+ </template>
+ <template form="AknView" phase="DoActivateL"><![CDATA[
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} == NULL )
+ {
+ ${className}* form = ${className}::NewL( this );
+ form->SetMopParent( this ); <%
+if ( properties.wait ) {
+ var sb = newStatusBuilder();
+ sb.add(IStatus.ERROR, lookupString("waitPropertySetInView"), [ instanceName ]);
+ logStatus(sb.createStatus("", null));
+ } %>
+ form->ExecuteLD( ${resourceName$upper} );
+ AppUi()->AddToStackL( *this, form );
+ ${instanceMemberName} = form;
+ }
+]]> </template>
+ <template form="AknView" phase="DoDeactivate">
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} != NULL )
+ {
+ AppUi()->RemoveFromStack( ${instanceMemberName} );
+ delete ${instanceMemberName};
+ ${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ }
+ </template>
+ <template form="RootAppUi" phase="MainUserIncludes">
+#include "${instanceName}.h"
+ </template>
+ <template form="RootAppUi" phase="ForwardDeclarations">
+class ${className};
+ </template>
+ <template form="RootAppUi" phase="InstanceVariables">
+${className}* ${instanceMemberName};
+ </template>
+ <template form="RootAppUi" phase="Initialize"><![CDATA[
+<% if (resourceName != null) { %>
+${instanceMemberName} = ${className}::NewL( this );
+${instanceMemberName}->SetMopParent( this );
+${instanceMemberName}->ExecuteLD( ${resourceName$upper} );
+AddToStackL( ${instanceMemberName} );
+<% } %>
+]]> </template>
+ <template form="RootAppUi" phase="Destroy">
+if ( ${instanceMemberName} != NULL )
+ {
+ RemoveFromStack( ${instanceMemberName} );
+ delete ${instanceMemberName};
+ ${instanceMemberName} = NULL;
+ }
+ </template>
+ </sourceGen>
+ </component>