author stechong
Fri, 13 Nov 2009 13:32:02 -0600
changeset 578 02be4e434dde
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Added more exported packages and access methods to various MMP editor classes for ATF.

<defineMacro id="DeclareMethod" 
	help="Declares a method, e.g., the prototype.">
	<macroArgument name="DeclLocation" optional="true" default="" 
		help="name of location into which to add the prototype (either this or DeclPhase must be defined)" />

	<macroArgument name="DeclPhase" optional="true" default="" 
		help="name of phase into which to add the prototype (either this or DeclLocation must be defined)" />
	<macroArgument name="FunctionName"
		help="name of function" />
	<macroArgument name="FunctionArgs" 
		help="canonical argument list (e.g. &quot;const TInt&amp; aArg, TInt aFoo = 3&quot;)"/>
	<macroArgument name="ReturnType" optional="true" default="void"
		help="return type for function" />
	<macroArgument name="IsStatic" optional="true" default="false" 
		help="is the function static?" />

	<macroArgument name="IsVirtual" optional="true" default="false"
		help="is the function virtual? (ignored if IsStatic)" />
	<macroArgument name="IsConst" optional="true" default="false"
		help="add 'const' modifier to function?" />
	<!-- N.B.: only one of location or phase will be non-empty -->
	<template location="$(DeclLocation)" phase="$(DeclPhase)" >
${($(IsStatic) ? "static " : ($(IsVirtual) ? "virtual " : "")
)}$(ReturnType::append-space-unless-empty)$(FunctionName)($(FunctionArgs::as-function-declaration-args::split-and-indent::add-spaces-unless-empty))${($(IsConst) ? " const" : "")};

<defineMacro id="GenerateDefaultFunctionBody"
	help="Create the default body for a function.  If FunctionBody is set, 
emits that.  If ReturnType is not void and DefaultReturn is set, 
create a return statement using its value." >
	<macroArgument name="FunctionLocationId" 
		help="name of the function location to define; body is named id+_BODY" /> 
	<macroArgument name="DefaultReturn" optional="true" 
		help="default value to return; overridden if FunctionBody is specified" />

	<macroArgument name="ReturnType" optional="true" default="void"
		help="return type for function" />
	<macroArgument name="FunctionBody" optional="true" default=""
		help="text inside function body (comment and/or code)" />

	<template location="$(FunctionLocationId)"><![CDATA[<% 
if ($(FunctionBody::is-defined)) { 
%>$(FunctionBody)<% } 
if ($(DefaultReturn::is-defined) && $(ReturnType::as-string) != "void" && $(ReturnType::as-string) != "") { 
%>return $(DefaultReturn);
<% } %>]]></template>


<defineMacro id="DefineMethod"
		help="Defines a method to one location, optionally generating body text,
or a default return statement.
The generated function is owned by default." >
	<importArguments macroName="GenerateDefaultFunctionBody" />

	<macroArgument name="IsOwned" optional="true" default="true"
		help="is the function body owned?" />

	<macroArgument name="DefnLocation" 
		help="name of location into which to add the function" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionName"
		help="name of function" />
	<macroArgument name="FunctionArgs" 
		help="canonical argument list (e.g. &quot;const TInt&amp; aArg, TInt aFoo = 3&quot;)"/>

	<macroArgument name="IsConst" optional="true" default="false" 
		help="add 'const' modifier to function?" />
	<macroArgument name="ClassName" optional="true" default="${className}"
		help="the class name" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionComment" optional="true" 
		help="comment appearing before function defn" />

	<macroArgument name="IsEventHandler" optional="true" default="false" 
		help="is the function body the user event handler?" />
	<macroArgument name="Initializers" optional="true" default="" 
		help="provide any initializer expressions, e.g. for constructors, appearing
		on a separate line after the argument list and before the function body.
		Do not provide the leading colon (':') as this is added automatically" />
	<macroArgument name="Realize" optional="true" default="false"
		help="If true, force the function to be generated.  Otherwise, the
		function is generated only if the FunctionBody is non-empty or if
		another template contributions to the FunctionLocationId." />
	<defineLocation id="$(FunctionLocationId)" 
if ($(FunctionComment::is-defined)) { 
%>$(FunctionComment)<% } 
%>$(ReturnType::append-space-unless-empty)$(ClassName)::$(FunctionName)($(FunctionArgs::as-function-definition-args::split-and-indent::add-spaces-unless-empty))${($(IsConst) ? " const" : "")}<%
if ($(Initializers::as-string) != "") { 
	: $(Initializers)<% } %>
	<expandMacro name="GenerateDefaultFunctionBody" />


<defineMacro id="GenerateMethod" 
		help="Declares and defines a method to one location
and adds the prototype to another location." >
	<importArguments macroName="DeclareMethod" />

	<importArguments macroName="DefineMethod" />
	<expandMacro name="DeclareMethod" />
	<expandMacro name="DefineMethod" />


<defineMacro id="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody"
	help="Defines a method with an owned body section.
The generated function is not owned by default, unlike Method.
There may be uses for an owned function with a named owned region, though.
Also, no default function code is generated, so the provided 
StartFunctionBody, FunctionBody, and EndFunctionBody must account for
any return statements." >
	<importArguments macroName="DefineMethod" />

	<macroArgument name="OwnedRegionLocationId" optional="true" default="$(FunctionLocationId)_BODY" 
		help="location id for enclosed body" />
	<macroArgument name="OwnedRegionName" optional="true" default="Generated Contents" 
		help="region name for enclosed body" />
	<macroArgument name="StartFunctionBody" optional="true" default="" 
		help="text inside function body (comment and/or code) before the owned section" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionBody" optional="true" default="" 
		help="text inside owned part of function body" />

	<macroArgument name="EndFunctionBody" optional="true" default="" 
		help="text inside function body (comment and/or code) after the owned section" />

	<expandMacro name="DefineMethod"
		dontPassArguments="DefaultReturn FunctionBody"
		help="make a method first: does not pass DefaultReturn
		since either FunctionBody or EndFunctionBody should be
		handling the return"

	<template location="$(FunctionLocationId)">$(StartFunctionBody)

	<defineLocation id="$(OwnedRegionLocationId)" baseLocation="$(FunctionLocationId)"
		location="region($(OwnedRegionName))" realize="true">

	<template location="$(FunctionLocationId)">$(EndFunctionBody)

<defineMacro id="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody"
	help="Declares and defines a method with an owned body section to one location
and adds the prototype to another location. 
The generated function is not owned by default, unlike Method.
There may be uses for an owned function with a named owned region, though.">
	<importArguments macroName="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody" />

	<importArguments macroName="DeclareMethod" />

	<expandMacro name="DeclareMethod" />
	<expandMacro name="DefineMethodWithOwnedBody" />


<defineMacro id="GenerateMethodWithVariantArguments"
Declares and defines an owned method with variant arguments to one location
and adds the prototype to another location.  
Variant arguments means design-time variable (not C varargs).
The function has a non-empty list of fixed arguments followed by a 
non-empty list of variable arguments which are generated by a Javascript expression.
The generated function is owned by default.  It doesn't make sense to use 
this non-owned, since this will introduce compile errors when the prototype
changes and the old body remains behind.
	<importArguments macroName="GenerateMethod"
		exceptArguments="FunctionArgs IsOwned"
		help="use all the same arguments from Method, 
		excluding FunctionArgs, whose semantics are different,
		and IsOwned, which changes defaults"/>

	<macroArgument name="IsOwned" optional="true" default="true"
			help="tell whether the function is owned.  In general, it should be,
		otherwise compile errors will be introduced when the 
		method's signature changes and the old version is left behind." />
	<macroArgument name="FunctionArgs" 
		help="canonical leading static argument list (e.g. &quot;const TInt&amp; aArg, TInt aFoo = 3&quot;) 
		Do not include a trailing comma" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionVarArgsAllowEmpty" optional="false" 
		help="tell whether the varargs may be empty"/>
	<macroArgument name="FunctionVarArgsDeclExpr" 
		help="generator for the variable arguments as appearing in the declaration
		(a Javascript expression); 
		if FunctionVarArgsAllowEmpty==false, do not generate a leading comma"/>

	<macroArgument name="FunctionVarArgsDefnExpr"
		help="generator for the variable arguments as appearing in the definition
		(a Javascript expression);
		if FunctionVarArgsAllowEmpty==false, do not generate a leading comma" />

	<!-- make a method declaration first -->
	<template location="$(DeclLocation)" phase="$(DeclPhase)" >
${($(IsStatic) ? "static " : ($(IsVirtual) ? "virtual " : "")
)}$(ReturnType::append-space-unless-empty)$(FunctionName)( $(FunctionArgs::as-function-declaration-args::split-and-indent)${($(FunctionVarArgsAllowEmpty) ? "" : ", ")}${$(FunctionVarArgsDefnExpr::split-and-indent)} )${($(IsConst) ? " const" : "")};

	<!-- now define the function -->
	<defineLocation id="$(FunctionLocationId)" 
if ($(FunctionComment::is-defined)) { 
%>$(FunctionComment)<% } 
%>$(ReturnType::append-space-unless-empty)$(ClassName)::$(FunctionName)( $(FunctionArgs::as-function-definition-args::split-and-indent)${($(FunctionVarArgsAllowEmpty) ? "" : ", ")}${$(FunctionVarArgsDefnExpr::split-and-indent)} )${($(IsConst) ? " const" : "")}

	<!-- and define the body -->
	<expandMacro name="GenerateDefaultFunctionBody" />


<defineMacro id="GenerateVirtualMethodOverrideForEventHandler"
	help="Override a virtual method with a non-owned function with an owned body.  
This must be invoked in a templateGroup that has an ifEvents=&quot;...&quot; attribute,
so the 'event' variable is available. ">
	<importArguments macroName="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody"
		exceptArguments="IsVirtual IsStatic" />

	<macroArgument name="ClassName" optional="true" default="${handlerClassName}"
		help="the name of the class" />

	<macroArgument name="UserHandlerFunctionArgs" optional="true" 
		help="the arguments passed to the user handler function (== FunctionArgs by default)"/>

	<!-- declare the virtual function override -->
	<expandMacro name="GenerateMethodWithOwnedBody"
	<!-- generate a call to the user handler -->
	<template location="$(OwnedRegionLocationId)"><![CDATA[<%
if ($(UserHandlerFunctionArgs::is-defined)) {
<% } else { %>${event.handlerName}($(FunctionArgs::as-function-call-args::add-spaces-unless-empty));
<% } %>]]></template>


<defineMacro id="GenerateUserEventHandlerFunction"
Define a user handler declaration and function.
Provides a default header comment and body comment.
This is NOT conditional, so include it in a &lt;templateGroup ifEvents=&quot;...&quot; /&gt;
	" >
	<!-- extends GenerateMethod, but excludes
	and overrides:
	<importArguments macroName="GenerateMethod"
		exceptArguments="IsVirtual IsStatic" />
	<macroArgument name="ClassName" optional="true" default="${handlerClassName}" 
			help="the name of the class that receives the handler" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionName" optional="true" default="${event.handlerName}" 
			help="the name of the function/method for the handler; 
			generally the default should be used (the name specified in the Events view)" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionLocationId"
			help="the id for the event handler function" />

	<macroArgument name="FunctionComment" optional="true"
			help="the comment for the function" >
 *	Handle the ${event.eventName} event

	<!--  -->
	<macroArgument name="FunctionBody" optional="true"
			help="the body of the function, which by default is a TODO comment" >
// TODO: implement ${event.eventName} event handler		
	<!-- declare the user handler method -->
	<expandMacro name="GenerateMethod"
		passArguments="DeclLocation DeclPhase 
			FunctionName FunctionArgs ReturnType IsConst
			DefnLocation ClassName FunctionLocationId
			FunctionBody DefaultReturn"
