author timkelly
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:54:23 -0500
changeset 1522 58667ad9656d
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Clean up APIs/Tests around SBSv2 query mechanism (got rid of most all the original test API now that it's been moved into BuildContextSBSv2. Clean up the Build Configuration Filtering prefs and rename hyperlinks from other prefs to note the new name.

	Nokia DPT Tools CSS
	Nokia C++ Development Tools Austin
	Date: 2005/11/04

/*	Add whitespace around entire display to avoid crowding edges of view 	*/
/* 	20070523-Removed top margin size to close gap between location breadcrumbs and page title	*/
html {
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/* 	Set default font to serif style, 12-pt and plain	*/
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/*	Use sans-serif fonts for all title styles	*/
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h1	{ font-size:20px }
h2	{ font-size:18px }
h3	{ font-size:16px }
h4	{ font-size:14px }
h5	{ font-size:12px }
h6	{ font-size:10px }

/*	For headlines at the top of a view, add space	*/
/*	20070522-added gradiant to background to update visual style of docs	*/
h1, h2, h3 {
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li	{

/*	Footer includes space and a gray line above the company logo	*/
#footer {
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.step	{
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.substep	{
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/*	Figure/Listing/Table titles are centered and gray	*/
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table	{
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td, th	{
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/*	20070522-replaced gray with green background to match gradiant color for title	*/
th	{
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div.ol.p	{
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/* Make all ordered/unordered list items appear in bold gray */
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div ol > p, div ul > p, div li > p {
/* Make all H4 and H5 items appear in bold gray against a light green background */
div h5, div h4	{
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/*	Notes stand out using a light top & bottom borders with dark gray text	*/
p.note {
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/*	Figure/Listing/Table titles are centered and gray	*/
p.figure {
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	font-weight: bold;

/*	highly visible red background and white text for things that need fixing before release	*/
.fix	{
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	font-weight: bold;
	color: white;

.question	{
	color: #555;
.titleSmall {
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.plain {
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a:link 		{ color: #0033CC }
a:visited	{ color: #555555 }
a:hover 	{ color: #0033CC }