Update the SBSv2 filtering pref options from the Raptor alias query (union of all available build configs from Raptor).
Update the display message for a broken config only in the tree viewer and not in the display name itself (in case user create a config any ways)
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Project_Settings=Project Settings
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Build_Configurations=Build Configurations
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Macro_Settings=Macro Settings
CarbideBuilder.Delete_Carbide_Project_Marker=Delete Carbide Project Marker
CarbideBuilder.Active_Build_Configuration=Active Build Configuration
CarbideBuilder.Change_Config_ToolTip=Change the Active Build Configuration for the Selected Project
CarbideBuilder.Build_Selected_Project_ToolTip=Build the Selected Project
#Keywords for Carbide preferences
carbcPreference.common=carbide symbian c cpp cplusplus
carbcPreference.build=winscw build emulator bld.inf concurrent jobs clean dependency actions mmp
#Keywords for Carbide property pages
carbcProperty.build=build sis paths symbols environment rom arguments configuration partial upgrade bldmake abld
carbcProperty.macro=macro preprocessor symbols MACRO paths
carbcProperty.project=bld.inf order components extension makefiles test