author timkelly
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 19:07:16 -0500
changeset 1801 1d73a4591cf8
parent 1800 2e59aa939b8f
child 1802 7e50573a0115
permissions -rw-r--r--
refactoring usage for getting variant.hrh and compiler preinclude macros. Now should use ISymbianContext both for preprocessed results and getting the IPath to the file. Removed start-up checks for Perl version.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.IEclipsePreferences;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.InstanceScope;


public class EpocEngineHelper {

	 * Get the file system path to a project-relative path.  Uses the view's
	 * parser configuration to resolve the project location, thus can
	 * work even in views created outside the workspace.  This tries to correct
	 * any case discrepancies between the file system and the model.
	 * <p>
	 * <b>Don't use this for MMP IPath resolution -- use 
	 * {@link MMPViewPathHelper} instead!</b>
	 * @param data
	 * @param relativePath
	 * @return path, never null
	private static IPath getFullPath(IBldInfData data, IPath relativePath) {
		String absolutePath = data.getProjectPath().addTrailingSeparator().append(relativePath).toOSString();
		try {
			absolutePath = new File(absolutePath).getCanonicalPath();
		} catch (IOException e) {
		return PathUtils.createPath(absolutePath);

	 * Return list of filesystem paths to all MMPs and makefiles referenced by the given
	 * bld.inf full path.  This function differentiates between PRJ_TESTMMPFILES and PRJ_MMPFILES.
	 * Note that this does not include PRJ_EXTENSIONS or PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS as they are a special
	 * case.  See {@link #getExtensions(IPath, List, List, List, IProgressMonitor)}.
	 * @param bldInfFilePath - The IPath to the bld.inf file that is to be preprocessed.
	 * @param buildConfigs - List of build configuration to parse for.
	 * @param normalMakMakePaths - The list of PRJ_MMPFILES IPath objects for the bld.inf
	 * @param testMakMakePaths - The list of PRJ_TESTMMPFILES IPath objects for the bld.inf.  Those
	 * with the "ignore" attribute are not returned.
	 * @param monitor
	public static void getMakMakeFiles(final IPath bldInfFilePath, List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigs, 
		List<IPath> normalMakMakePaths, List<IPath> testMakMakePaths, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		// get a bld.inf view for each build target.  take the union of all mmp and make files for each view
		// of the bld.inf file.
		final Set<IPath> normalFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		final Set<IPath> testFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		monitor.beginTask("Scanning bld.inf for mmp and make files", buildConfigs.size());

		try {
			// let cache know we're iterating a lot
			for (final ISymbianBuildContext context : buildConfigs) {
				if (monitor.isCanceled())
						new DefaultViewConfiguration(context, bldInfFilePath, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
						new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
							public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
								for (IMakMakeReference ref : data.getMakMakeReferences()) {
									normalFiles.add(getFullPath(data, ref.getPath()));
								for (IMakMakeReference ref : data.getTestMakMakeReferences()) {
									boolean ignore = false;
									for (String att : ref.getAttributes()) {
										if (att.equalsIgnoreCase("ignore")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
											ignore = true;
									if (!ignore) {
										testFiles.add(getFullPath(data, ref.getPath()));
								return null;
		} finally {
		for (IPath normalPath : normalFiles){
		for (IPath testPath : testFiles){
	 * Return list of file system paths to all project extensions referenced by the given
	 * bld.inf full path.  This function differentiates between PRJ_EXTENSIONS and PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS
	 * @param bldInfFilePath - The IPath to the bld.inf file that is to be preprocessed.
	 * @param buildConfigs - List of build configuration to parse for.
	 * @param normalExtensionPaths - The list of PRJ_EXTENSIONS IPath objects for the bld.inf
	 * @param testExtensionPaths - The list of PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS IPath objects for the bld.inf
	 * @param monitor
	public static void getExtensions(final IPath bldInfFilePath, List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigs, 
		List<IPath> normalExtensionPaths, List<IPath> testExtensionPaths, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		// get a bld.inf view for each build target.  take the union of all extensions for each view
		// of the bld.inf file.
		final Set<IPath> normalFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		final Set<IPath> testFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		monitor.beginTask("Scanning bld.inf project extensions", buildConfigs.size());

		try {
			// let cache know we're iterating a lot
			for (final ISymbianBuildContext context : buildConfigs) {
				if (monitor.isCanceled())
						new DefaultViewConfiguration(context, bldInfFilePath, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
						new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
							public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
								BldInfViewPathHelper helper = new BldInfViewPathHelper(data, context);
								for (IExtension extension : data.getExtensions()) {
									IPath extensionMakefileBase = helper.convertExtensionTemplateToFilesystem(extension.getTemplatePath());
									IPath makefile = getControllingFile(extensionMakefileBase);
								for (IExtension extension : data.getTestExtensions()) {
									IPath extensionMakefileBase = helper.convertExtensionTemplateToFilesystem(extension.getTemplatePath());
									IPath makefile = getControllingFile(extensionMakefileBase);
								return null;

							private IPath getControllingFile(
									IPath extensionMakefileBase) {
								IPath candidate = extensionMakefileBase.addFileExtension("mk"); //$NON-NLS-1$
								if (candidate.toFile().exists())
									return candidate;
								if ("export".equals(extensionMakefileBase.getFileExtension())) //$NON-NLS-1$
									candidate = extensionMakefileBase.removeFileExtension().addFileExtension("flm"); //$NON-NLS-1$
									candidate = extensionMakefileBase.addFileExtension("flm"); //$NON-NLS-1$
								return candidate;
		} finally {
		for (IPath normalPath : normalFiles){
		for (IPath testPath : testFiles){
	 * Return list of all named project extensions referenced by the given
	 * bld.inf full path.  This function differentiates between PRJ_EXTENSIONS and PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS
	 * @param bldInfFilePath - The IPath to the bld.inf file that is to be preprocessed.
	 * @param buildConfigs - List of build configuration to parse for.
	 * @param normalExtensions - The list of named PRJ_EXTENSIONS for the bld.inf
	 * @param testExtensions - The list of named PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS for the bld.inf
	 * @param monitor
	public static void getNamedExtensions(final IPath bldInfFilePath, List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigs, 
		List<IExtension> normalExtensions, List<IExtension> testExtensions, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		// get a bld.inf view for each build target.  take the union of all extensions for each view
		// of the bld.inf file.
		final Set<IExtension> normalFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IExtension>();
		final Set<IExtension> testFiles = new LinkedHashSet<IExtension>();
		monitor.beginTask("Scanning bld.inf project extensions", buildConfigs.size());

		try {
			// let cache know we're iterating a lot
			for (final ISymbianBuildContext context : buildConfigs) {
				if (monitor.isCanceled())
						new DefaultViewConfiguration(context, bldInfFilePath, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
						new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
							public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
								for (IExtension extension : data.getExtensions()) {
									if (extension.getName() != null) {
								for (IExtension extension : data.getTestExtensions()) {
									if (extension.getName() != null) {
								return null;
		} finally {		
		for (IExtension normal : normalFiles){
		for (IExtension test : testFiles){
	 * Determines if the given bld.inf file contains any unnamed project extensions
	 * @param bldInfFilePath - The IPath to the bld.inf file that is to be preprocessed.
	 * @param buildConfigs - List of build configuration to parse for.
	 * @param monitor
	 * @return
	public static boolean hasUnnamedExtensions(final IPath bldInfFilePath, List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigs, IProgressMonitor monitor) {

		final Set<IExtension> extensions = new LinkedHashSet<IExtension>();

		monitor.beginTask("Scanning bld.inf project extensions", buildConfigs.size());

		try {
			// let cache know we're iterating a lot
			for (final ISymbianBuildContext context : buildConfigs) {
				if (monitor.isCanceled())
						new DefaultViewConfiguration(context, bldInfFilePath, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
						new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
							public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
								for (IExtension extension : data.getExtensions()) {
									if (extension.getName() == null) {
								for (IExtension extension : data.getTestExtensions()) {
									if (extension.getName() == null) {
								return null;
		} finally {		


		return extensions.size() > 0;
	 * Returns two paths in a list - the first is the suggested root directory
	 * for the project.  This is calculated by taking the shortest common path
	 * containing the bld.inf, mmp and make files, exports, source, resource, and include paths.
	 * <p>
	 * The second path is the "minimum" root directory for the project.  This is
	 * the shortest common source path containing the bld.inf, mmp and make files.
	 * <p>
	 * The third path is the "desired" root directory for the project.  This is 
	 * the shortest common source path containing the bld.inf, mmp and make files,
	 * and the sources and resources.  (added as of 1.3)
	 * @param bldInfFilePath full path to bld.inf
	 * @param contexts the list of selected SDKs
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor for this operation
	 * @return list of exactly 3 IPaths
	public static List<IPath> getProjectRoots(final IPath bldInfFilePath, List<ISymbianBuildContext> contexts, final IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		// Get the "all" view of the bld.inf/mmp files.  We want to find the true
		// project root here.  It may be more narrow
		// for the selected set of build configs, but if they later add other
		// build configs then those files may not be
		// under the project root.  Find the shortest common path from the
		// bld.inf, mmp files, sourcepaths, user includes,
		// resources, bitmaps, etc. and use that as the project root.
		// We track the required paths -- to find the MMPs and makefiles --
		// the desired paths -- to find sources and resources --
		// and the optional paths -- sources and includes.  The optional paths
		// may diverge to something crazy like the drive root if an include
		// or source path is on a different drive or is an absolute path,
		// so revert to the desired paths in that case.  If those path still
		// diverge, revert to the required root.
		final Set<IPath> requiredPaths = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		final Set<IPath> optionalPaths = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		final Set<IPath> desiredPaths = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		// Get a default SDK for use in resolving SDK-relative #includes
		// (e.g. for *.mmh or *.h files).  Try to get one whose directory exists
		// and which has a variant.mmh file, to cover the greediest import scenario.
		// This doesn't affect the path calculation since SDK-relative paths are
		// filtered out by our use of MMPViewPathHelper,
		// but it avoids a lot of errors about missing #includes showing up in
		// the error log.
		ISymbianBuildContext defaultContext = null;
		for (ISymbianBuildContext context : contexts) {
			if (context.getSDK() != null 
					&& context.getSDK().getEPOCROOT() != null
					&& new File(context.getSDK().getEPOCROOT()).exists()) {
				defaultContext = context;
				ISymbianSDK sdk = defaultContext.getSDK();
				if (context.getPrefixFromVariantCfg() != null)
		final ISymbianBuildContext defaultContextToUse = defaultContext;
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(defaultContextToUse, bldInfFilePath, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						IMMPReference[] refs = data.getAllMMPReferences();
						IMakefileReference[] makeRefs = data.getAllMakefileReferences();
						IExtension[] extensions = data.getAllExtensions();
						monitor.beginTask("Calculating root directory and default name for project", refs.length + makeRefs.length + extensions.length);

						try {
							for (IMMPReference ref : refs) {
								IPath path = ref.getPath();
								path = getFullPath(data, path);
								// add the path to the mmp file

								getMMPPathReferences(bldInfFilePath, defaultContextToUse, path, optionalPaths, desiredPaths);

							for (IMakefileReference ref : makeRefs) {
								IPath path = ref.getPath();
								path = getFullPath(data, path);
								// add the Makefile's path
								getMakefilePathReferences(bldInfFilePath, defaultContextToUse, path, optionalPaths);

							// note, all extension makefiles are in EPOCROOT,
							// so it's futile to force the project root to include them
							BldInfViewPathHelper helper = new BldInfViewPathHelper(view, defaultContextToUse);
							for (IExtension extension : extensions) {
								IPath path = extension.getTemplatePath();
								path = helper.convertExtensionTemplateToFilesystem(path);
								// add the extension's path, optionally, since it's in EPOCROOT
								getMakefilePathReferences(bldInfFilePath, defaultContextToUse, path, optionalPaths, desiredPaths);
							// check the export paths
							for (IExport export : data.getExports()) {
								IPath path = getFullPath(data, export.getSourcePath());
							// check the test export paths
							for (IExport testExport : data.getTestExports()) {
								IPath path = getFullPath(data, testExport.getSourcePath());

						} catch (CoreException e) {
						} finally {
						return null;

		IPath root = null;
		IPath desiredRoot = null;
		IPath requiredRoot = null;

		if (requiredPaths.size() > 0) {
			// requiredPaths contains a list of required paths
			// (for MMPs).  Take the shortest common source path of all.
			CommonPathFinder finder = new CommonPathFinder();
			for (IPath path : requiredPaths) {
			requiredRoot = finder.getCommonPath();
			root = requiredRoot;
		if (desiredPaths.size() > 0) {
			// desiredPaths contains a list of source paths.  
			// Take the shortest common source path of all.
			CommonPathFinder finder = new CommonPathFinder();
			for (IPath path : desiredPaths) {
				// boog 9221, bad root can be chosen for non-existent sourcepaths in MMPs
				// so ingore those
				if (path.toFile().exists()){
			desiredRoot = finder.getCommonPath();
			root = finder.getCommonPath();
		if (optionalPaths.size() > 0) {
			// optionalPaths contains a list of source and include paths.
			// Take the shortest common source path of all.
			CommonPathFinder finder = new CommonPathFinder();
			for (IPath path : optionalPaths) {
				// boog 9221, bad root can be chosen for non-existent sourcepaths in MMPs
				// so ingore those
				if (path.toFile().exists()){
			root = finder.getCommonPath();
		if (root != null) {
			// Ensure the root is sane
			if (root.segmentCount() == 0 && desiredRoot != null && desiredRoot.segmentCount() > 0) {
						"Project appears to reference the drive's root directory or another drive (" + root + "); reverting to desired root: " + desiredRoot));
				root = desiredRoot;
			if (root.segmentCount() == 0 && requiredRoot != null && requiredRoot.segmentCount() > 0) {
						"Project appears to reference the drive's root directory or another drive (" + root + "); reverting to required root: " + requiredRoot));
				root = requiredRoot;
		if (root == null) {
			// try something else
			root = bldInfFilePath.removeLastSegments(1);
	        if (root.segmentCount() > 0 && root.lastSegment().compareToIgnoreCase("group") == 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$
	        	root = root.removeLastSegments(1);

		List<IPath> pathsToReturn = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		return pathsToReturn;

	 * Get the paths referenced from MMP
	 * @param optionalPaths the paths referenced, excluding those for sources and resources
	 * @param desiredPaths the paths referenced for sources and resources
	private static void getMMPPathReferences(IPath bldInfFilePath,
			ISymbianBuildContext defaultContext,
			final IPath mmpPath, 
			final Set<IPath> optionalPaths, final Set<IPath> desiredPaths) throws CoreException {

				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(defaultContext, bldInfFilePath, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					// no EPOCROOT here, since we want to weed out these paths
					MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(mmpData, null);
					// this covers sources, resource lists, and documents
					IPath[] sourcePaths = mmpData.getEffectiveSourcePaths();
					for (IPath path : sourcePaths) {
						IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
								EMMPPathContext.SOURCEPATH, path);
						if (fullPath != null)
					List<IPath> includePaths = mmpData.getUserIncludes();
					for (IPath includePath : includePaths) {
						IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
								EMMPPathContext.USERINCLUDE, includePath);
						if (fullPath != null)
					includePaths = mmpData.getSystemIncludes();
					for (IPath includePath : includePaths) {
						IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
								EMMPPathContext.SYSTEMINCLUDE, includePath);
						if (fullPath != null)
					List<IMMPResource> resources = mmpData.getResourceBlocks();
					for (IMMPResource resource : resources) {
						IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
								EMMPPathContext.START_RESOURCE, resource.getSource());
						if (fullPath != null)
					// images may come from strange places thus are optional
					List<IMMPBitmap> bitmaps = mmpData.getBitmaps();
					for (IMMPBitmap bitmap : bitmaps) {
						for (IBitmapSource source : bitmap.getBitmapSources()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
									EMMPPathContext.START_BITMAP_SOURCE, source.getPath());
							if (fullPath != null)
							fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
									EMMPPathContext.START_BITMAP_SOURCE, source.getMaskPath());
							if (fullPath != null)
					return null;

	 * Get the paths referenced from icon makefiles
	private static void getMakefilePathReferences(IPath bldInfFilePath, 
			final ISymbianBuildContext defaultContext,
			final IPath makefilePath, 
			final Set<IPath> paths) throws CoreException {
		// We don't know if it's an image makefile or not, but the presence
		// of detected image compilation commands will give us IMultiImageSources to look at.
				new DefaultImageMakefileViewConfiguration(defaultContext, bldInfFilePath, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
				new ImageMakefileDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IImageMakefileData data) {
					ImageMakefileViewPathHelper helper = new ImageMakefileViewPathHelper(
							data, new ISymbianBuildContext[] { defaultContext });
					List<IMultiImageSource> multiImageSources = data.getMultiImageSources();
					for (IMultiImageSource multiImageSource : multiImageSources) {
						for (IImageSource source : multiImageSource.getSources()) {
							IPath imgPath = helper.findCandidateImagePath(source.getPath());
							if (imgPath != null && !imgPath.isAbsolute())
							imgPath = helper.findCandidateMaskPath(source);
							if (imgPath != null && !imgPath.isAbsolute())
					return null;

	 * Get full filesystem paths to all MMPs and makefiles (including test targets) accessible from the given
	 * project's bld.inf.  Note that this does not include PRJ_EXTENSIONS or PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS as they are a special
	 * case.  See {@link #getExtensions(IPath, List, List, List, IProgressMonitor)}.
	 * @param project - The IProject for the project in question
	 * @param makMakeRefs - The list of IPath entries for all the mmp and makefiles (PRJ_MMPFILES contents). List will be added to.
	 * @param testMakMakeReferences - The list of IPath entries for all the test mmp and makefiles(PRJ_TESTMMPFILES contents). List will be added to.
	public static void getAllMakMakeFiles(IProject project, List<IPath>makMakeRefs, List<IPath>testMakMakeReferences) {
        final ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
        if (cpi == null)
		List<ICarbideBuildConfiguration> buildConfigs = cpi.getBuildConfigurations();
		final Set<IPath> tempTestProjects = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		final Set<IPath> tempNormalProjects = new LinkedHashSet<IPath>();
		for (final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig : buildConfigs) {
					new DefaultViewConfiguration(project, buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
					new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
						public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
							for (IMakMakeReference normalRef : data.getMakMakeReferences()) {
								tempNormalProjects.add(getFullPath(data, normalRef.getPath()));
							for (IMakMakeReference testRef : data.getTestMakMakeReferences()) {
								tempTestProjects.add(getFullPath(data, testRef.getPath()));
							return null;
		for (IPath normalPath : tempNormalProjects){
		for (IPath testPath : tempTestProjects){

	 * Find the full file system path to the main executable.
	 * @return full path or blank for error
	 * @deprecated In 1.3, there is no longer a debug mmp, hence no "main" executable.  When launching,
	 * if there is more than one mmp, the user will be asked which executable to target.
	 * Use {@link #getHostPathForExecutable(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, IPath)} instead.
	 * This method will only work now if there is one and only one mmp.  Otherwise it will return
	 * an empty string.
	public static String getPathToMainExecutable(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final ICarbideProjectInfo info = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		String exePath = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

		if (buildConfig == null){
			return ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		exePath = (String)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(info.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath(), 
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						String exePath  = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
						IMMPReference[] mmps = data.getAllMMPReferences();
						if (mmps.length == 1) {
							final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = new Path(info.getProject().getName()).append(mmps[0].getPath());
							exePath = (String)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(workspaceRelativeMMPPath, 
									new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
									new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

									public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
										// get the executable name and then prepend it with the epocroot + platform + target
										String exePath = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGET);
										if (exePath == null) {
											// not likely but possible
											return null;

										ISymbianSDK sdk = buildConfig.getSDK();
										ISymbianBuildContext context = buildConfig.getBuildContext();
										IPath path;
										if (context instanceof ISBSv2BuildContext) {
											path = new Path(((ISBSv2BuildContext)context).getConfigQueryData().getOutputPathString());
										} else {
											ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
											String releasePlatform = sbsv1BuildInfo.getBSFCatalog().getReleasePlatform(buildConfig.getPlatformString());
											path = sdk.getReleaseRoot().append(releasePlatform.toLowerCase()).append(buildConfig.getTargetString().toLowerCase());

										// adapt to variant, if needed
										IPath targetPath = path.append(exePath);
										if (isVariantBldInf(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getAbsoluteBldInfPath()) || isFeatureVariantMMP(mmpData, info.getProject())) {
											targetPath = getBinaryVariantTargetName(mmpData, targetPath, info.getProject());
											if (targetPath == null){
												return null; 
										exePath = targetPath.toOSString();

										return exePath;

						return exePath;

		if (exePath == null) {
			exePath = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$
		return exePath;
	 * Find the full file system path to the main executable.
	 * @return full path or blank for error 
	 * @deprecated In 1.3, there is no longer a debug mmp, hence no "main" executable.  When launching,
	 * if there is more than one mmp, the user will be asked which executable to target.
	 * Use {@link #getHostPathForExecutable(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, IPath)} instead.
	 * This method will only work now if there is one and only one mmp.  Otherwise it will return
	 * an empty string.
	public static String getPathToMainExecutable(final ICarbideProjectInfo info) {
		return getPathToMainExecutable(info.getDefaultConfiguration());

	 * Find the full file system path to the main executable.
	 * @return full path or null for error
	 * @deprecated In 1.3, there is no longer a debug mmp, hence no "main" executable.  When launching,
	 * if there is more than one mmp, the user will be asked which executable to target.
	 * Use {@link #getTargetPathForExecutable(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, IPath)} instead.
	 * This method will only work now if there is one and only one mmp.  Otherwise it will return
	 * an empty string.
	public static IPath getTargetPathForMainExecutable(final ICarbideProjectInfo info) {
		IPath exePath = null;
		final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig = info.getDefaultConfiguration();
		exePath = (IPath)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(info.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath(), 
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {
					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						IPath exePath  = null;
						IMMPReference[] mmps = data.getAllMMPReferences();
						if (mmps.length == 1) {
							final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = new Path(info.getProject().getName()).append(mmps[0].getPath());
							exePath = (IPath)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(workspaceRelativeMMPPath, 
									new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
									new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
									public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
										IPath exePath = null;
										// get the executable name and then prepend it with the epoc release root + platform + target
										IPath path = mmpData.getTargetFilePath();
										if (path != null) {
											exePath = path.makeAbsolute().setDevice("C:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
										} else {
											// if the target path is not set then by default it will usually
											// be left blank.  for EKA2 though binaries need to go in \sys\bin\
											exePath = Path.ROOT.setDevice("C:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
											if (buildConfig.getSDK().getOSVersion().getMajor() > 8) {
												exePath = exePath.append("sys/bin/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
											String targetName = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGET);
											if  (targetName != null) {
												exePath = exePath.append(targetName);
										// note: this does not need to account for variant targets,
										// since they have the same name on the target side.
										return exePath;
						return exePath;

		return exePath;

	 * Find the full host file system path to the executable built by the given mmp for the given build configuration.
	 * @param buildConfig
	 * @param workspaceRelativeMMPPath
	 * @return full path or null if the path cannot be determined.
	public static IPath getHostPathForExecutable(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath) {

		final ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();

		return (IPath)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(workspaceRelativeMMPPath, 
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					// get the executable name and then prepend it with the epocroot + platform + target
					String exePath = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGET);
					if (exePath == null) {
						// not likely but possible
						return null;
					// some target types aren't executables
					String targetType = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
					if (targetType != null) {
						if (targetType.toUpperCase().matches("LIB|KLIB|IMPLIB|NONE|STDLIB")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
							return null;

					// adapt the exe filename to the variant, if any
					IPath tempPath = null;
					if ((isVariantBldInf(cpi.getAbsoluteBldInfPath()) || isFeatureVariantMMP(mmpData, cpi.getProject()))
							&& !CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(cpi.getProject())) {
						tempPath = getBinaryVariantTargetName(mmpData, PathUtils.createPath(exePath), cpi.getProject());
						if (tempPath == null){
							return null; 
						exePath = tempPath.lastSegment();
					IPath path = null;
					if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(cpi.getProject()) && 
							isFeatureVariantMMP(mmpData, cpi.getProject())){
						path = buildConfig.getTargetOutputDirectory();
					} else {
						// Not a variant
						path = buildConfig.getTargetOutputDirectory();
						if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(cpi.getProject())){
							// For SBSv2, it's not a variant, so it goes under the standard output dir
							path = stripVariationFolder(path);
					path = path.append(exePath);
					return path;

				private IPath stripVariationFolder(IPath path) {
					if (!path.toOSString().contains(".")){
						return path;
					String[] segments = path.segments();
					int segmentCount = path.segmentCount();
					path = path.removeFirstSegments(segmentCount);
					int count = 0;
					path = path.addTrailingSeparator();
					for (String segment : segments){
						if (count == segmentCount - 2 && segment.contains(".")){
							path = path.append(segment.split("\\.")[0]);
						} else {
							path = path.append(segment);
						count ++;
					return path;
	 * Find the full target file system path to the executable built by the mmp for the given build configuration.
	 * @param buildConfig
	 * @param workspaceRelativeMMPPath
	 * @return full path or null if the path cannot be determined.
	public static IPath getTargetPathForExecutable(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath) {
		IPath exePath = (IPath)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(workspaceRelativeMMPPath,
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					// some target types aren't executables
					String targetType = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
					if (targetType != null) {
						if (targetType.toUpperCase().matches("LIB|KLIB|IMPLIB|NONE|STDLIB")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
							return null;

					IPath exePath = null;
					// get the executable name and then prepend it with the epoc release root + platform + target
					IPath path = mmpData.getTargetFilePath();
					if (path != null) {
						exePath = path.makeAbsolute().setDevice("C:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
					} else {
						// if the target path is not set then by default it will usually
						// be left blank.  for EKA2 though binaries need to go in \sys\bin\
						exePath = Path.ROOT.setDevice("C:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
						exePath = exePath.append("sys/bin/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
						String targetName = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGET);
						if  (targetName != null) {
							exePath = exePath.append(targetName);
					// note: this does not need to account for variant targets,
					// since they have the same name on the target side.
					return exePath;

		return exePath;
	 * Add a generated file -> target path mapping for each generated file per language.
	 * In a START RESOURCE block, any LANG statement overrides global languages.
	 * @param resources map to update
	 * @param data the MMP view containing the resource definition
	 * @param resource if a block resource, an IMMPResource, else null
	 * @param baseGeneratedPath full path to base .rsc file, without extension
	 * @param targetPath full path to device-side .rsc directory
	private static void addResourceLanguageTargets(Map<String, String> resources, IMMPData data, IMMPResource resource, 
			IPath baseGeneratedPath, IPath targetPath) {
		List<EMMPLanguage> languages = null;
		// block resource can override languages (entirely)
		if (resource != null) {
			languages = resource.getLanguages();
			if (languages.size() == 0)
				languages = null;
		if (languages == null) {
			languages = data.getLanguages();
			if (languages.size() == 0) {
				// default is non-localize
				languages = Collections.singletonList(EMMPLanguage.SC_NonLocalized);
		for (EMMPLanguage language : languages) {
			String extension = ".R" + language.getCodeString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
			resources.put(baseGeneratedPath.toOSString() + extension.toLowerCase(), 
	 * Get a map of the generated resources for the project. 
	 * @param info project info
	 * @return map of local full paths to target full paths
	 * @deprecated In 1.3, there is no longer a debug mmp, hence no "main" executable.  When launching,
	 * if there is more than one mmp, the user will be asked which executable to target.
	 * Use {@link #getHostAndTargetResources(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, IPath)} instead.
	 * This method will only work now if there is one and only one mmp.  Otherwise it will return
	 * an empty map.
	public static HashMap<String, String> getHostAndTargetResources(final ICarbideProjectInfo info) {
		final HashMap<String, String> resources = new HashMap<String, String>();
		final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig = info.getDefaultConfiguration();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					IMMPReference[] mmps = data.getAllMMPReferences();
					if (mmps.length == 1) {
						final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = new Path(info.getProject().getName()).append(mmps[0].getPath());
								new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
								new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

								public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
									gatherMMPResourceMappings(buildConfig, resources, mmpData);
									return null;
					return null;

		return resources;

	 * Get a map of the generated resources for the project. 
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration
	 * @param workspaceRelativeMMPPath the workspace relative path to the mmp file to get the resources for
	 * @return map of local full paths to target full paths
	public static HashMap<String, String> getHostAndTargetResources(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath) {
		// TODO: at some point we could maybe use the sis file (if any) for the current config to build this list
		final HashMap<String, String> resources = new HashMap<String, String>();

				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					gatherMMPResourceMappings(buildConfig, resources, mmpData);
					return null;

		return resources;
	private static void gatherMMPResourceMappings(
			final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig,
			final HashMap<String, String> resources, IMMPData mmpData) {
		// read the project-wide target path
		String targetPathStr = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETPATH);
		// the target path, should always be absolute and deviceless
		IPath targetPath;
		if (targetPathStr != null) {
			targetPath = PathUtils.createPath(targetPathStr).makeAbsolute();
		} else {
			//for EKA2 use sys\bin\
			targetPath = new Path("/sys/bin/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		IPath dataZDir = buildConfig.getSDK().getReleaseRoot().removeLastSegments(1).append("/data/z/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// get the aifs
		List<IMMPAIFInfo> aifs = mmpData.getAifs();
		for (IMMPAIFInfo aif : aifs) {
			IPath aifPath = aif.getTarget().makeAbsolute();
					PathUtils.convertPathToWindows(targetPath.setDevice("C:"))); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// for resources and bitmaps, the target path may be based on the target type if not explicitly
		// set for the resource or bitmap.
		String targetType = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
		if (targetType != null) {
			// could be PLUGIN or PLUGIN3
			if (targetType.toUpperCase().startsWith("PLUGIN")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
				targetPath = new Path("/resource/plugins"); //$NON-NLS-1$
			} else if (targetType.compareToIgnoreCase("PDL") == 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$
				targetPath = new Path("/resource/printers"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// get the bitmaps
		List<IMMPBitmap> bmps = mmpData.getBitmaps();
		for (IMMPBitmap bmp : bmps) {
			IPath mbmPath = bmp.getTargetFilePath().makeAbsolute();
			// if there's no target path then use the main target path
			if (mbmPath.segmentCount() == 1) {
				mbmPath = targetPath.append(mbmPath);
			IPath mbmDir = mbmPath.removeLastSegments(1).addTrailingSeparator().setDevice("C:"); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// get the user resources
		List<IPath> userResources = mmpData.getUserResources();
		for (IPath userRes : userResources) {
			addResourceLanguageTargets(resources, mmpData, null, 
					targetPath.setDevice("C:")); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// get the system resources
		List<IPath> systemResources = mmpData.getSystemResources();
		for (IPath systemRes : systemResources) {
			addResourceLanguageTargets(resources, mmpData, null,
					targetPath.setDevice("C:")); //$NON-NLS-1$
		// get the resource blocks
		List<IMMPResource> resourceBlocks = mmpData.getResourceBlocks();
		for (IMMPResource resourceBlock : resourceBlocks) {
			IPath resPath = resourceBlock.getTargetPath();
			if (resPath == null) {
				// not specified in the resource block so use existing
				resPath = targetPath;
			String filename = resourceBlock.getTargetFile();
			if (filename == null) {
				filename = resourceBlock.getSource().removeFileExtension().lastSegment();
			} else {
				filename = PathUtils.createPath(filename).removeFileExtension().toOSString();
			filename = filename.toLowerCase();
			if (resPath != null) {
				resPath = resPath.makeAbsolute().addTrailingSeparator();
				// adjust the path if necessary as it's different on the phone for the *_.reg file
				IPath adjustedTargetPath = resPath;
				if ((adjustedTargetPath.toPortableString()).equalsIgnoreCase("/private/10003a3f/apps/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
					adjustedTargetPath = new Path("/private/10003a3f/import/apps/"); //$NON-NLS-1$
				addResourceLanguageTargets(resources, mmpData, resourceBlock,
						adjustedTargetPath.setDevice("C:")); //$NON-NLS-1$
			} else {
						"No TARGETPATH specified for resource " + filename + ".  Skipping..."));

	 * Get a map of the generated images from image makefiles for the project. 
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration
	 * @return map of local full paths to target full paths
	public static HashMap<String, String> getHostAndTargetImages(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final HashMap<String, String> resources = new HashMap<String, String>();

		final ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(cpi.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfViewRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfView view) {
						EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(buildConfig);
						final String dataZDir = buildConfig.getSDK().getReleaseRoot().removeLastSegments(1).toOSString() + "\\data\\z\\"; //$NON-NLS-1$

						for (IMakefileReference ref : view.getAllMakefileReferences()) {
							final IPath workspaceRelativeMakefilePath = helper.convertToWorkspace(ref.getPath());

									new DefaultImageMakefileViewConfiguration(cpi, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
									new ImageMakefileDataRunnableAdapter() {

										public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
											// not an image make file
											return null;

										public Object run(IImageMakefileData data) {
											// if we get here then it is an image make file
											for (IMultiImageSource imgSrc : data.getMultiImageSources()) {
												IPath targetPath = imgSrc.getTargetFilePath();
												// it can start with /epoc32/data/z/.  if so, remove it.
												if (targetPath != null && targetPath.segment(0).equalsIgnoreCase("epoc32")) {
													targetPath = targetPath.removeFirstSegments(3);
												resources.put(PathUtils.convertPathToNative(dataZDir + targetPath.toOSString()), 
														PathUtils.convertPathToWindows("C:\\" + targetPath.toOSString())); //$NON-NLS-1$
											return null;
						return null;
		return resources;

	 * Get the user and system include paths referenced by MMPs in the
	 * given project and configuration.  The configuration may be null
	 * to get all the paths for all configurations.
	 * @param projectInfo the project info
	 * @param buildConfiguration the build configuration to check, or null for all
	 * @param userPaths list to which paths are added
	 * @param systemPaths list to which paths are added
	public static void getProjectIncludePaths(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo,
			ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration,
			final List<File> userPaths, final List<File> systemPaths) {
		if (projectInfo == null)
		IMMPReference[] mmps = (IMMPReference[])
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(projectInfo),
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
						return null;

					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						return data.getAllMMPReferences();
		if (mmps == null)
		// get the list of all mmp files selected for the build configuration
		// a null buildComponents list means all MMPs are included - so leave it null when indexing all files
		List<String> buildComponents = null;
		if (buildConfiguration != null && !EpocEngineHelper.getIndexAllPreference())
			buildComponents = buildConfiguration.getCarbideProject().isBuildingFromInf() ? null : buildConfiguration.getCarbideProject().getInfBuildComponents();

		for (IMMPReference mmp : mmps) {
			if (buildConfiguration != null) {
				if (buildComponents == null || TextUtils.listContainsIgnoreCase(buildComponents, mmp.getPath().lastSegment())) { 
							mmp.getPath(), buildConfiguration, userPaths, systemPaths);
			} else {
				for (ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig : projectInfo.getBuildConfigurations()) {
							mmp.getPath(), buildConfig, userPaths, systemPaths);
	 * Gets the list of source files for one MMP file.
	 * @param info the project info of the project to get the source roots for
	 * @param mmpFile - The full path to the MMP file whose SOURCE files are to be retrieved
	 * @return list of workspace relative source files
	public static List<IPath> getSourceFilesForConfiguration(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath inMMPPath) {
		final List<IPath> sourcePaths = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		final ICarbideProjectInfo  info = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		IMMPReference[] mmps = (IMMPReference[])EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(info.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath(),
			new DefaultViewConfiguration(info),
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
					return new IMMPReference[0];

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					return data.getAllMMPReferences();
		for (IMMPReference mmp : mmps) {
			EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(info.getProject());
			final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
			IPath fullMMPPath = helper.convertToFilesystem(mmp.getPath());
			String mmpName = inMMPPath.toOSString();
			String mmpName2 = fullMMPPath.toOSString();
			if (mmpName.toUpperCase().equals(mmpName2.toUpperCase())){
						new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
						new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

						public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
							MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(buildConfig);
							Set<IPath> topLevelSourcePaths = new HashSet<IPath>();

							for (IPath path : mmpData.getSources()) {
								IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(EMMPPathContext.SOURCE, path);
								if (fullPath != null) {
									// add the absolute source path
							// Now actually add the values to pass back
							for (IPath path : topLevelSourcePaths) {
								if (!sourcePaths.contains(path)) {

							return null;
				break; // found MMP, no more work...
			} else {
		return sourcePaths;

	 * Gets the list of source roots for a project.  This is any folder that is a direct
	 * child of the project that contains (directly or indirectly) any source, resource, or
	 * header file.
	 * @param info the project info of the project to get the source roots for
	 * @return list of workspace relative source root paths
	 * @deprecated This method is now deprecated and the new getPreferredSourceRootsForProject() should be used since it honors several new preferences.
	public static List<IPath> getSourceRootsForProject(final ICarbideProjectInfo info) {
		final List<IPath> sourceRoots = new ArrayList<IPath>();

		IMMPReference[] mmps = (IMMPReference[])EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(info.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath(),
			new DefaultViewConfiguration(info),
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
					return new IMMPReference[0];

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					return data.getAllMMPReferences();
		for (IMMPReference mmp : mmps) {
			EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(info.getProject());
			final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
					new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
					new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
						MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(info.getProject(), null);
						Set<IPath> topLevelSourcePaths = new HashSet<IPath>();

						// this covers sources, resource lists, and documents
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getEffectiveSourcePaths()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SOURCEPATH, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
								// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.

						// add potential sourcepaths for which source entries may not yet exist
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getRealSourcePaths()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SOURCEPATH, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
								// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.

						for (IPath path : mmpData.getUserIncludes()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.USERINCLUDE, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getSystemIncludes()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SYSTEMINCLUDE, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
						for (IMMPResource resource : mmpData.getResourceBlocks()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.START_RESOURCE, resource.getSource());
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.

						for (IMMPAIFInfo aif : mmpData.getAifs()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.AIF_SOURCE, aif.getResource());
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.

						for (IPath path : topLevelSourcePaths) {
							if (!sourceRoots.contains(path)) {
						return null;
		return sourceRoots;

	 * Gets the list of source roots for a project. Depending on several preferences, this can have different behavior.
	 * If the CDT preference "Show source roots at top of project" is unset (default in Carbide),
	 * then the source roots will be nested as deeply as possible to avoid indexing more than specified by the project itself,
	 * otherwise, they will always be direct children of the project.
	 * If the Carbide preference "Index only source files from mmp files being built" then the source roots will only be
	 * determined by the build components of the project, otherwise they will be determined by all mmps regardless of which
	 * are selected for building by the project.
	 * @param info the project info of the project to get the source roots for
	 * @return list of workspace relative source root paths
	public static List<IPath> getPreferredSourceRootsForProject(final ICarbideProjectInfo info) {
		final List<IPath> sourceRoots = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		final boolean showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject = CCorePlugin.showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject();

		IMMPReference[] mmps = (IMMPReference[])EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(info.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath(),
			new DefaultViewConfiguration(info),
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
					return new IMMPReference[0];

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					return data.getAllMMPReferences();
		// get the list of all mmp files selected for the build configuration
		// a null buildComponents list means all MMPs are included - so leave it null when indexing all files
		List<String> buildComponents = null;
		if (!getIndexAllPreference())
			buildComponents = info.isBuildingFromInf() ? null : info.getInfBuildComponents();
		for (IMMPReference mmp : mmps) {
			if (buildComponents != null && !TextUtils.listContainsIgnoreCase(buildComponents, mmp.getPath().lastSegment()))
			EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(info.getProject());
			final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
			if (workspaceRelativeMMPPath == null){
					new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
					new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
						MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(info.getProject(), null);
						Set<IPath> topLevelSourcePaths = new HashSet<IPath>();

						// this covers sources, resource lists, and documents
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getEffectiveSourcePaths()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SOURCEPATH, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal

						// add potential sourcepaths for which source entries may not yet exist
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getRealSourcePaths()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SOURCEPATH, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal

						for (IPath path : mmpData.getUserIncludes()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.USERINCLUDE, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal
						for (IPath path : mmpData.getSystemIncludes()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.SYSTEMINCLUDE, path);
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal
						for (IMMPResource resource : mmpData.getResourceBlocks()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.START_RESOURCE, resource.getSource());
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal

						for (IMMPAIFInfo aif : mmpData.getAifs()) {
							IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToWorkspace(EMMPPathContext.AIF_SOURCE, aif.getResource());
							if (fullPath != null) {
								// add the absolute workspace path to the folder directly under the project.
								if (showSourceRootsAtTopOfProject) {
									// ideally we'd be more precise but then CDT creates a C folder named Foo\Bar,
									// rather than just expanding Foo and then seeing bar a C source folder.
								else // ideal

						for (IPath path : topLevelSourcePaths) {
							if (!sourceRoots.contains(path)) {
						return null;
		return sourceRoots;
	public static boolean getIndexAllPreference() {
		// Can't access this pref from the project ui plugin because it would cause a circular dependency
		IEclipsePreferences prefs = new InstanceScope().getNode("");
		if (prefs == null) {
					IStatus.WARNING, "Could not find project UI plugin!"));
			return true;
		return prefs.getBoolean("indexAll", false); //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Get the list of all mmp file paths for any and all build configurations of a project.
	 * @param projectInfo
	 * @return list of full filesystem mmp paths, may be empty
	public static List<IPath> getMMPFilesForProject(final ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo) {
		final List<IPath> mmps = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		final IPath workspaceRelativeldInfPath = projectInfo.getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath();

			new DefaultViewConfiguration(projectInfo.getProject(), null, new AllNodesViewFilter()), 
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(projectInfo.getProject());

					for (IMMPReference mmp : data.getAllMMPReferences()) {
						IPath fullPath = helper.convertToFilesystem(mmp.getPath());
					return null;

		return mmps;

	 * Get the list of all mmp file paths that are applicable to the given build configuration.
	 * @param buildConfig
	 * @return list of workspace relative mmp paths, may be empty
	public static List<IPath> getMMPFilesForBuildConfiguration(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final List<IPath> mmps = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		final IPath workspaceRelativeldInfPath = buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getWorkspaceRelativeBldInfPath();

			new DefaultViewConfiguration(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject());

					for (IMMPReference mmp : data.getAllMMPReferences()) {
						IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
						if (workspaceRelativeMMPPath != null){
					return null;

		return mmps;
	 * Get the list of all macros defined in the specified mmp file supported by specified
	 * build configuration.  These are found in MACRO statements in the mmp files.
	 * @param mmpPath The workspace relative path of the mmp file to get the macros for.
	 * @param buildConfig The build config context.
	 * @return List of macro strings which may be empty.  There is no macro value, only a
	 * string like "FOO".
	public static List<String> getMMPMacrosForBuildConfiguration(final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final List<String> macros = new ArrayList<String>();
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					Map<EMMPStatement, List<String>> listArgumentSettings = mmpData.getListArgumentSettings();
					List<String> macroList = listArgumentSettings.get(EMMPStatement.MACRO);
					for (String macro : macroList) {
						if (!macros.contains(macro)) {
					return null;
		return macros;

	 * Get the resolved user and system include paths from the given MMP 
	 * and build context.
	 * @param project the project, must not be null
	 * @param mmp the project-relative MMP path, may not be null
	 * @param buildContext the build context, may not be null
	 * @param userPaths list of user paths to append to, may not be null
	 * @param systemPaths list of system paths to append to, may not be null
	public static void getMMPIncludePaths(final IProject project, 
			IPath mmp, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration,
			final List<File> userPaths, final List<File> systemPaths) {
		IMMPViewConfiguration viewConfiguration = new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
				project, buildConfiguration.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter());
		final IPath epocRoot = new Path(buildConfiguration.getSDK().getEPOCROOT());
		EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(new Path(project.getName()).append(mmp), 
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object failedLoad(CoreException exception) {
					return null;

				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(data, epocRoot);
					for (IPath path : data.getUserIncludes()) {
						IPath full = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(EMMPPathContext.USERINCLUDE, path);
						if (full != null) {
							File resolved = full.toFile();
							if (!userPaths.contains(resolved))
					for (IPath path : data.getSystemIncludes()) {
						IPath full = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(EMMPPathContext.SYSTEMINCLUDE, path);
						if (full != null) {
							File resolved = full.toFile();
							if (!systemPaths.contains(resolved))
					// add \epoc32\include\stdapis as a system include when target type is STDLIB, STDDLL or STDEXE
					String targetType = data.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
					if (targetType != null) {
						if (targetType.toUpperCase().matches("STDLIB|STDDLL|STDEXE")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
							File resolved = epocRoot.append("epoc32/include/stdapis").toFile(); //$NON-NLS-1$
							if (!systemPaths.contains(resolved))
					return null;

	 * Return the set of directories containing SDK libraries for a build context,
	 * taking into account the SDK, platform and target.
	public static IPath[] getLibDirectoriesForBuildContext(ISymbianBuildContext buildContext) {
		ArrayList<IPath> dirList = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		IPath releaseRoot = buildContext.getSDK().getReleaseRoot();
		String platformString = buildContext.getPlatformString();
		boolean isDebug = ISymbianBuildContext.DEBUG_TARGET.equals(buildContext.getTargetString());
		// TODO is this correct, what about ARMv6?
		boolean isARMv5 = false;
		boolean isGCCE = false;
		if (buildContext instanceof ISBSv1BuildContext) {
			isARMv5 = ISBSv1BuildContext.ARMV5_PLATFORM.equals(platformString) ||
			isGCCE = ISBSv1BuildContext.GCCE_PLATFORM.equals(platformString);
		} else if (buildContext instanceof ISBSv2BuildContext){
			String alias = ((ISBSv2BuildContext)buildContext).getSBSv2Alias();
			if (alias.toUpperCase().contains(ISBSv2BuildContext.TOOLCHAIN_ARM)){
				isARMv5 = true;
			if (alias.toUpperCase().contains(ISBSv2BuildContext.TOOLCHAIN_GCCE)){
				isGCCE = true;
		if (isARMv5 || isGCCE) {
			if (isDebug) {
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append("armv5/udeb/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append("armv5/urel/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append("armv5/lib/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
			else {
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append("armv5/urel/"));			 //$NON-NLS-1$
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append("armv5/lib/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
		} else {
			if (isDebug) {
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append(platformString + "/udeb/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append(platformString + "/urel/")); //$NON-NLS-1$
			else {
				dirList.add(releaseRoot.append(platformString + "/urel/"));			 //$NON-NLS-1$
		return dirList.toArray(new IPath[dirList.size()]);
	// regex to match on library file extension
	static final Pattern EXTENSION_FILTER = Pattern.compile("^\\S*\\.lib$"); //$NON-NLS-1$
	// regex to exclude file names of the form foo{xxxxxxxx}.lib
	static final Pattern EXCLUSION_FILTER = Pattern.compile("^\\S*\\{[0-9a-fA-F]{8,8}\\}\\.lib"); //$NON-NLS-1$

	 * Return the unique libraries appropriate to the given build configuration,
	 * taking into account the SDK, platform and target.
	public static Set<String> getSDKLibrariesForBuildContext(ISymbianBuildContext buildContext) {
		final HashSet<String> libs = new HashSet<String>();
		IPath[] libDirs = getLibDirectoriesForBuildContext(buildContext);
		for (IPath libPath : libDirs) {
			File libDir = libPath.toFile();
			if (libDir != null && libDir.isDirectory()) {
				String[] libNames = libDir.list(new FilenameFilter() {
					public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
						boolean result = false;
						Matcher extMatcher = EXTENSION_FILTER.matcher(name);
						if (extMatcher.matches()) {
							Matcher excludeMatcher = EXCLUSION_FILTER.matcher(name);
							result = !excludeMatcher.matches();
						return result;
				for (String libName : libNames) {
		return libs;
	 * Get the MMP file that is the parent to a given source file for a given project. A source file is defined
	 * @param project - The IProject with the sourcePath belongs
	 * @param sourcePath - The absolute file system path of the source file that is part of the IProject
	 * @return A list of project relative IPath entries of found MMP files that contain 'sourcePath' (may be empty).
	public static List<IPath> getMMPsForSource(final IProject project, final IPath sourcePath){
		final ICarbideProjectInfo info = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
		final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig = info.getDefaultConfiguration();
		final List<IPath>mmpPaths = new ArrayList<IPath>();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfData infView) {
						for (final IMMPReference mmp : infView.getAllMMPReferences()) {
								IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath1 = null;
								if (info.getProjectRelativeBldInfPath().isAbsolute()){
									workspaceRelativeMMPPath1 = mmp.getPath();
								} else {
									workspaceRelativeMMPPath1 = new Path(info.getProject().getName()).append(mmp.getPath());
								final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = workspaceRelativeMMPPath1;
										new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(info.getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
										new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

										public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
											// read the project-wide target path
											 List<IPath> sourcePaths = mmpData.getSources();
											MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(mmpData, null);
											for (IPath currSrc : sourcePaths){
												IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
														EMMPPathContext.SOURCE, currSrc);
												//System.out.print("\nSOURCE: " + fullPath.toOSString());
												if (fullPath.equals(sourcePath)){
													return null;
											List<IPath> resourcePaths = mmpData.getUserResources();
											for (IPath currRSrc : resourcePaths){
												IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
														EMMPPathContext.RESOURCE, currRSrc);
												//System.out.print("\nEKA1 User Resource: " + fullPath.toOSString());
												if (fullPath.equals(sourcePath)){
													return null;
											List<IPath> systemResourcePaths = mmpData.getSystemResources();
											for (IPath currRSrc : systemResourcePaths){
												IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
														EMMPPathContext.SYSTEMRESOURCE, currRSrc);
												//System.out.print("\nEKA1 System Resource: " + fullPath.toOSString());
												if (fullPath.equals(sourcePath)){
													return null;
											List<IMMPResource> newResourcePaths = new ArrayList<IMMPResource>();
											newResourcePaths = mmpData.getResourceBlocks();
											for(IMMPResource currMMPRsrc : newResourcePaths){
												IPath rsrcPath = currMMPRsrc.getSource();
												IPath fullPath = helper.convertMMPToFilesystem(
														EMMPPathContext.START_RESOURCE , rsrcPath);
												//System.out.print("\nEKA2 Resource: " + fullPath.toOSString());
												if (fullPath.equals(sourcePath)){
													return null;
											return null;
						return null;
		return mmpPaths;
	 * Returns host paths to all the executables built by the project for the default build configuration.
	 * @param info project info
	 * @param allExePaths all the executable paths from all the mmps in the inf file for the
	 * default build configuration
	 * @param currBuiltExePaths all the executables that are actually being built for the default
	 * build configuration
	public static void getPathToAllExecutables(final ICarbideProjectInfo info,
												final List<IPath> allExePaths,
												final List<IPath> currBuiltExePaths) {
		getPathToAllExecutables(info.getDefaultConfiguration(), allExePaths, currBuiltExePaths,
				new ArrayList<IPath>(), new ArrayList<IPath>());

	 * Returns host paths to all the executables built by the project for the given build configuration.  Also
	 * returns the mmp paths as well.
	 * @param buildConfig 		- 	current build configuration
	 * @param allExePaths 		- 	all the executable paths from all the mmp's that could be built for the given build configuration
	 * @param currBuiltExePaths - 	all the executable paths that are built for the given build configuration
	 * @param allMMPPaths 		- 	all the mmp paths from all the mmp's that could be built for the given build configuration
	 * @param currBuiltMMPPaths - 	all the mmp paths that are built for the given build configuration
	public static void getPathToAllExecutables(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig,
												final List<IPath> allExePaths,
												final List<IPath> currBuiltExePaths,
												final List<IPath> allMMPPaths,
												final List<IPath> currBuiltMMPPaths) {
		if (buildConfig == null)
		final ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(cpi, buildConfig.getBuildContext()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfData infView) {
						EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(cpi.getProject());

						// first calculate the paths to all binaries, built or not built
						for (IMakMakeReference mmp : infView.getAllMMPReferences()) {
							IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
							IPath path = getHostPathForExecutable(buildConfig, workspaceRelativeMMPPath);
							if (path != null) {
						// now get the paths to only the binaries that are being built
						if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
							// get all regular mmp binaries
							for (IMakMakeReference mmp : infView.getMakMakeReferences()) {
								if (!(mmp instanceof IMMPReference))
								IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
								IPath path = getHostPathForExecutable(buildConfig, workspaceRelativeMMPPath);
								if (path != null) {
							if (cpi.isBuildingTestComps()) {
								// get all test mmp binaries
								for (IMakMakeReference mmp : infView.getTestMakMakeReferences()) {
									if (!(mmp instanceof IMMPReference))
									IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
									IPath path = getHostPathForExecutable(buildConfig, workspaceRelativeMMPPath);
									if (path != null) {
						} else {
							// building a subset of regular and test components.  only get those binaries.
							IMMPReference[] mmps = infView.getAllMMPReferences();
							for (String component : cpi.getInfBuildComponents()) {
								for (IMakMakeReference mmp : mmps) {
									if (mmp.getPath().lastSegment().compareToIgnoreCase(component) == 0) {
										IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath = helper.convertToWorkspace(mmp.getPath());
										IPath path = getHostPathForExecutable(buildConfig, workspaceRelativeMMPPath);
										if (path != null) {
						return null;
	 * Gets a list of upper case target type strings for the given build configuration.  There will be no
	 * duplicates in the list, and the list may be empty.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to use as a filter when parsing the bld.inf/mmp files
	 * @return list of target type strings
	public static List<String> getTargetTypesForBuildConfiguration(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final List<String> targetTypes = new ArrayList<String>();
		// get the list of all mmp files selected for the build configuration
		// a null buildComponents list means all MMPs are included - so leave it null when indexing all files
		List<String> buildComponents = null;
		if (!EpocEngineHelper.getIndexAllPreference())
			buildComponents = buildConfig.getCarbideProject().isBuildingFromInf() ? null : buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getInfBuildComponents();

		for (IPath mmpPath : getMMPFilesForBuildConfiguration(buildConfig)) {
			if (buildComponents != null && !TextUtils.listContainsIgnoreCase(buildComponents, mmpPath.lastSegment()))
					new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
					new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
						String targetType = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
						if (targetType != null) {
							targetType = targetType.toUpperCase();
							if (!targetTypes.contains(targetType)) {
						return null;

		return targetTypes;
	 * Tell if the given bld.inf builds against variant platforms.
	 * @return true if the bld.inf exists and VARIANT platform is specified, else false
	public static boolean isVariantBldInf(IPath bldInfFullPath) {
		Boolean result = (Boolean) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithBldInfData(bldInfFullPath, 
			new DefaultViewConfiguration(bldInfFullPath, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
			new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
					for (String platform : data.getPlatforms()) {
						if (platform.equalsIgnoreCase("VARIANT")) //$NON-NLS-1$
							return true;
					return false;
		return result != null ? result.booleanValue() : false; 

	 * Tell if given MMP builds variant executables under any configuration.
	 * <p>
	 * Note: the variant is only built if the bld.inf is variant as well.  That is not checked here.
	 * @param projectInfo the project to check
	 * @param projectRelativeMMPPath the MMP location in the project 
	 * @return true if the MMP exists and the VAR keyword is used, else false
	 * @see #isVariantBldInf(IPath)
	public static boolean isVariantMMP(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, IPath projectRelativeMMPPath) {
		Boolean result = (Boolean) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(
			new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
					new AllNodesViewFilter()),
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					return data.getSingleArgumentSettings().containsKey(EMMPStatement.VAR);
		return result != null ? result.booleanValue() : false;
	 * Tell if given MMP has the FEATUREVARIANT keyword
	 * @param projectInfo the current Carbide project
	 * @param relativeMMPPath -project relative path to the MMP file we need to inspect
	public static boolean hasFeatureVariantKeyword(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, final IPath relativeMMPPath) {
		Boolean result = (Boolean) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(
			new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
					new AllNodesViewFilter()),
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					return data.getFlags().contains(EMMPStatement.FEATUREVARIANT);
		return result != null ? result.booleanValue() : false;

	 * Check whether or not the project and build for standard C++.
	 * The following rules apply:
	 * 1) If an MMP contains NOSTDCPP then it does not have std C++ support
	 * 2) Else If the STDCPP keyword is set it does have std C++ support
	 * 3) Else if TARGETTYPE is one of STDEXE|STDDLL|STDLIB it does have std C++ support
	 * 4) Else not std C++ support
	 * @return true if the MMP has standard C++ support
	public static boolean hasSTDCPPSupport(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, final IPath relativeMMPPath) {
		Boolean result = (Boolean) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(
			new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
					new AllNodesViewFilter()),
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					if (data.getFlags().contains(EMMPStatement.NOSTDCPP)){
						return false;
					} else if (data.getFlags().contains(EMMPStatement.STDCPP)){
						return true;
					String targetType = data.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETTYPE);
					if (targetType != null) {
						if (targetType.toUpperCase().matches("STDEXE|STDLIB|STDDLL")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
							return true;
					return false;
		return result != null ? result.booleanValue() : false;
	 * A particular MMP file is considered to be a Symbian Binary Variation iff the MMP file
	 * has the keyword "FEATUREVARIANT" flag defined and the build configuration has a valid
	 * build variant target in it's configuration name.
	 * @param mmpData - The data for the MMP file we want to inspect
	 * @param project - The project we need to get the build configuration name from
	 * @return true if a variant executable will be built for this mmp
	private static boolean isFeatureVariantMMP(IMMPData mmpData, IProject project){
		boolean isFeatureVariant = false;
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
		if (cpi != null){
			ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
			if (defaultConfig != null){
				if (defaultConfig.getBuildContext().getBuildVariationName().length() > 0 && 
					mmpData.getFlags().contains(EMMPStatement.FEATUREVARIANT)) {
					isFeatureVariant = true;
				} else if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(project) &&
					isFeatureVariant = true;
		return isFeatureVariant;
	 * If the given MMP builds variant executables, return its current target.
	 * Returns the normal target if not variant.
	 * <p>
	 * Note: the variant is only built if the bld.inf is variant as well.  That is not checked here.
	 * @param buildConfiguration the build configuration under which to parse the MMP
	 * @param projectRelativeMMPPath the MMP location in the project 
	 * @return the epocroot-relative target path.  Only null if no target defined in MMP at all.
	 * @see #isVariantBldInf(IPath)
	public static IPath getVariantMMPTarget(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, final IPath projectRelativeMMPPath) {
		IPath result = (IPath) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(
			new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
					new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					return getBinaryVariantTargetName(data, data.getTargetFilePath(), buildConfiguration.getCarbideProject().getProject());
		return result;
	 * Get the target name with a variant suffix inserted. Since 2.1 this includes support for Symbian Binary Variation builds
	 * that have the FEATUREVARIANT keyword in their MMP file.
	 * @param mmpData
	 * @param target
	 * @return updated target name. This may return null for Symbian Binary Variation builds that do not yet have calcualted target files names (i.e. no makefiles)
	private static IPath getBinaryVariantTargetName(IMMPData mmpData, IPath target, IProject project) {
		if (target == null)
			return null;
		if (isFeatureVariantMMP(mmpData, project)) {
			// get the Symbian Binary Variation Name
			if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(project)){
				// raptor is not yet supported
				return null;
			ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
			if (cpi != null){
				// construct the location of the binary variant makefile.
				ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
				File realMakeFile = getMakeFileForSymbianBinaryVariant(mmpData, defaultConfig);	
				String MD5Name = getMD5HashForBinaryVariant(defaultConfig, mmpData.getModelPath());
				if (MD5Name != null && MD5Name.length() > 0){
					//System.out.println("The target is: " + target.removeFileExtension().addFileExtension(MD5Name + "." + FileUtils.getSafeFileExtension(target)).toOSString()); //$NON-NLS-1$
					return 	target = target.removeFileExtension().addFileExtension(MD5Name + "." + FileUtils.getSafeFileExtension(target)); //$NON-NLS-1$
				} else {
					// The MD5 may not be able to be calculated
					return null;
			} else {
				return null;
		else {
			String suffix = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.VAR);
			if (suffix != null) {
				target = target.removeFileExtension().addFileExtension(suffix + "." + FileUtils.getSafeFileExtension(target)); //$NON-NLS-1$
		return target;
	 * Get the MD5 hash for a configuration if it is a true binary variation. This is for abld buidler only.
	 * @param config - The Carbide build configuration to check against
	 * @param mmpFullPath - The path to the MMP file that builds the binary
	 * @return A string of the MD5 hash. Returns an empty string if the configuration is not a binary variant or cannot be determined.
	static public String getMD5HashForBinaryVariant(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, final IPath mmpFullPath){
		return (String)EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(mmpFullPath, 
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(config, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					String md5 = "";
					File makefile = getMakeFileForSymbianBinaryVariant(mmpData, config);
					if (makefile != null && makefile.exists()){
						md5 = getMD5VariantFromMakefile(makefile, config);

					return md5;	
	 * NOTE: This only works for ABLD. Not SBSv2/Raptor!
	 * @param mmpData
	 * @param config
	 * @return
	private static File getMakeFileForSymbianBinaryVariant(IMMPData mmpData, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config){
		IPath makefileDir = CarbideCPPBuilder.getBuilderMakefileDir(config);
		IPath mmpFile = mmpData.getModelPath();
		mmpFile = mmpFile.removeFileExtension();
		String mmpRootName = mmpFile.lastSegment();
		String plat = config.getPlatformString();
		String basePlat = "";
		if (config.getBuildContext() instanceof ISBSv2BuildConfigInfo){
			basePlat = ((ISBSv1BuildContext)config.getBuildContext()).getBasePlatformForVariation();
		} else {
			basePlat = config.getPlatformString();
		String variantPlat = config.getBuildContext().getBuildVariationName();
		if (variantPlat.length() == 0){
			plat = plat + "." + ISymbianBuildContext.DEFAULT_VARIANT;
		String makefilePath = makefileDir.toOSString() + File.separator + mmpRootName + File.separator + basePlat + File.separator;
		String variantMakeFileName = mmpRootName + "." + plat;
		File realMakeFile = new File(makefilePath + variantMakeFileName);
		return realMakeFile;
	 * Get the MD5 hash value for an existing configuration by parsing its makefile. Should only be used for ABLD build system.
	 * @param makefile - The build makefile to parse to check for the MD5
	 * @param config - The build configuration to check under
	 * @return The string for the MD5 hash. An empty string if it cannot be determined.
	private static String getMD5VariantFromMakefile(File makefile, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config){
		// We could also use the .vmap in the release folder as well.
		// we can parse the makefile and get the variant name for each in the comments:
		//# FeatureVariantURELLabel d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
		//# FeatureVariantUDEBLabel d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
		String MD5Str = "";

		if (makefile.exists()){
			String text = "";
			try {
				text = new String(FileUtils.readFileContents(makefile, null));
			} catch (CoreException e) {
			String searchString = "";
			if (config.getTargetString().equals(BuildContextSBSv1.DEBUG_TARGET)){
				searchString = "# FeatureVariantUDEBLabel";
			} else {
				searchString = "# FeatureVariantURELLabel";
			for (String line : text.split("\n")) {
				if (line.startsWith(searchString)){
					String tokens[] = line.split(" ");
					if (tokens.length == 3){
						MD5Str = tokens[2];
		return MD5Str.trim();
	 * If the given MMP builds variant executables, return all the variant targets it builds.
	 * <p>
	 * Note: the variant is only built if the bld.inf is variant as well.  That is not checked here.
	 * @param buildConfiguration the build configuration under which to parse the MMP
	 * @param projectRelativeMMPPath the MMP location in the project 
	 * @return the array of unique variant targets
	 * @see #isVariantBldInf(IPath)
	public static IPath[] getVariantMMPTargets(final ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, IPath projectRelativeMMPPath) {
		Set<IPath> targets = new HashSet<IPath>();
		for (ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration : projectInfo.getBuildConfigurations()) {
			IPath targetPath = getVariantMMPTarget(buildConfiguration, projectRelativeMMPPath);
			if (targetPath != null) {
		return (IPath[]) targets.toArray(new IPath[targets.size()]);
	 * Get all the #include files, plus self, referenced by a given MMP file in either
	 * a specific build configuration or all build configurations.
	 * @param projectInfo info for the project being considered 
	 * @param buildConfig build configuration, or <code>null</code> for all configurations
	 * @param mmpPath the full filesystem path to the MMP
	 * @param pathList collection of full filesystem paths, updated with results
	public static void addIncludedFilesFromMMP(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath mmpPath, final Collection<IPath> pathList) {
		DefaultMMPViewConfiguration viewConfig = buildConfig != null ?
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()) :
					new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(projectInfo, new AllNodesViewFilter());
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
					public Object run(IMMPData data) {
						for (IPath path : data.getReferencedFiles()) {
						return null;
	 * Get all the #include files, plus self, referenced by a given MMP file in any
	 * configuration.
	 * @param projectPath full path of the project 
	 * @param mmpPath the full filesystem path to the MMP
	 * @param pathList collection of full filesystem paths, updated with results
	public static void addIncludedFilesFromMMP(IPath projectPath, IPath mmpPath, final Collection<IPath> pathList) {
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(projectPath), 
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IMMPData data) {
						for (IPath path : data.getReferencedFiles()) {
						return null;
	 * Get all the #include files, plus self, referenced by a given bld.inf file in either
	 * a specific build configuration or all build configurations.
	 * @param projectInfo info for the project being considered 
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration, or <code>null</code> for all configurations
	 * @param bldinfPath the full filesystem path to the bld.inf
	 * @param pathList collection of full filesystem paths, updated with results
	public static void addIncludedFilesFromBldInf(ICarbideProjectInfo projectInfo, ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IPath bldinfPath, final Collection<IPath> pathList) {
		DefaultViewConfiguration viewConfig = buildConfig != null ?
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(projectInfo, buildConfig.getBuildContext()) :
					new DefaultViewConfiguration(projectInfo);
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						for (IPath path : data.getReferencedFiles()) {
						return null;
	 * Get all the #include files, plus self, referenced by a given bld.inf file in any
	 * configuration.
	 * @param projectPath the full filesystem path to the project 
	 * @param bldinfPath the full filesystem path to the bld.inf
	 * @param pathList collection of full filesystem paths, updated with results
	public static void addIncludedFilesFromBldInf(IPath projectPath, IPath bldinfPath, final Collection<IPath> pathList) {
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(projectPath), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfData data) {
						for (IPath path : data.getReferencedFiles()) {
						return null;
	 * Returns a list of absolute host paths for any files in the given pkg file.
	 * @param pkgPath absolute path to the pkg file
	 * @param buildConfig build configuration context
	 * @param sisInfo optional sisFinfo.  content search location is used from this to find relative paths and
	 * filenames.  when null, the first sis info for the build configuration that matches the pkg file will be
	 * used.
	 * @return list of absolute paths to files used in pkg
	public static List<IPath> getFilesInPKG(IPath pkgPath, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, final ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo) {
		final List<IPath> filePaths = new ArrayList<IPath>();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(buildConfig.getCarbideProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext()), 
				new PKGViewRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IPKGView view) {
					PKGViewPathHelper helper = new PKGViewPathHelper(view, buildConfig);
					if (sisInfo != null) {

					for (IPKGInstallFile file : view.getAllInstallFiles()) {
						Map<EPKGLanguage, IPath> sourceFiles = file.getSourceFiles();
						for (EPKGLanguage language : sourceFiles.keySet()) {
							IPath path = helper.getAbsolutePathFromViewPath(sourceFiles.get(language));
							if (path != null) {

					for (IPKGEmbeddedSISFile file : view.getAllEmbeddedSISFiles()) {
						Map<EPKGLanguage, IPath> sourceFiles = file.getSourceFiles();
						for (EPKGLanguage language : sourceFiles.keySet()) {
							IPath path = helper.getAbsolutePathFromViewPath(sourceFiles.get(language));
							if (path != null) {

					return null;
		return filePaths;

	 * Returns the UID2 string value for the given mmp file and build config context.
	 * @param buildConfiguration the build configuration under which to parse the MMP
	 * @param projectRelativeMMPPath the MMP location in the project 
	 * @return the UID2 string, or null if none.
	public static String getUID2(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfiguration, IPath projectRelativeMMPPath) {
		String result = (String) EpocEnginePlugin.runWithMMPData(
			new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(
					new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()),
			new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {
				public Object run(IMMPData data) {
					return data.getUid2();
		return result;

	 * Returns the absolute file system path to the EPOCROOT directory of
	 * the SDK for the active build configuration of the project
	 * @param project the project
	 * @return the absolute path to EPOCROOT, or null if the project is
	 * not a Carbide project, is closed, or there are no build configurations
	 * in the project.
	 * @since 2.0
	public static IPath getEpocRootForProject(IProject project) {
		IPath epocroot = null;
		if (project != null) {
			if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideProject(project) && project.isAccessible()) {
				ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
				if (cpi != null) {
					ICarbideBuildConfiguration config = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
					if (config != null) {
						ISymbianSDK sdk = config.getSDK();
						if (sdk != null) {
							epocroot = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT());
		return epocroot;
	 * Adds the given include path as a user include path to all mmps in the project for
	 * all build configurations
	 * @param project the project
	 * @param projectRelativeIncDirPath project relative path to the include directory
	 * @since 2.0
	public static void addIncludePathToProject(IProject project, final IPath projectRelativeIncDirPath) {
		if (project == null || projectRelativeIncDirPath == null) {
		if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideProject(project) && project.isAccessible()) {
			ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(project);
			if (cpi != null) {

				// loop through all build configurations since the list of mmp's could be different
				// depending on the build configuration
				for (ICarbideBuildConfiguration config : cpi.getBuildConfigurations()) {
					final IPath epocroot = new Path(config.getSDK().getEPOCROOT());

					// loop through each mmp file and add the include path if necessary
					for (final IPath mmpPath : getMMPFilesForBuildConfiguration(config)) {
							new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(config, new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
							new MMPViewRunnableAdapter() {

								public Object run(IMMPView view) {
									MMPViewPathHelper helper = new MMPViewPathHelper(view, epocroot);
									try {
										// convert the project relative path to an mmp view path
										IPath incPath = helper.convertProjectOrFullPathToMMP(EMMPPathContext.USERINCLUDE, projectRelativeIncDirPath);

										// get the list of user include paths and add it if it's not
										// already there
										List<IPath> userIncludes = view.getUserIncludes();
										if (!userIncludes.contains(incPath)) {

											// now commit the changes and release the file
											while (true) {
												try {
												} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
													if (!view.merge()) {
									} catch (InvalidDriveInMMPPathException e) {
										// shouldn't get here; we passed in a project-relative path
									return null;
	 * Gets the list of mmp and makefiles being built by the given build configuration.  Note that this takes
	 * builder settings into account.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration
	 * @return the list of workspace relative compoment paths, may be empty
	 * @since 2.0
	public static List<IPath> getComponentsBuiltByConifguration(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig) {
		final List<IPath> paths = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		final ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(cpi, buildConfig.getBuildContext()), 
				new BldInfDataRunnableAdapter() {

					public Object run(IBldInfData infView) {
						EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(cpi.getProject());

						// get the paths of the components being built
						if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
							// get all regular components
							for (IMakMakeReference component : infView.getMakMakeReferences()) {
							if (cpi.isBuildingTestComps()) {
								// get all test components
								for (IMakMakeReference component : infView.getTestMakMakeReferences()) {
						} else {
							// building a subset of regular and test components.
							for (String component : cpi.getInfBuildComponents()) {
								for (IMakMakeReference comp : infView.getAllMakMakeReferences()) {
									if (comp.getPath().lastSegment().compareToIgnoreCase(component) == 0) {
						return null;
		return paths;