author timkelly
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:54:23 -0500
changeset 1522 58667ad9656d
parent 1497 440c4eac1a5a
child 1553 a0d518fc91ea
permissions -rw-r--r--
Clean up APIs/Tests around SBSv2 query mechanism (got rid of most all the original test API now that it's been moved into BuildContextSBSv2. Clean up the Build Configuration Filtering prefs and rename hyperlinks from other prefs to note the new name.

SDKPropertiesDialog.SDK_Properties_For=SDK Properties for 
SDKPropertiesDialog.Available_SDK_Properties=Available SDK properties:
SDKPropertiesDialog.OS_Version=OS Version
SDKPropertiesDialog.SDK_Version=SDK Version

SDKPreferencePage.Add_Button_ToolTip=Adds a new SDK for use in Carbide.c++.
SDKPreferencePage.Delete_Button_ToolTip=Delete an SDK from Carbide.c++.
SDKPreferencePage.Properties_Button_ToolTip=Show properties of the selected SDK.
SDKPreferencePage.ScanForNewPlugins_Button_Label=Scan SDKs for installable Eclipse plugins
SDKPreferencePage.Rescan_Button_Label=Rescan All SDKs
SDKPreferencePage.Rescan_Button_ToolTip=Rebuilds all SDK entries (same as restarting the IDE).
SDKPreferencePage.No_SDKs_Available_Message=No SDKs are available.
SDKPreferencePage.No_selected_SDK_detected=No selected SDK detected.
SDKPreferencePage.List_of_Available_SDKs_ToolTip=List of available SDKs.
SDKPreferencePage.SDK_Table_ID_Column_Label=SDK ID
SDKPreferencePage.Invalid_Location_Message=Invalid location. '\\epoc32\\' does not exist at specified location.
SDKPreferencePage.Invalid_SDK_Message=Invalid SDK. OS version {0} not supported. Must be verison 9.4 or higher.

BuildPlatformFilterPage.Select_Platforms_Help=Select which platforms are visible when creating projects or new build configurations.
BuildPlatformFilterPage.Specify_Platforms_Help=Specifies platforms to be displayed for OS 9.x and 8.1b
BuildPlatformFilterPage.EKA2_Platforms=EKA2 Platforms
BuildPlatformFilterPage.Specify_Platforms_Help2=Specifies platforms to be displayed for OS versions 8.1a and less (8.xa, 7.x, 6.x)
BuildPlatformFilterPage.EKA1_Platforms_Label=EKA1 Platforms
BuildPlatformFilterPage.BSF_Help=Scans for .bsf and/or .var files under \\epoc32\\tools for platform variants.
BuildPlatformFilterPage.BSF_Label=Discover customization (.bsf) and Symbian Binary Variant (.var) platforms dynamically
NewPluginChecker.New_Plugins_Installed=New plugins have been installed from an SDK.
NewPluginChecker.Restart_Msg=\n\nPress "Restart" to restart Carbide.c++ now or "Later" to apply changes next time you restart Carbide.c++.
NewPluginChecker.Restart_Error=New plugins were installed into Carbide.c++ from an SDK. However, an error in the workbench prevented a Restart dialog from being displayed. You will need to restart Carbide in order to pick up the latest changes.
RestartIDEDialog.New_Plugin_Installed=New Plugins Installed
AddSDKDialog.Add_New_SDK=Add New SDK
AddSDKDialog.Missing_SDK_ID=Missing SDK ID.
AddSDKDialog.Enter_SDK_ID=Please enter an SDK ID.
AddSDKDialog.Malformed_EPOCROOT=Malformed EPOCROOT
AddSDKDialog.EPOCROOT_drive_spec=EPOCROOT must begin with a windows drive specification.
AddSDKDialog.Possible_wrong_epocroot=Possible wrong EPOCROOT
AddSDKDialog.EPOCROOT_Should_Point=EPOCROOT should point to the directory where '\\epoc32\\' exists, not contain it. Are you sure you want to do this?
AddSDKDialog.EPOCROOT_does_not_exist=EPOCROOT does not exist.
AddSDKDialog.EPOCROOT_contains_spaces=EPOCROOT path cannot contain spaces.
AddSDKDialog.EPOCROOT_does_not_exist_msg=The EPOCROOT directory you have chosen does not exist.\n\nDo you want to continue?
AddSDKDialog.Missing_EPOCROOT=Missing EPOCROOT.
AddSDKDialog.Please_enter_an_EPOCROOT=Please enter an EPOCROOT.
AddSDKDialog.Invalid_SDK_ID=Invalid SDK 'id'
AddSDKDialog.SDK_ID_No_Spaces=SDK ID attribute cannot contain spaces.
AddSDKDialog.Duplicate_ID=Duplicate device 'id'
AddSDKDialog.Duplicate_ID_Msg=The SDK ID you have chosen already exists. Please choose another.
AddSDKDialog.Enter_unique_id_for_sdk=Enter a unique identifier for the SDK you want to add.
AddSDKDialog.Enter_location_where_epoc32_folder=Enter the location where the 'epoc32' folder exists.
AddSDKDialog.Choose_folder_where_epoc32_exists=Choose the folder where 'epoc32' exists.
AddSDKDialog.Choose_location_for_EPOCROOT=Choose location for EPOCROOT.
BuildTargetsPage.BuildTargetsTitle=Build Targets
BuildTargetsPage.SymbianSDKS=Symbian OS SDKs
BuildTargetsPage.BuildTargetsDescription=Select the build configurations for this project.
BuildTargetsPage.BuildConfigsLabel=SDKs and Build Configurations
BuildTargetsPage.BuildConfigsToolTip=Select the build configurations to create for this project.  You can add and remove these once the project has been created.
BuildTargetsPage.FilterText=Filter SDKs based on selected template
BuildTargetsPage.NoMatchingSDKsError=There are no matching Symbian OS SDKs installed or enabled (check SDK Preferences and Platform Filtering preferences).
BuildTargetsPage.NoSDKsError=There are no Symbian OS SDKs installed or enabled (check SDK Preferences and Platform Filtering preferences).
BuildTargetsPage.NoBuildConfigsSelectedError=Please select at least one build configuration.
BuildTargetsPage.DifferentDrivesError=There are known build problems when the bld.inf file and SDK are on different drives ({0})
BuildTargetsPage.NoDriveSpecWarning=You have chosen an SDK EPOCROOT without a drive specification. Building will work but other features such as the indexer and MMP editor may not fully function.
BuildTargetsPage.Select_Filtering_Prefs_Link=See <a>Build Configuration Filtering Preferences</a> to configure displayed build configurations.

BuildPlatformFilterPage.SBSv1TabToolTip=Symbian OS Build System version 1 builder platform filtering
BuildPlatformFilterPage.SBSv2TabToolTip=Symbian OS Build System version 2 builder platform filtering

SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.PlatformsGroupText=Default Configurations
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.PlatformsGroupToolTip=Checked build build configurations (aliases) will be displayed for SDKs they apply to.
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.RefreshButtonText=Rescan Default Configurations
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.RefreshButtonToolTip=Queries your sbs and sdk installation for allowable build configurations.

SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.ProductsGroupText=Product Variant Configurations
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.ProductsGroupToolTip=Checked configurations will be displayed under the SDK where they are valid. Unchecked configurations will be removed from this preference page.
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.AddProductButtonText=Add Variant
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.AddProductButtonToolTip=Create a new build alias with a product variant you can use as a build configuration. Only applies to SDKs that support variants.
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.RemoveProductButtonText=Remove Variant
SBSv2PlatformFilterComposite.RemoveProductButtonToolTip=Removes a selected product variant.