bug 10674. Sort sbsv2 configuration names with same platform_target alias prefix. ensure gcce error parser is used for sbsv2 GCCE4 build configs, add a project specific (sbsv2 only) edit box that allows user to append whatever they want to the -c parameter (the build alias). Also, fixed SDK support for TB kits now that TB92SF appears as a prefix rather than a suffix in the buildinfo.txt file.
<inline scope="prototype">
${jsObject}.prototype.getStrings = function(instance) {
this.dialogClassName = getChildAttribute(instance, 0, "dataquery-className");
this.methodType = getChildAttribute(instance, 0, "data-model-cpp-type");
<template phase="ClassMethods"><![CDATA[
static TInt Run${instanceName$title}L(
${this.methodType}& aData,
TBool aUseDefaults = ETrue,
const TDesC* aOverridePrompt = NULL );
]]> </template>
<defineLocation id="METHOD_LOCATION" baseLocation="MAIN_FILE"
* Show the popup dialog for ${instanceName}
* @param aData in-out ${this.methodType} data
* @param aUseDefaults TBool use designer default editor data if ETrue
* @param aOverridePrompt optional override prompt text
* @return EAknSoftkeyOk (left soft key id) or 0
TInt ${className}::Run${instanceName$title}L(
${this.methodType}& aData,
TBool aUseDefaults,
const TDesC* aOverridePrompt )
]]> </template>
<template location="METHOD_LOCATION"><![CDATA[
if ( aUseDefaults )
<% var setDataContribs = Engine.generateChildContributions("AknDataQuerySetData");
// resolve the contents to this method
Engine.assignLocationsForPhase(setDataContribs, "SetData", "METHOD_LOCATION")
%> }
<% // EFixedPointLayout case added because CAknFixedPointQueryDialog::NewL does not have default argument
if ((properties.tone != "ENoTone") || (properties.type == "EFixedPointLayout")) { %>
${this.dialogClassName}* queryDialog = ${this.dialogClassName}::NewL(
CAknQueryDialog::${properties.tone} );
<% } else { %>
${this.dialogClassName}* queryDialog = ${this.dialogClassName}::NewL( aData );
<% } %>
if ( aOverridePrompt != NULL )
CleanupStack::PushL( queryDialog );
queryDialog->SetPromptL( *aOverridePrompt );
CleanupStack::Pop(); // queryDialog
return queryDialog->ExecuteLD( ${resourceName$upper} );
]]> </template>
<template phase="MainSystemIncludes"><![CDATA[
#include <aknquerydialog.h>
]]> </template>
if (Engine.formMatches(form, [""]))