author | timkelly |
Thu, 22 Jul 2010 15:18:39 -0500 | |
branch | C3_BUILDER_WORK |
changeset 1667 | 352fb86872dd |
parent 0 | fb279309251b |
permissions | -rw-r--r-- |
/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). * All rights reserved. * This component and the accompanying materials are made available * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" * which accompanies this distribution, and is available * at the URL "". * * Initial Contributors: * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution. * * Contributors: * * Description: * */ function isSettingItemList(instance) { return instance.isInstanceOf(""); } DRAW_BOUNDING_RECTS = false; include("renderLibrary.js") include("implLibrary.js") include("srcgenLibrary.js") function fontForType(silProperties, laf) { return laf.getFont("NormalFont"); } function getLineBounds(silProperties, laf) { var font = fontForType(silProperties, laf); // * 2 accounts for label and content var p = new Point(0, getFontHeight(font) * 2 + laf.getInteger("list.padding", 8)); p.y += laf.getInteger("extra.padding", 0) * 2; //println("getLineBounds="+p); return p; } function maxDisplayableItems(silProperties, laf) { var header = 0; var bounds = getLineBounds(silProperties, laf); var max = Math.floor((silProperties.size.height - laf.getInteger("list.padding", 8) / 2) / bounds.y) //println("maxDisplayableItems="+max+" bounds="+bounds+" silProperties.size.height="+silProperties.size.height); return max; } function verticalContentMargin(silProperties, laf) { var maxItems = maxDisplayableItems(silProperties, laf); var lineBounds = getLineBounds(silProperties, laf); return maxItems * lineBounds.y + laf.getInteger("list.padding", 8) / 2; } function isShowingNumbers(silInstance) { return; } function getPromptDividerOffset(silInstance, laf) { var column; if ( column = laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.numbered.padding", 20); else column = laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.padding", 6); return column; } function getSILPaddingY(laf) { return laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.padding.y", 6); } function getSILPaddingX(laf) { return laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.padding.x", 6); } /** * Get all the rectangles associated with an item in a setting item list. * * @param rect the item's rectangle (i.e. an entire row) * @returns an array with: * * 0) Rectangle numeric prompt bounds, as a whole * 1) Rectangle title bounds, as a whole * 2) Rectangle compulsory indicator bounds, as a whole * 3) Rectangle content bounds, as a whole * 4) int column where divider is drawn */ var SIL_ITEM_RECT_INDEX = 0; var SIL_NUMBER_RECT_INDEX = 1; var SIL_TITLE_RECT_INDEX = 2; var SIL_INDICATOR_RECT_INDEX = 3; var SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX = 4; var SIL_DIVIDER_OFFSET_INDEX = 5; function getSettingItemRectanglesInRect(instance, laf, rect) { var silInstance = instance.parent; var dividerOffset = getPromptDividerOffset(instance.parent, laf); var promptRect, contentRect, titleRect, indiRect; var contentHeight = laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.content.height", 16); var vertPadding = getSILPaddingY(laf); var horizPadding = getSILPaddingX(laf); promptRect = new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y + vertPadding, dividerOffset - horizPadding, rect.height - vertPadding); var leftMargin = dividerOffset + horizPadding; titleRect = new Rectangle(leftMargin, rect.y + vertPadding, rect.width - leftMargin, contentHeight); var contentX = laf.getInteger("settingitemlist.content.x", 32); contentRect = new Rectangle(rect.x + contentX, rect.y + rect.height / 2 + vertPadding, rect.width - contentX - horizPadding/2, contentHeight); var indiFont = getIndiFont(laf); var indiWidth = (indiFont.getCharWidth("5") * 3) / 2; indiRect = new Rectangle(contentRect.x - indiWidth, contentRect.y, indiWidth, contentRect.height); var rects = [ rect, promptRect, titleRect, indiRect, contentRect, dividerOffset ]; //pr("Rects = " +rects); return rects; } function getSettingItemRectangles(instance, laf) { var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0,,; return getSettingItemRectanglesInRect(instance, laf, rect); } function getPromptFont(laf) { return laf.getFont("AnnotationFont"); } function getTitleFont(laf) { return laf.getFont("NormalFont"); } function getIndiFont(laf) { var font = laf.getFont("Settings.list.indicator"); if (font != null) return font; return laf.getFont("NormalFont"); } function getPromptFlags(instance) { var flags = Font.OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIS; flags |= Font.ALIGN_CENTER; return flags; } function isFirstField(instance) { var siblings = instance.parent.children; if (siblings != null) return instance == siblings[0]; return false; } function calcSettingItemNumber(silInstance, self) { var number =; var numberHidden =; for (var c in silInstance.children) { var sib = silInstance.children[c]; if (sib == self) break; if (numberHidden || ! number++; } return number; } function setSettingsListLineStyle(laf, graphics) { var version = getComponentVersions(); if ((version.getMajor() >= 3 || (version.getMajor() == 2 && version.getMinor() >= 8)) && laf.getDimension("screen.size").x > 208) { // use dashed line graphics.setLineWidth(2); graphics.setLineDash([ 2 ]); } else { // use solid line graphics.setLineWidth(1); } } function drawSettingItemPrompt(prototype, instance, laf, graphics, rects) { var formInstance = instance.parent; var properties =; var number = calcSettingItemNumber(instance.parent, instance); var rect = rects[SIL_NUMBER_RECT_INDEX]; graphics.setBackground(laf.getColor("EEikColorControlBackground")); //graphics.setBackground(getBackgroundColor(instance, laf)); graphics.fillRectangle(rect); graphics.setForeground(laf.getColor("listitem.text")); var itemRect = rects[SIL_ITEM_RECT_INDEX]; // no decorations on 3.1+ if (laf.getBoolean("decorations", true)) { setSettingsListLineStyle(laf, graphics); graphics.drawLine(rects[SIL_DIVIDER_OFFSET_INDEX], itemRect.y + itemRect.height - 1, itemRect.width, itemRect.y + itemRect.height - 1); //graphics.drawLine(rects[SIL_DIVIDER_OFFSET_INDEX], itemRect.y, rects[SIL_DIVIDER_OFFSET_INDEX], itemRect.height); } // draw number var font = getPromptFont(laf); graphics.setFont(font); if (isShowingNumbers(formInstance)) { var numberRect = rects[SIL_NUMBER_RECT_INDEX]; graphics.drawFormattedString(number, numberRect, Font.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0); } // draw item title var font = getTitleFont(laf); graphics.setFont(font); rect = rects[SIL_TITLE_RECT_INDEX]; var height = getFontHeight(font); var textRect = new Rectangle(rect.x, rect.y + (rect.height - height)/2, rect.width, height); var titleText = chooseScalableText(properties.itemTitle, font, textRect.width); graphics.drawFormattedString(titleText, textRect, 0, 0); // draw compulsory indicator var font = getIndiFont(laf); graphics.setFont(font); rect = rects[SIL_INDICATOR_RECT_INDEX]; graphics.setForeground(laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.CompulsoryIndicator")); graphics.drawFormattedString(properties.compulsoryLabel, rect, 0, 0); // draw content rect rect = rects[SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX]; graphics.setBackground(laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.ContentBackground")); graphics.fillRectangle(rect); graphics.setForeground(laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.ContentForeground")); } function getSettingItemContentBounds(instance, laf) { var rect = new Rectangle(0, 0,,; if (isForm(instance.parent)) { return getSettingItemRectanglesInRect(instance, laf, rect)[SIL_CONTENT_RECT_INDEX]; } return rect; }