author timkelly
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 19:07:16 -0500
changeset 1801 1d73a4591cf8
parent 1585 0c61100dff19
child 2156 76029713f570
permissions -rw-r--r--
refactoring usage for getting variant.hrh and compiler preinclude macros. Now should use ISymbianContext both for preprocessed results and getting the IPath to the file. Removed start-up checks for Perl version.

# file (ISO 8859-1 with "\" escapes)
# Plugin properties for Carbide
# This file should be translated.

CHEAT_SHEETS = Cheat Sheets
CHEAT_SHEETS_MENU = &Cheat Sheets...

productBlurb=\nCarbide.c++ Version 3.0.0\n\
Build {0} {1}\n\n\n\
Copyright (c) 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved.\n\
This product includes software developed by Eclipse Project.\n\
Visit = slate

carbcPreference.common=carbide symbian cpp cplusplus
carbcPreference.diagnostics=diagnostic logs

PreferencePages.Capabilities = Capabilities
PreferencePages.Capabilities.activityName = &Capabilities
PreferencePages.Capabilities.categoryName = &Capabilities
PreferencePages.Capabilities.activityPromptButton = &Prompt when enabling capabilities
PreferencePages.Capabilities.activityPromptButtonTooltip = Prompt when a feature is first used that requires enablement of capabilities
PreferencePages.Capabilities.captionMessage = Capabilities allow you to enable or disable various product components. These capabilities are grouped according to a set of predefined categories.