bug 10674. Sort sbsv2 configuration names with same platform_target alias prefix. ensure gcce error parser is used for sbsv2 GCCE4 build configs, add a project specific (sbsv2 only) edit box that allows user to append whatever they want to the -c parameter (the build alias). Also, fixed SDK support for TB kits now that TB92SF appears as a prefix rather than a suffix in the buildinfo.txt file.
friendlyName=Avkon View
information=The S60 top-level Avkon view class. This is a non-visual class which holds a reference to a UI class (such as CAknViewAppUI).
cbaDisplay=Control Pane
generalContainmentError=An Avkon View can''t contain objects of type ''{0}''.
singleInstanceContainmentError=An Akvon View can''t contain more than one object of type ''{0}''.
optionsMenu=options menu
optionsMenuDescription=Menu pane object to use as the Options menu
validateOptionsMenu=The control pane is configured to display an Options menu, but the view's optionMenu property is not set. The application will panic if run in this state.
validateMenubarWithForm=Menubars added to Avkon views containing a Form will not \
automatically replace the Form''s default options menu. \
Handwritten code must be added to replace the options menu of a Form.
handleStatusPaneSizeChangeDescription=Handle changes to status pane size (CAknAppUi::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange)
handleCommandDescription=Handles commands at the view level (CAknView::HandleCommandL)
activatedDescription=Extends view activation / construction (CAknView::DoActivateL)
deactivatedDescription=Extends view deactivation / destruction (CAknView::DoDeactivateL)