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<title>Adding items to the Carbide menu</title>
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<h2>Adding items to the Carbide menu</h2>
<p>If you are creating a plug-in specifically for use with Carbide.c++ we recommend that
any menu items you create be added to existing Eclipse menus or to the <b>Carbide</b> menu.
<p>Following this guideline reduces the likelihood of menu clutter for uses with multiple Carbide extensions.
It also provides users with a consistent place to look for extension commands.
<p>The standard Eclipse technique for adding items to a menu is the <code>org.eclipse.ui.actionSet</code>
extension point. To add to the Carbide menu you use a standard action set, and specify the Carbide menu
in the <code>menubarPath</code> attribute. Below is an example:
<pre class="listing">
point=<span class="attr">"org.eclipse.ui.actionSets"</span>>
id=<span class="attr">"Example.actionSet1"</span>
label=<span class="attr">"Example Actions"</span>
visible=<span class="attr">"true"</span>>
id=<span class="attr">""</span>
label=<span class="attr">"&amp;Carbide"</span>
path=<span class="attr">"additions"</span>>
<groupMarker name=<span class="attr">"CarbideExtensions"</span>/>
class=<span class="attr">"SampleItem"</span>
id=<span class="attr">"example.actions.CarbideExample"</span>
label=<span class="attr">"My Extension"</span>
icon=<span class="attr">"icons/sample.gif"</span>
toolbarPath=<span class="attr">"sampleGroup"</span>
menubarPath=<span class="attr">""</span>
<p>The <menu> element must be included because Eclipse 3.2 does not completely support
declaring menus in one plugin and referencing them from another. Please include this element exactly as-is.
<p>Note that the <code>menubarPath</code> has two elements to the path:</p>
<li><code></code> - this specifies the Carbide menu itself.
<li><code>CarbideExtensions</code> - this specifies the particular group in the menu for
extension commands. It's important to include this specific group for compatibility with future Carbide.c++ releases.
<p>Carbide defines two other named groups in this menu: <code>CarbideStart</code> and
<code>CarbideEnd</code>. These are for internal use and should not be used by third-party plugins.
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