make init call after constructing SDKManager.
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<title>Retrieving INF/MMP Project Information</title>
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<h2>Retrieving INF/MMP Project Information</h2>
<p>All Carbide build stages, with the exception of the post-link SIS Builder stage get their data from INF and MMP files. So naturally Carbide needs a way to retrieve and store this data for doing things like setting up the source indexer and displaying the visual INF and MMP editors. The<STRONG>EpocEngineHelper</STRONG> class is a good first stop to retrieve this information. For example, if you want to get all the source files in the first MMP file:</p>
<p class="listing">// ...assumes ICarbideProjectInformation (cpi) is known.<br>
List<IPath> mmpPaths = EpocEngineHelper.getMMPFilesForProject(cpi);<br>
// array length check omitted for brevity....<br>
List<IPath> srcFilesTest = EpocEngineHelper.getSourceFilesForConfiguration(defultConfig, mmpPaths.get(0));</p>
<h3>SDK Management</h3>
<p>Each SDK entry in devices.xml is analogous to a<STRONG>ISymbianSDK</STRONG> object. If you want to get the entire list of ISymbianSDK objects (same list and properties from the SDK Preferences page) you simply invoke:</p>
<p class="listing">ISDKManager sdkMgr = SDKCorePlugin.getSDKManager();<br>
List<ISymbianSDK> sdkList = sdkMgr.getSDKList();</p>
<p>Now you can iterate the list and get whatever information you want out of the installed SDKs. For example, using Java 5 iterators we can get the EPOCROOT values of all the SDKs:</p>
<p class="listing">for (ISymbianSDK currSDK : sdkList){
String epocRootStr = currSDK.getEPOCROOT();<br>
<h3>Reading MMP Statements with the EpocEngine and IMMPData</h3>
<p>This topic demonstrates how you can read the MMP data for any build configuration (ICarbideBuildConfiguration). The main interface for retrieving MMP data is <strong></strong>. Once you get access to this interface you can learn anything you want about a particular MMP file.</p>
<p><strong>Prerequisite:</strong> All MMP and bld.inf parsing requires a dependency to the plugin <strong></strong>.</p>
<p>Typically most keywords of interest are either single string settings (TARGETTYPE, TARGET, EPOCSTACKSIZE) or list of settings (MACRO, CAPABILITY, LANG). Other types can be directly retrieved from IMMPData routines. Check the API documentation for specifics.</p>
<p>The example provided simply iterates through all the MMP files of a particular build configuration and grabs a list value and single item setting. You'll need to get the particular MMP file you are interested in. Play around with the IMMPData object in the run method and you can quickly get the idea.</p>
<PRE class="listing">// Assumes buildConfig (ICarbideBuildConfiguration) is known
for (IPath mmpPath : EpocEngineHelper.getMMPFilesForBuildConfiguration(buildConfig)) {
Object data = EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(mmpPath, new
buildConfig, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
// Example, getting a keyword as a list of strings
List macros = mmpData.getListArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.MACRO);
// The real return value, getting a single argument setting
return mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
// Make sure to test for and cast to proper Object type!
String mmpStatement = (String)data; // Now we should have the TARGETTYPE
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