author fturovic <>
Mon, 29 Jun 2009 16:12:23 -0500
changeset 325 6cb072f1aa74
parent 0 fb279309251b
child 987 77469bd2d10b
child 1207 e265bbe56eb0
permissions -rw-r--r--
minor edits to fix possessive error

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
<title>Exporting project(s) to MMP/Bld.inf files in Tasks</title>
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   <div class="step">
     <h2>Exporting project(s) to MMP/Bld.inf files</h2>
       The command-line Symbian OS toolchain requires a component description
       file (<span class="code">Bld.Inf</span>) and one or more project definition files
       (<span class="code">.mmp</span>) to build a project. The export command allows you to create
       these files for your projects.       </p>
       To export project(s) to a <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> and/or <span class="code">MMP</span>
       file:       </h4>
         Click <span class="code">File &gt; Export...</span> to get a list of the
         available export wizards: 
           OR         </p> 
	        Click <span class="code">Export</span> from the pop-up menus of the
	        <span class="code">C/C++ Projects</span> and <span class="code">Navigator</span> views to get a
		      list of the available export wizards:         </p> 
	     <div class="Figure">
	        <p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="../images/export1.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></p>
	    <li>Select <span class="code">Symbian MMP/Bld.Inf</span> and click
		    <span class="code">Next</span> to go to the <span class="code">Symbian Projects</span> page: 
	      <div class="Figure">
	         <p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="../images/export2.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></p>
		    Select the project(s) you intend to export from the list of
		    <span class="code">Symbian Projects</span>.	    </li> 
		    Click <span class="code">Next</span> to go to the <span class="code">SDKs and Build Configurations Selection</span> page: 
	      <div class="Figure">
	         <p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="../images/export3.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></p>
		    Select at least one build configuration for each project in the
		    left-hand pane from the list of available SDKs and build configurations in the
		    right-hand pane. By default, all the build configurations chosen during the
		    last export are selected. If a project is being exported for the first time, no
		    build configurations are selected. 
	         The build configurations chosen for a project are distinguished using
		      guard macros in the <span class="code">MMP</span> file. The guard macros are placed around
		      the <span class="code">MMP</span> file statements containing resources or build setting,
		      only valid for a subset of the chosen build configurations.	      </p> 
	         There are cases where guard macros may not be able to distinguish
		      between two build configurations. The export wizard shows a conflict when two
		      such ambiguous build configurations are selected by the user.	      </p> 
	         The combination of build configurations which results in a conflict
		      are as follows:	      </p> 
		        Any two build configurations that differ only in the build
		        variant (UDEB/UREL). For example, "UIQ 3.0 Phone (GCCE) Debug" and "UIQ 3.0
		        Phone (GCCE) Release" configurations will result in a conflict, as they differ
		        only in the build variant.	           </p> 
		          Any two build configurations, of which one is user-defined based
			       on the other using the <span class="code">Manage</span> option in the <span class="code">C/C++
			         Build properties</span> view of the project.		        </p> 
			      <i>For more information on managing build configurations,
			      refer to the CDT user guide.</i>		        </p> 
		    The wizard will change the build settings in the <span class="code">MMP</span>
		    file based on the chosen build configuration. If more than one build
		    configuration which require different build settings are chosen, guard macros
		    are used to determine the build settings. For example, if you want to change
		    the <span class="code">SECUREID</span> option for all the <code>EKA2</span> build
		    configurations, the wizard will append the following lines into the
		    <span class="code">MMP</span> file:	      </p> 
	      <p class="CodeBlock">#if def EKA2<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;SECUREID 0x00301<br>#endif</p> 
	         Where <code>EKA2</span> is the guard macro for all the build
		      configurations designed for the EKA2 kernel. The above <span class="code">MMP</span> file
		      statements check whether the <code>EKA2</span> guard macro is defined, and if
		      it is, change the <code>SECUREID</span> option accordingly.	      </p> 
		    Click <span class="code">Next</span> to go to the <span class="code">MMP File and Bld.inf
		      File</span> page: 
	      <div class="Figure">		    
	        <div align="center"><a name=""><img src="../images/export4.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></div>
	      <ol type="a">
	           Type the <span class="code">MMP</span> file location in the <span class="code">MMP
		          File</span> field, or click <span class="code">Browse</span> to select the
	           <span class="code">MMP</span> file for each project listed above. 
	             By default, the <span class="code">MMP</span> file is exported to one of the
		          following locations in the order listed below:	           </p>
	             <li> The location where the project was exported the last time. </li>
	             <li> The group folder of the exported project, if it exists. </li>
	             <li> The exported project's root directory. </li>
	           If you select the <span class="code">Export Bld.inf file</span> option, then
		        type the <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> file location in the <span class="code">Bld.inf
		          File</span> field, or click <span class="code">Browse</span> to select the
	           <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> file. 
	             If you do not select the <span class="code">Export Bld.inf file</span> option,
		          then you need not specify the <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> file location.	           </p>
	             By default, the <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> file is exported to one of the
		           following locations in the order listed below:	           </p>
	               The location where the <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> was created when the
		             project was last exported to an <span class="code">MMP</span> file. </li>
	             <li> The <span class="code">MMP</span> file location.</li>
       <li>Click Next to go to the Other Makefiles page where you can specify extra Makefiles to invoke from bld.inf </li> 
	   <p align="center"><img src="../images/export4a.gif" width="470" height="550"></p>
       <li>Click Next to open the Scalable Icon Makefiles page where you can specify the Makefiles used to generate scalable icon files.</li>
	   <p align="center"><img src="../images/export4b.gif" width="470" height="550"></p>
        <li>Click <span class="code">Next</span> to go to the <span class="code">PRJ_EXPORTS</span> page, to specify the list of files to be copied from the source directories to
            the releasables directories while building the project:
            <div class="Figure">
              <p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="../images/export5.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></p>
             <i>Note that this page is displayed only if you have selected
             the Export Bld.inf file option in the previous page.</i>          </p>
            Type the <span class="code">Source</span> and <span class="code">Target</span>
            locations of the file to be copied, and click <span class="code">Add</span> to append
            the source-target pair to the <span class="code">PRJ_EXPORTS</span> list. You can use
            <span class="code">Browse</span> to specify the source file and its target location. If
            the target location for the file is not specified, it will be copied to
            <span class="code">epoc32\include</span> directory. 
             Note that the contents of the <span class="code">PRJ_EXPORTS</span> list is
              exactly the same as it appears in the <code>PRJ_EXPORTS</span> section of the
             <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> file.          </p> 
            If you want to modify or delete any entry from the
            <span class="code">PRJ_EXPORTS</span> list, select the entry and click
            <span class="code">Modify</span> or <span class="code">Delete</span>.        </li>
            Click <span class="code">Next</span> to go to the <span class="code">MMP Preview</span>
          <div class="Figure">
             <p class="Image"><a name=""><img src="../images/export6.gif" alt="" width="470" height="550"  border="0"></a></p>
            Select a project from the list of projects to be exported, to see a
            preview of the <span class="code">MMP</span> file in the pane below. You can edit the
            contents if required.        </li>
            Click <span class="code">Finish</span> to complete the export process. The
            wizard will create the managed <span class="code">MMP</span> file and <code class="filename">Bld.inf</span>
            file in their specified locations.
             A managed <span class="code">MMP</span> file contains the same content as a
              standard <span class="code">MMP</span> file would, but the contents are organised into
              following managed sections using special tags:          </p> 
		        Binary Build Information	           </p> 
                  Search Path                </p> 
                  Project Content Managed                </p> 
                  Linkage                </p> 
                  Customization                </p> 
		    You will be notified in case of any errors during the updated
		    process, which results in not creating the <span class="code">MMP</span> or
		    <span class="code">Bld.Inf</span> files.</p> 
       The following <span class="code">MMP</span> file generated by the wizard, shows how
       its content is organised using managed sections:       </p>
     <h4 class="listing">// HelloCarbide.mmp</h4>
     <p class="listing">/*&amp; START_BINARY_BUILD &amp;*/<br>
     // NOTE Content in this section is auto-generated, any changes are overwritten in the next update process.<br>
     TARGET HelloCarbide.exe<br>
     TARGETTYPE exe<br>
     UID 0x00000000 0xe4d95f85<br>
     VENDORID 0x00000000<br>
     SECUREID 0xE4D95F85<br>
     /*&amp; END_BINARY_BUILD &amp;*/</p>
     <p class="listing">/*&amp; START_SEARCH_PATHS &amp;*/<br>
     // NOTE Content in this section is auto-generated, any changes are overwritten in the next update process.<br>
     SYSTEMINCLUDE \epoc32\include \epoc32\include\variant \epoc32\include\oem<br>
     USERINCLUDE ..\inc ..\data<br>
     /*&amp; END_SEARCH_PATHS &amp;*/</p>
     <p class="listing">/*&amp; START_PROJECT_CONTENT &amp;*/<br>
     // NOTE Content in this section is auto-generated, any changes are overwritten in the next update process.<br>
     SOURCEPATH ..\data<br>
     START RESOURCE HelloCarbide.rss<br>
     TARGETPATH resource\apps<br>
     START RESOURCE HelloCarbide_reg.rss<br>
     TARGETPATH private\10003a3f\apps<br>
     SOURCEPATH ..\src<br>
     SOURCE Waving.cpp HelloCarbideDocument.cpp HelloCarbideApplication.cpp<br>
     SOURCE HelloCarbideAppView.cpp HelloCarbideAppUi.cpp HelloCarbide.cpp<br>
     /*&amp; END_PROJECT_CONTENT &amp;*/</p>
     <p class="listing">/*&amp; START_LINKAGE_INFORMATION &amp;*/<br>
     // NOTE Content in this section is auto-generated, any changes are overwritten in the next update process.<br>
     LIBRARY euser.lib apparc.lib cone.lib eikcore.lib avkon.lib commonengine.lib<br>
     LIBRARY efsrv.lib estor.lib<br>
     /*&amp; END_LINKAGE_INFORMATION &amp;*/</p>
   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>
