author timkelly
Tue, 22 Jun 2010 14:54:23 -0500
changeset 1522 58667ad9656d
parent 1383 619a297ab336
child 2025 6534cbd5fa45
permissions -rw-r--r--
Clean up APIs/Tests around SBSv2 query mechanism (got rid of most all the original test API now that it's been moved into BuildContextSBSv2. Clean up the Build Configuration Filtering prefs and rename hyperlinks from other prefs to note the new name.

SymbianOS.label=Symbian OS
GenericSymbianOS.label=Generic Symbian OS
gui.label=GUI Application
dll.label=Basic dynamically linked library (DLL)
exe.label=Basic console application (EXE)
lib.label=Basic static library (LIB)
empty.label=Empty Project for Symbian
openc.label=Open C Console Application
cclass.label=Simple Symbian Style C++ Class
activeobject.label=Active Object Class