adding timing stats. Added a simulated stress test to get idea of timing on how long a full scan would take with 10 SDKs
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<toc label="CodeScanner User Guide"
link_to="../" >
<topic label="CodeScanner User Guide" href="html/codescanner.htm" >
<topic label="Release Notes" href="html/release_notes.htm" />
<topic label="Overview" href="html/overview_cs.htm" />
<topic label="Quick Start" href="html/start_cs.htm" />
<topic label="CodeScanner preferences" href="html/pref_codescanner_01.htm" >
<topic label="File Filters" href="html/pref_codescanner_02.htm" />
<topic label="Rules" href="html/pref_codescanner_03.htm" />
<topic label="Running CodeScanner" href="html/run_cs.htm" >
<topic label="Carbide.c++ IDE" href="html/run_cs_plugin.htm" />
<topic label="Command-line Tools" href="html/run_cs_cmd_line.htm" />
<topic label="Viewing Reports" href="html/view_output.htm" />
<topic label="Optimizing CodeScanner" href="html/optimizing_cs.htm" />
<topic label="Customizing CodeScanner" href="html/customizing_cs.htm" />
<topic label="Bugs Fixed" href="html/bugs_fixed.htm" />