bug 10674. Sort sbsv2 configuration names with same platform_target alias prefix. ensure gcce error parser is used for sbsv2 GCCE4 build configs, add a project specific (sbsv2 only) edit box that allows user to append whatever they want to the -c parameter (the build alias). Also, fixed SDK support for TB kits now that TB92SF appears as a prefix rather than a suffix in the buildinfo.txt file.
friendlyName=Status Pane
information=The standard S60 component displaying the title pane, context icon, navi pane, and system indicators.
spGeneralContainmentError=The status pane can''t contain instances of type ''{0}''.
spSingleStatusPaneContentInstanceContainmentError=The status pane cannot contain more than one object of type ''{0}''.
spStatusContentNotInRootContainmentError=A control of type ''{0}'' may only appear in the application design.
spStatusContentNotInViewContainmentError=A control of type ''{0}'' may only appear in a view design.
spSingleInstanceContainmentError=The status pane can''t contain more than one instance of type ''{0}''.
spSingleNaviInstanceContainmentError=The status pane already has a navi pane instance.
spNaviTabsNotInRootContainmentError=A navi pane tabs control can only be added in the application design.