author cawthron
Mon, 24 May 2010 15:37:56 -0500
changeset 1393 42f6165e68df
parent 0 fb279309251b
child 546 084e6b7a0935
permissions -rw-r--r--
write .branch.txt to make the new head

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<?NLS TYPE=""?>

	Use the index.xml file to define the index entries for the plugin's 
	help contents. In Eclipse 3.2 and beyond an Inex tab appears in the Help
	viewer making it possible for user to more easily locate subjects of
	interest to them.
	In brief, every file used in the help documentation should have at least one
	associated index entry for it. Ideally, it's simple to make two entries per
	page by simply re-wording the subject slightly. For example, a view could
	be indexed twice like this, 1) Breakpoint view, and 2) Views, Breakpoint.
	See ??? for details on creating indexes.


	<!-- AAAAAAAA -->
	<!-- BBBBBBBB -->
	<!-- CCCCCCCC -->	
    <entry keyword="categories element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#CAT_Element"/>
    <entry keyword="Codescanner">
       <topic href="html/overview_cs.htm"/>
    <entry keyword="Codescanner preferences">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_02.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_03.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/run_cs_cmd_line.htm"/>                     

    <entry keyword="customrules element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#RULE_Element"/>

	<!-- DDDDDDDD -->	
	<!-- EEEEEEEE -->	
    <entry keyword="arguments element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#ARG_element"/>
    <entry keyword="exporting">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- FFFFFFFF -->

    <entry keyword="File Filters tab">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_02_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- GGGGGGGG -->	

    <entry keyword="General tab">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- HHHHHHHH -->	
	<!-- IIIIIIII -->
    <entry keyword="importing">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- JJJJJJJJ -->
	<!-- KKKKKKKK -->

    <entry keyword="Knowledgebase">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- LLLLLLLL -->
	<!-- MMMMMMMM -->
	<!-- NNNNNNNN -->
	<!-- OOOOOOOO -->
	<!-- PPPPPPPP -->
	<!-- QQQQQQQQ -->
	<!-- RRRRRRRR -->
	<entry keyword="Running Codescanner">
       <topic href="html/run_cs.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/run_cs_cmd_line.htm"/>
       <topic href="html/run_cs_plugin.htm"/>
    <entry keyword="reports">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_01_cs.htm"/>

    <entry keyword="Rules tab">
       <topic href="html/pref_codescanner_03_cs.htm"/>

	<!-- SSSSSSSS -->

    <entry keyword="sources element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#SRC_Element"/>

    <entry keyword="severities element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#SEV_Element"/>

    <entry keyword="scripts element">
       <topic href="html/customizing_cs.htm#SCRIPT_Element"/>

	<!-- TTTTTTTT -->
	<!-- UUUUUUUU -->
	<!-- VVVVVVVV -->
	<!-- WWWWWWWW -->
	<!-- XXXXXXXX -->
	<!-- YYYYYYYY -->
	<!-- ZZZZZZZZ -->
