Clean up APIs/Tests around SBSv2 query mechanism (got rid of most all the original test API now that it's been moved into BuildContextSBSv2.
Clean up the Build Configuration Filtering prefs and rename hyperlinks from other prefs to note the new name.
// Copyright 2007 Nokia, Inc.
SDKUIPlugin.SDK_Preferences=Symbian SDKs
SDKUIPlugin.Platform_Filtering_Preferences=Build Configuration Filtering
#Keywords for Carbide preferences
carbcPreference.common=carbide symbian c cpp cplusplus
carbcPreference.sdkpreferences=sdk epocroot devices xml properties
carbcPreference.platformfiltering=platforms sbsv1 sbsv2 emulation winscw gcce armv5 armv5_abi2 armv5_abiv1 armi arm4 thumb bsf var