Fix problem with sbs config xml parsing. Make sure to trim error message to avoid erroneously adding an error when there is none. Fix problem with adding system includes for variants.
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Project_Settings=Project Settings
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Build_Configurations=Build Configurations
CarbideBuilder.Carbide_Macro_Settings=Macro Settings
CarbideBuilder.Delete_Carbide_Project_Marker=Delete Carbide Project Marker
CarbideBuilder.Active_Build_Configuration=Active Build Configuration
CarbideBuilder.Change_Config_ToolTip=Change the Active Build Configuration for the Selected Project
CarbideBuilder.Build_Selected_Project_ToolTip=Build the Selected Project
#Keywords for Carbide preferences
carbcPreference.common=carbide symbian c cpp cplusplus build emulator bld.inf concurrent jobs clean dependency actions mmp
#Keywords for Carbide property pages sis paths symbols environment rom arguments configuration partial upgrade bldmake abld
carbcProperty.macro=macro preprocessor symbols MACRO paths
carbcProperty.project=bld.inf order components extension makefiles test