author stechong
Mon, 07 Jun 2010 20:50:55 -0500
changeset 1434 79471fd1fd69
parent 1420 9dfc6e3dc4b9
child 1462 b38491fd06da
permissions -rw-r--r--
First pass refactoring ISymbianSDK.

* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.eclipse.cdt.core.CCorePlugin;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.model.ICModelMarker;
import org.eclipse.cdt.core.resources.IConsole;
import org.eclipse.cdt.utils.spawner.EnvironmentReader;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder;
import org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Path;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status;
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.MessageDialog;
import org.eclipse.jface.window.Window;
import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display;
import org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI;


 * Main interface for invoking different build stages.
public class CarbideCPPBuilder extends IncrementalProjectBuilder {
	//TODO do we need to pipe output of compiles to files so we get then errors/warnings in order?
	public static final String BUILDER_ID = ""; //$NON-NLS-1$

	public static final int BUILD_COMPONENT_ACTION = 0;
	public static final int CLEAN_COMPONENT_ACTION = 1;
	public static final int FREEZE_COMPONENT_ACTION = 2;
    public static final String RESOLVED_PKG_PREFIX = "_resolved"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final boolean SHOW_ENV_VARS = true;
    private static final String PKG_SYMBOL_EPOCROOT = "$(EPOCROOT)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String PKG_SYMBOL_PLATFORM = "$(PLATFORM)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String PKG_SYMBOL_TARGET = "$(TARGET)"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String DEFAULT_KEY_NAME = "key-gen.key"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String DEFAULT_CERT_NAME = "cert-gen.cer"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String DEAULT_PASSWORD = "DefaultPassword"; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String MAKEKEYS_EXE = "makekeys" + HostOS.EXE_EXT; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String MAKESIS_EXE = "makesis" + HostOS.EXE_EXT; //$NON-NLS-1$
    private static final String SIGNSIS_EXE = "signsis" + HostOS.EXE_EXT; //$NON-NLS-1$
	private static List<IPath> normalMakMakePaths = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<IPath>());
	private static List<IPath> testMakMakePaths = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<IPath>());
	private static ICarbideBuilder v1Builder = new CarbideSBSv1Builder();
	private static ICarbideBuilder v2Builder = new CarbideSBSv2Builder();
	private static ICarbideBuilder getBuilder(IProject project) {
		if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(project)) {
			return v2Builder;
		} else {
				return v1Builder;
			} else {
				PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getDisplay().asyncExec(new Runnable() {
					public void run() {
						MessageDialog.openError(WorkbenchUtils.getSafeShell(), "Unsupported", "ABLD is not supported in this version of Carbide. Please enusre you are using Symbian^3 or greater and SBS is installed, then re-import your project.");
				return null;
	 * (non-Javadoc)
	 * @see,
	 *      java.util.Map, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor)
	protected IProject[] build(int kind, Map args, IProgressMonitor monitor)
			throws CoreException {

		SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);
		IProject currentProject = getProject();
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(currentProject);
		if (cpi != null) {
			ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
			if (cpi.incrementalBuilderEnabled()) {
				// the callOnEmptyDelta builder attribute is set, so we get called
				// not matter what, even with an empty delta.  this means that when the
				// incremental build option is disabled, we still get called.  when it's
				// enabled, we just check the delta.  if null, we need to build.  otherwise
				// see what's changed and decide from that.
				IResourceDelta delta = getDelta(currentProject);
				if (delta != null) {
					// something in the workspace has changed.  see if a rebuild is needed.
					if (shouldRebuild(delta)) {
						// set rebuild flag in build configs
					} else {
						if (defaultConfig != null) {
							// check current build config to see if rebuild is needed
							CarbideBuildConfiguration config = (CarbideBuildConfiguration) defaultConfig;
							if (!config.getRebuildNeeded()) {
								// also rebuild if the project has errors
								if (!projectHasErrors()) {
									return null;
						} else {
							// also rebuild if the project has errors
							if (!projectHasErrors()) {
								return null;
			if (defaultConfig != null) {
				CarbideCommandLauncher launcher = new CarbideCommandLauncher(currentProject, monitor, getParserIdArray(defaultConfig.getErrorParserId()), cpi.getINFWorkingDirectory());
				invokeBuild(defaultConfig, launcher, subMonitor.newChild(1), true);
			} else {
	   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(currentProject, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  "Project has no configurations.", IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH);

			if (!monitor.isCanceled() && cpi.incrementalBuilderEnabled() && defaultConfig != null) {
				// reset rebuild flag in current build config after build succeeded
				CarbideBuildConfiguration config = ((CarbideBuildConfiguration) defaultConfig);

		return null;
	protected boolean shouldRebuild(IResourceDelta delta) {
		// check for any changed files.  note that even if files are removed or added, they won't
		// affect the build unless the bld.inf or mmp files change.  those files will be picked up
		// by this check, so no need to worry about checking for added and removed resources.
		// I thought about maybe checking by file extension, but there's really no way for us to know the
		// comprehensive list.  note that they could change the input to a hlp file, any random
		// header file with any extension, even .txt files that are included in a pkg file.  so
		// at least for now we'll leave it as rebuilding when any file in the workspace changes.
		for (IResourceDelta child : delta.getAffectedChildren(IResourceDelta.CHANGED)) {
			IResource resource = child.getResource();
			if (resource != null) {
				if (resource.getType() == IResource.FILE) {
					// ignore changes to the .cproject and .project files
					if (!resource.getName().equals(".project") && !resource.getName().equals(".cproject")) {
						return true;
			if (shouldRebuild(child)) {
				return true;
		return false;
    protected void shouldRebuildConfigs(ICarbideProjectInfo cpi) {
    	List<ICarbideBuildConfiguration> configs = cpi.getBuildConfigurations();
    	ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
    	for (ICarbideBuildConfiguration config : configs) {
			CarbideBuildConfiguration cbc = (CarbideBuildConfiguration) config;

	protected boolean projectHasErrors() {
		boolean hasErrors = false;
    	try {
			for (IMarker currMarker : getProject().findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)){
				if (currMarker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) == IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR){
					hasErrors = true;
		} catch (CoreException e){
		return hasErrors;
	protected void clean(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException {

		SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);
		IProject currentProject = getProject();
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().getProjectInfo(currentProject);
		if (cpi != null) {
			ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig = cpi.getDefaultConfiguration();
			if (defaultConfig != null) {
				invokeClean(defaultConfig, subMonitor.newChild(1), true);
			} else {
	   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(currentProject, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  "Project has no configurations.", IMarker.PRIORITY_HIGH);
	 * Invokes a build for the given build configuration.  Output is piped to the given console and progress is reported
	 * using the given monitor.  Make files are created/updated if necessary.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to build
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to use to report progress
	 * @param clearMarkers true if project markers should be cleared before action is taken
	public static void invokeBuild(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean clearMarkers) {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		if (clearMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {

		calculateComponentLists(buildConfig, launcher);


		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Building project \"" + cpi.getProject().getName() + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
		getBuilder(cpi.getProject()).preBuildStep(buildConfig, launcher);
		runPreBuildChecks(buildConfig, launcher);

		if (SHOW_ENV_VARS){ 
			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Printing environment variables modified from default:\n");
			String[] modEnvVars = getModifiedEnvVars(buildConfig);
			for (String envVar : modEnvVars){
				launcher.writeToConsole(envVar + "\n");
			launcher.writeToConsole("Working Directory: " + cpi.getINFWorkingDirectory() + "\n\n");	

		boolean success = true;
		if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
			success = buildAllComponents(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);
		} else {
			success = buildComponentSubset(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);

		// error codes are not always returned from and the like.
		// check for error markers on the project as well in case the error
		// parsers picked anything up.
		if (success && !projectHasBuildErrors(cpi.getProject())) {
			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Build Complete\n");

			// build any sis files
			SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);
			invokeSISBuilder(buildConfig, launcher, subMonitor.newChild(1));

			// build ROM if necessary
			subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);
			invokeROMBuilder(buildConfig, launcher, subMonitor.newChild(1));

		} else {
			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Errors were detected in build. See the Problems or Console view for details.\n");

		// only refresh if the auto refresh workspace pref is turned off
        if (!ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_AUTO_REFRESH)) {
    		// refresh the file system to pick up any newly created files under the project
    		try {
    			cpi.getProject().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);
    		} catch (CoreException e) {
    			// no file system refresh
	 * Invokes a clean for the given build configuration.  Output is piped to the given console and progress is reported
	 * using the given monitor.  Make files are created/updated if necessary.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to clean
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to use to report progress
	 * @param clearMarkers true if project markers should be cleared before action is taken
	public static void invokeClean(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean clearMarkers) {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		IProject project = cpi.getProject();
		if (clearMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {


		CarbideCommandLauncher launcher = new CarbideCommandLauncher(project, monitor, getParserIdArray(buildConfig.getErrorParserId()), cpi.getINFWorkingDirectory());

		calculateComponentLists(buildConfig, launcher);

		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Cleaning project \"" + project.getName() + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");

		if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
			cleanAllComponents(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);
		} else {
			cleanComponentSubset(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);
		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Clean Complete\n");

		// only refresh if the auto refresh workspace pref is turned off
        if (!ResourcesPlugin.getPlugin().getPluginPreferences().getBoolean(ResourcesPlugin.PREF_AUTO_REFRESH)) {
    		// refresh the file system to pick up any newly created files under the project
    		try {
    			cpi.getProject().refreshLocal(IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE, monitor);
    		} catch (CoreException e) {
    			// no file system refresh

	 * Invokes a freeze for the given build configuration.  Output is piped to the given console and progress is reported
	 * using the given monitor.  Make files are created/updated if necessary.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to freeze
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to use to report progress
	 * @param clearMarkers true if project markers should be cleared before action is taken
	public static void invokeFreeze(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean clearMarkers) {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		IProject project = cpi.getProject();
		CarbideCommandLauncher launcher = new CarbideCommandLauncher(project, monitor, getParserIdArray(buildConfig.getErrorParserId()), cpi.getINFWorkingDirectory());

		// make sure the project is built
		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Bringing project up to date before freezing\n");
		invokeBuild(buildConfig, launcher, monitor, clearMarkers);
		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Freezing project \"" + project.getName() + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
		if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
			freezeAllComponents(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);
		} else {
			freezeComponentSubset(buildConfig, launcher, monitor);
		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Freeze Complete\n");

	 * Invoke the given action on the given Symbian mmp/make file for the given build configuration.
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to act upon
	 * @param action the action to perform, see {@link #BUILD_COMPONENT_ACTION}, {@link #CLEAN_COMPONENT_ACTION}, {@link #FREEZE_COMPONENT_ACTION}
	 * @param componentPath the full path of the mmp or make file
     * @param launcher - The object to use for the process execution
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to report progress to
	 * @param clearMarkers true if project markers should be cleared before action is taken
	 * @return true if successful, false otherwise
	 * @throws CoreException
	public static boolean invokeSymbianComponenetAction(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, int action, IPath componentPath, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean clearMarkers) throws CoreException {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();		
		List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigList = new ArrayList<ISymbianBuildContext>(1);
		if (clearMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {

		List<IPath> normalMakMakePaths = new ArrayList<IPath>();
		List<IPath> testMakMakePaths = new ArrayList<IPath>();

		// get the list of mmp/make files for this build configuration.  note that we're not calling calculateComponentLists here
		// because then the caller would only be able to build components that are build built by a full build.  but that's kind of
		// limiting.  they may have build test components disabled but just want to verify that one test mmp still builds.
		EpocEngineHelper.getMakMakeFiles(cpi.getAbsoluteBldInfPath(), buildConfigList, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, new NullProgressMonitor());

		boolean found = false;
		boolean isTest = false;
		// see if we can find the component
		for (IPath path : normalMakMakePaths) {
			if (path.equals(componentPath)) {
				found = true;
		if (!found) {
			// try the test components
			for (IPath path : testMakMakePaths) {
				if (path.equals(componentPath)) {
					found = true;
					isTest = true;
		if (!found) {
			throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CarbideBuilderPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, "Component " + componentPath.toOSString() + " not found.", null)); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$

		String componentName = componentPath.removeFileExtension().lastSegment();

		boolean result = false;
		if (action == BUILD_COMPONENT_ACTION) {
			runPreBuildChecks(buildConfig, launcher);

			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Building component \"" + componentName + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
			result = getBuilder(cpi.getProject()).buildComponent(buildConfig, componentPath, isTest, launcher, monitor);

		} else if (action == CLEAN_COMPONENT_ACTION) {
			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Cleaning component \"" + componentName + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
			result = getBuilder(cpi.getProject()).cleanComponent(buildConfig, componentPath, isTest, launcher, monitor);

		} else if (action == FREEZE_COMPONENT_ACTION) {
			SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 3);
			progress.setTaskName("Freezing " + componentName);

			// make sure the component is built
			launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Bringing component up to date before freezing\n");
			boolean success = invokeSymbianComponenetAction(buildConfig, BUILD_COMPONENT_ACTION, componentPath, launcher, progress.newChild(1), false);
			if (success) {
				launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Freezing component \"" + componentName + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
				result = getBuilder(cpi.getProject()).freezeComponent(buildConfig, componentPath, isTest, launcher, progress);

		return result;

	 * Invokes a compile of the the given file for the given build configuration.  Output is piped to the given console and
	 * progress is reported using the given monitor.  Make files are created/updated if necessary.
	 * @param file the absolute file system path to the file to be compiled (source, resource)
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration to build
	 * @param console the console to pipe build output to
     * @param launcher - The object to use for the process execution
	 * @param monitor the progress monitor to use to report progress
	 * @param clearMarkers whether or not to clear project markers before compiling
	 * @throws CoreException
	public static void compileFile(IPath file, ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, IConsole console, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean clearMarkers) throws CoreException {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		if (clearMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {
		final SubMonitor progress = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 5);
		progress.setTaskName("Compiling " + file.lastSegment());

		final List<IPath> parentMMPs = EpocEngineHelper.getMMPsForSource(cpi.getProject(), file);
		if (parentMMPs.isEmpty()) {
			throw new CoreException(new Status(IStatus.ERROR, CarbideBuilderPlugin.PLUGIN_ID, 0, "Unable to find parent MMP for file " + file.toOSString(), null)); //$NON-NLS-1$
		if (progress.isCanceled()) {

		final EpocEnginePathHelper helper = new EpocEnginePathHelper(cpi.getProject());
		final List<IPath> tempPath = new ArrayList<IPath>();

		// if there is more than one mmp that uses this file, ask the user which one to use
		if (parentMMPs.size() > 1) {
			Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {

				public void run() {
					List<String> mmps = new ArrayList<String>();
					for (IPath mmp : parentMMPs) {
					MMPSelectionDialog dlg = new MMPSelectionDialog(WorkbenchUtils.getSafeShell(), mmps);
					if (Window.OK == {
						tempPath.set(0, helper.convertToFilesystem(parentMMPs.get(dlg.getselectedIndex())));
					} else {
		if (progress.isCanceled()) {

		IPath fullMMPPath = tempPath.get(0);

		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Compiling file \"" + file.toOSString() + "\" for configuration \"" + buildConfig.getDisplayString() + "\"\n");
		runPreBuildChecks(buildConfig, launcher);

		getBuilder(cpi.getProject()).compileFile(file, buildConfig, fullMMPPath, launcher, monitor);

		launcher.writeToConsole("\n***Compile Complete\n");

	protected static List<IPath> getMakeRulesForResource(final ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, final IPath workspaceRelativeMMPPath, final IPath projectRelativeResourcePath) {
		final List<IPath> rules = new ArrayList<IPath>();
				new DefaultMMPViewConfiguration(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject(), buildConfig.getBuildContext(), new AcceptedNodesViewFilter()), 
				new MMPDataRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IMMPData mmpData) {
					// read the project-wide target path
					String targetPath = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETPATH);
					if (targetPath != null) {
						// make sure it doesn't start with a "\" but ends with one
						IPath targetP = new Path(targetPath).makeRelative().addTrailingSeparator();
						targetPath = targetP.toOSString();
					} else {
						targetPath = "sys\\bin\\"; //$NON-NLS-1$

					ISymbianSDK sdk = buildConfig.getSDK();
					ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
					IPath releaseRoot;
					if (sbsv1BuildInfo != null) {
						releaseRoot = sbsv1BuildInfo.getReleaseRoot(sdk);
					} else {
						releaseRoot = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT()).append("epoc32/release");
					String dataZDir = releaseRoot.removeLastSegments(1).toOSString() + "\\Data\\z\\"; //$NON-NLS-1$

					IPath rezPath = null;
					List<EMMPLanguage> languages = null;
					// check the user resources
					List<IPath> userResources = mmpData.getUserResources();
					for (IPath userRes : userResources) {
						if (userRes.equals(projectRelativeResourcePath)) {
							rezPath = new Path(dataZDir).removeLastSegments(1).append(userRes.removeFileExtension().lastSegment());
					if (rezPath == null) {
						// check the system resources
						List<IPath> systemResources = mmpData.getSystemResources();
						for (IPath systemRes : systemResources) {
							if (systemRes.equals(projectRelativeResourcePath)) {
								// target path for system resources is \z\system\data\
								rezPath = new Path(dataZDir + "system\\data\\" + systemRes.removeFileExtension().lastSegment());

					if (rezPath == null) {
						// check the resource blocks
						List<IMMPResource> resourceBlocks = mmpData.getResourceBlocks();
						for (IMMPResource resourceBlock : resourceBlocks) {
							if (resourceBlock.getSource().equals(projectRelativeResourcePath)) {
								IPath resPath = resourceBlock.getTargetPath();
								if (resPath == null) {
									// if not specified in the resource block then get the global
									// target path
									String targetP = mmpData.getSingleArgumentSettings().get(EMMPStatement.TARGETPATH);
									if (targetP != null) {
										resPath = new Path(targetP);
								if (resPath != null) {
									resPath = resPath.makeRelative().addTrailingSeparator();
									String filename = resourceBlock.getTargetFile();
									if (filename == null) {
										filename = resourceBlock.getSource().removeFileExtension().lastSegment();
									} else {
										filename = new Path(filename).removeFileExtension().toOSString();
									rezPath = new Path(dataZDir + resPath.toOSString() + filename);
									languages = resourceBlock.getLanguages();
									if (languages.size() == 0)
										languages = null;


					if (rezPath != null) {
						if (languages == null) {
							languages = mmpData.getLanguages();
							if (languages.size() == 0) {
								// default is non-localize
								languages = Collections.singletonList(EMMPLanguage.SC_NonLocalized);

						for (EMMPLanguage language : languages) {
							String extension = "R" + language.getCodeString(); //$NON-NLS-1$
					return null;
		return rules;

	protected static void runPreBuildChecks(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher) {
		if (buildConfig.getPlatformString().equals(ISymbianBuildContext.EMULATOR_PLATFORM) && BuilderPreferencePage.useBuiltInX86Vars()) {
	protected static void calculateComponentLists(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher) {
		// this could potentially take some time, and this information is needed in a
		// lot of different places, so just do it once and keep it cached for each user
		// invoked builder operation.  clear it at the start of each operation.

		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();		
		List<ISymbianBuildContext> buildConfigList = new ArrayList<ISymbianBuildContext>(1);

		// get the list of mmp/make files for this build configuration
		EpocEngineHelper.getMakMakeFiles(cpi.getAbsoluteBldInfPath(), buildConfigList, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, new NullProgressMonitor());

		if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(cpi.getProject())) {
			// add any named extensions
	    	List<IExtension> normalNamedExtensionsList = new ArrayList<IExtension>();
			List<IExtension> testNamedExtensionsList = new ArrayList<IExtension>();
			EpocEngineHelper.getNamedExtensions(cpi.getAbsoluteBldInfPath(), buildConfigList,
					normalNamedExtensionsList, testNamedExtensionsList, new NullProgressMonitor());
	    	for (IExtension extension : normalNamedExtensionsList) {
	    		normalMakMakePaths.add(new Path(extension.getName()));
	    	for (IExtension extension : testNamedExtensionsList) {
	    		testMakMakePaths.add(new Path(extension.getName()));

    	// if we're not supposed to build test components then clear the list
		if (cpi.isBuildingFromInf() && !cpi.isBuildingTestComps()) {

		if (!cpi.isBuildingFromInf()) {
			// issue a warning that extensions will not be built if they're building a subset of components
			boolean buildingSubset = false;
			// building a subset so we need to figure out which ones to check
			List<String> normalComponentsToBeBuilt = cpi.getNormalInfBuildComponents();
			for (Iterator<IPath> iter = normalMakMakePaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
				if (!normalComponentsToBeBuilt.contains( {
					buildingSubset = true;

			List<String> testComponentsToBeBuilt = cpi.getTestInfBuildComponents();
			for (Iterator<IPath> iter = testMakMakePaths.iterator(); iter.hasNext();) {
				if (!testComponentsToBeBuilt.contains( {
					buildingSubset = true;
			if (buildingSubset && EpocEngineHelper.hasUnnamedExtensions(cpi.getAbsoluteBldInfPath(), buildConfigList, new NullProgressMonitor())) {
				String warningText = "WARNING: PRJ_EXTENSIONS and PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS will be excluded from the build because you've selected to build a subset of the bld.inf, and there is no way to specify unnamed components.";
				if (CarbideBuilderPlugin.getBuildManager().isCarbideSBSv2Project(cpi.getProject())) {
					warningText = warningText + "  If you name the extensions then you can select them to be built from the UI.";
				launcher.writeToConsole(warningText + "\n");
	   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(cpi.getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING, warningText, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);
	protected static boolean buildAllComponents(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		return getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).buildAllComponents(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);
	protected static boolean buildComponentSubset(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		return getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).buildComponentSubset(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);

	protected static void cleanAllComponents(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).cleanAllComponents(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);
	protected static void cleanComponentSubset(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).cleanComponentSubset(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);

	protected static void freezeAllComponents(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).freezeAllComponents(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);
	protected static void freezeComponentSubset(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {
		getBuilder(buildConfig.getCarbideProject().getProject()).freezeComponentSubset(buildConfig, normalMakMakePaths, testMakMakePaths, launcher, monitor);

	 * Call bldmake with the given arguments
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the command launcher
	 * @param bldmakeArgs array of String arguments to be passed to bldmake
	 * @param removeMarkers project markers will be removed when true
	 * @return true if operation was successful, false otherwise
	public static boolean invokeBldmakeCommand(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, String[] bldmakeArgs, boolean removeMarkers) {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		IProject project = cpi.getProject();

        if (removeMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {
        return getBuilder(project).invokeBldmakeCommand(buildConfig, launcher, bldmakeArgs);

	 * Call abld with the given arguments
	 * @param buildConfig the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the command launcher
	 * @param abldArgs array of String arguments to be passed to abld
	 * @param removeMarkers project markers will be removed when true
	 * @return true if operation was successful, false otherwise
	public static boolean invokeAbldCommand(ICarbideBuildConfiguration buildConfig, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, String[] abldArgs, boolean removeMarkers) {
		ICarbideProjectInfo cpi = buildConfig.getCarbideProject();
		IProject project = cpi.getProject();

        if (removeMarkers) {
    		try {
    		} catch (CoreException e) {

        return getBuilder(project).invokeAbldCommand(buildConfig, launcher, abldArgs);
	 * Get the array of resolved environment variables. This the entire list of variables that should be
	 * used during a build for the given configuration
	 * @param config - The config whose environment variables you want.
	 * @return An array of environment variables of format &lt;var&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
	public static String [] getResolvedEnvVars(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config) {
		if (config == null){
			return new String[0];
		return getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getResolvedEnvVars(config);
	 * Get the array of environment variables that are modified from their default values.
	 * @param config - Config you are building for.
	 * @return An array of environment variables of format &lt;var&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
	public static String[] getModifiedEnvVars(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config){
		return config.getEnvironmentVarsInfo().getModifiedEnvironmentVariables();
	 * Get the environement variables exactly as they come from the system.
	 * @return An array of environment variables of format &lt;var&gt;=&lt;value&gt;
	public static String [] getRawEnvVars(){
		return EnvironmentReader.getRawEnvVars();
	 * Generates the bldmake makefiles if necessary.
	 * If abld.bat or any makefiles don't exist, or if the bld.inf or any of its includes
	 * is newer than any of the makefiles, then generates the makefiles by running
	 * 'bldmake bldfiles platform'.
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @return false if makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	public static boolean generateBldmakeMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher) {

		if (needsBldmakeMakefileGeneration(config)) {
			List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>();
			if (config instanceof ISBSv1BuildContext){
			for (String arg : config.getBuildArgumentsInfo().getBldmakeBldFilesArgs().split(" ")) {
			if (!invokeBldmakeCommand(config, launcher, argsList.toArray(new String[argsList.size()]), false)) {
				return false;
		} else {
			launcher.writeToConsole("***Makefile structures up to date. Skipping 'bldmake bldfiles'\n"); 

		return true;

	 * Check to see if abld.bat and the bldmake makefiles exists, or if they are stale.
	 * If abld.bat or any makefiles don't exist, or if the bld.inf or any of its includes
	 * is newer than any of the makefiles, then returns true.
	 * @param config - The build configuration to check the makefiles for
	 * @return true if makefiles need to be regenerated (bldmake bldfiles platform)
	protected static boolean needsBldmakeMakefileGeneration(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config) {
		return getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).needsBldmakeMakefileGeneration(config);
	 * Generates the abld makefiles if necessary.
	 * Loops through the mmp files to be built for the given build configuration and generates the makefile
	 * for the mmp if:
	 * 	 1) the makefile for the mmp does not exist
	 *   2) if the mmp or any of its includes is newer than the makefile
	 *   3) the makefile does not have the necessary Carbide changes
	 *   The command used will be 'abld [test] makefile platform mmpname'
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @return false if any makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	public static boolean generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher) {
		return generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(config, launcher, true);

	 * Generates the abld makefiles if necessary.
	 * Loops through the mmp files to be built for the given build configuration and generates the makefile
	 * for the mmp if:
	 * 	 1) the makefile for the mmp does not exist
	 *   2) if the mmp or any of its includes is newer than the makefile
	 *   3) the makefile does not have the necessary Carbide changes
	 *   The command used will be 'abld [test] makefile platform mmpname'
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @param calculateComponentLists whether or not to calculate the list of makmake components
	 * @return false if any makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	 * @since 2.0
	 * @deprecated Use {@link #generateAbldMakeFileIfNecessary(generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, CarbideCommandLauncher, boolean, IProgressMonitor)} instead
	public static boolean generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, boolean calculateComponentLists) {
		return generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(config, launcher, calculateComponentLists, new NullProgressMonitor());

	 * Generates the abld makefiles if necessary.
	 * Loops through the mmp files to be built for the given build configuration and generates the makefile
	 * for the mmp if:
	 * 	 1) the makefile for the mmp does not exist
	 *   2) if the mmp or any of its includes is newer than the makefile
	 *   3) the makefile does not have the necessary Carbide changes
	 *   The command used will be 'abld [test] makefile platform mmpname'
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @param calculateComponentLists whether or not to calculate the list of makmake components
	 * @param progress monitor to allow user to cancel
	 * @return false if any makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	 * @since 2.0
	public static boolean generateAbldMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, boolean calculateComponentLists, IProgressMonitor progress) {

		if (calculateComponentLists) {
			calculateComponentLists(config, launcher);

		// generate the makefiles if necessary
		for (IPath path : normalMakMakePaths) {
			if (!generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(config, launcher, path, false, progress)) {
				return false;
		for (IPath path : testMakMakePaths) {
			if (!generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(config, launcher, path, true, progress)) {
				return false;

		return true;
	 * Generates the abld makefile if necessary.
	 * Generates the makefile for the given mmp file if:
	 * 	 1) the makefile for the mmp does not exist
	 *   2) if the mmp or any of its includes is newer than the makefile
	 *   3) the makefile does not have the necessary Carbide changes
	 *   The command used will be 'abld [test] makefile platform mmpname'
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @param componentPath the absolute file system path of the component
	 * @param isTest true for test components, false otherwise
	 * @return false if any makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	 * @deprecated use {@link #generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, CarbideCommandLauncher, IPath, boolean, IProgressMonitor)} instead
	protected static boolean generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IPath componentPath, boolean isTest) {
		return generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(config, launcher, componentPath, isTest, new NullProgressMonitor());
	 * Generates the abld makefile if necessary.
	 * Generates the makefile for the given mmp file if:
	 * 	 1) the makefile for the mmp does not exist
	 *   2) if the mmp or any of its includes is newer than the makefile
	 *   3) the makefile does not have the necessary Carbide changes
	 *   The command used will be 'abld [test] makefile platform mmpname'
	 * @param config the build configuration context
	 * @param launcher the Carbide launcher
	 * @param componentPath the absolute file system path of the component
	 * @param isTest true for test components, false otherwise
	 * @return false if any makefile generation was necessary but failed, true otherwise
	protected static boolean generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher launcher, IPath componentPath, boolean isTest, IProgressMonitor progress) {
		return getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).generateAbldMakefileIfNecessary(config, launcher, componentPath, isTest, progress);
 * Get the array of parser ID's (extension ID from plugin.xml) that will be used to parse the output
 * of a given process invoked by the CarbideCommandLauncher. If you don't know which parser to use
 * you can use them all by passed ICarbideBuildeConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_ALL
 * @param id - The id to use to get the parsers.
 * @return An array of parser id's to iterate through to find matches in the stdout and stderrr
 * @see CarbideCommandLauncher, ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS*
public static String[] getParserIdArray(int id) {
	String[] parserIds = new String[0];

	switch (id) {
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_WINSCW:
			parserIds = new String[] {
		        "org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser",				// for cpp message from RCOMP
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_ARMVx:
			parserIds = new String[] {
			        "org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser",				// for cpp message from RCOMP
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_GCCE:
			parserIds = new String[] {
			        "",		// also handles cpp message from RCOMP
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER:
			parserIds = new String[] {
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_BLDMAKE_MAKE:
			parserIds = new String[] {
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_ROM_BUILDER:
			parserIds = new String[] {
		case ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_ALL:
			parserIds = new String[] {
			        "org.eclipse.cdt.core.GCCErrorParser",				// for cpp message from RCOMP
		return parserIds;

	 * Remove all the C/C++ markers for the current project.
	 * @param currProject - Project to remove markers for.
	 * @throws CoreException
	 public static void removeAllMarkers(IProject currProject) throws CoreException {
		IWorkspace workspace = currProject.getWorkspace();

		// remove all markers
		IMarker[] markers = currProject.findMarkers(ICModelMarker.C_MODEL_PROBLEM_MARKER, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
		if (markers != null) {
		markers = currProject.findMarkers(CarbideBuilderPlugin.CARBIDE_PROJECT_MARKER, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
		if (markers != null) {

	 * Invoke the SIS builder for all pkg files for the given build configuration
	 * @param config - The current configuration from where to get the settings from
	 * @param cmdLauncher - The object to use for the process execution
	 * @param monitor - An IProgressMonitor
	public static void invokeSISBuilder(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {

		int enabledSisInfos = 0;
		List<ISISBuilderInfo> sisList = config.getSISBuilderInfoList();
		for (ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo : sisList) {
			if (sisInfo.isEnabled()) {

		if (enabledSisInfos < 1) {

		SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, enabledSisInfos);

		for (ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo : sisList) {
			if (!sisInfo.isEnabled()) {
			buildSisFile(sisInfo, config, cmdLauncher, subMonitor.newChild(1), false);

     * Invoke the SIS builder for either EKA2 projects. Depending on the os version will
     * determine if makesis or makeis/signsis will get called
     * @param pkgPath - Full path to the PKG file to be used to generate the SIS file
     * @param config - The current configuration from where to get the settings for
     * @param cmdLauncher - The object to use for the process execution
     * @param monitor - An IProgressMonitor
     * @param createOutputFromPKGFileName - When true, only create output file name based on PKG file name, otherwise check the SIS build settings.
    public static void invokeSISBuilder(IPath pkgPath, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName) {
		int sisInfosForPkg = 0;
		List<ISISBuilderInfo> sisList = config.getSISBuilderInfoList();
		for (ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo : sisList) {
			// ignoring enabled flag on purpose
			if (sisInfo.getPKGFullPath().equals(pkgPath)) {

		if (sisInfosForPkg < 1) {
   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("No SIS Builder info found for pkg file.");

		SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, sisInfosForPkg);

		for (ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo : sisList) {
			// ignoring enabled flag on purpose
			if (!sisInfo.getPKGFullPath().equals(pkgPath)) {
			buildSisFile(sisInfo, config, cmdLauncher, subMonitor.newChild(1), createOutputFromPKGFileName);
    private static void buildSisFile(final ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName) {
		IPath pkgPath = sisInfo.getPKGFullPath();
    	if (pkgPath == null) {
   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("PKG file does not exist.  Skipping...");
    	} else if (!pkgPath.toFile().exists()) {
			// Check to see if this is a Qt project and if the template format could have changed.
			IProject project = config.getCarbideProject().getProject();
			if (QtCorePlugin.isQtProject(project)) {
				final String currentPKGName = pkgPath.lastSegment();
				pkgPath = pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1).append(project.getName() + "_template.pkg" ); //$NON-NLS-N$
				if (pkgPath.toFile().exists()){
					final IPath finalPkgPath = pkgPath;
					Display.getDefault().syncExec(new Runnable() {
						public void run() {
							if (true == MessageDialog.openQuestion(WorkbenchUtils.getSafeShell(), "Can not find PKG file for SIS builder", "The file \"" + currentPKGName + "\" does not exist for this Qt project. The suggested file is \"" + finalPkgPath.lastSegment() + "\".\n\nDo you want to update your build configuration to use this PKG file?")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
								IWorkspace workspace= ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace();
								IFile ifile= workspace.getRoot().getFileForLocation(finalPkgPath); 
			if (!sisInfo.getPKGFullPath().toFile().exists()){
				cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("PKG file " + pkgPath.toOSString() + " does not exist.  Skipping..."); //$NON-NLS-N$
    	// see if we need to rebuild the sis file
		boolean shouldBuild = false;
		String sisName = createOutputFromPKGFileName ? pkgPath.toOSString().substring(0, pkgPath.toOSString().lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sis" : sisInfo.getUnsignedSISFullPath().toOSString();
		File sisFile = new File(sisName);
		if (!sisFile.exists()) {
			// no sis file - need to build
			shouldBuild = true;
		} else {
			long sisFileTimestamp = sisFile.lastModified();
			// see if the pkg file is newer than the sis
			if (pkgPath.toFile().lastModified() > sisFileTimestamp) {
				shouldBuild = true;
			} else {
				// get the list of files from the pkg file and check for their existence
				for (IPath path : EpocEngineHelper.getFilesInPKG(pkgPath, config, sisInfo)) {
					File file = path.toFile();
					if (!file.exists()) {
						shouldBuild = true;
		if (!shouldBuild) {
			// see if they have changed any sis builder settings since the
			// last build
	    	if (sisInfo instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
	    		SISBuilderInfo2 info = (SISBuilderInfo2)sisInfo;
	    		if (info.hasSisChanges()) {
	    			shouldBuild = true;
		// check to see if any of the files listed in the pkg have changed since the sis file
		// was last built.  remember the list of files that have changed in case we're building
		// a partial upgrade
   		boolean creatingPU = false;
    	boolean createPartialUpgradeEnabled = false;
    	if (sisInfo instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
    		createPartialUpgradeEnabled = ((SISBuilderInfo2)sisInfo).isPartialUpgrade();
		final List<File> modifiedFiles = new ArrayList<File>();

		if (!shouldBuild) {
	    	long sisFileTimestamp = sisFile.lastModified();
			for (IPath path : EpocEngineHelper.getFilesInPKG(pkgPath, config, sisInfo)) {
				if (path.toFile().lastModified() > sisFileTimestamp) {
					// file has changed since the sis was built
					shouldBuild = true;
					if (createPartialUpgradeEnabled) {
					} else {
    	SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);

    	if (shouldBuild) {
	    	if (sisInfo instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
	    		SISBuilderInfo2 info = (SISBuilderInfo2)sisInfo;

			subMonitor.setTaskName("Building sis file");
			// put temp _resolved.pkg file in epoc32/build tree
	    	IPath buildDirPath = getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getMakefileDirectory(config);
	    	String prefix = RESOLVED_PKG_PREFIX;

			IPath tmpPKGPath = buildDirPath.append(prefix + pkgPath.lastSegment());

			IPath resolvedPKGPath = resolvePKGFile(pkgPath, config.getBuildContext(), tmpPKGPath);
			List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

			// add the search location if specified
			String searchDir = sisInfo.getContentSearchLocation();
			if (searchDir != null && searchDir.length() > 0) {
				args.add("-d" + searchDir);


			ISymbianSDK sdk = config.getSDK();
			ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
			IPath toolsPath;
			if (sbsv1BuildInfo != null) {
				toolsPath = sbsv1BuildInfo.getReleaseRoot(sdk);
			} else {
				toolsPath = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT()).append("epoc32/tools");
			IPath makeSisPath = toolsPath.append(MAKESIS_EXE);

			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Invoking " + MAKESIS_EXE + " ....\n");
			cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1), getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER));
	   		int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(makeSisPath, args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), getResolvedEnvVars(config), pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1));
	   		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {
	   		if (retVal != 0){
	   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: " + MAKESIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal);
	   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  MAKESIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);
	   		// now create the partial upgrade sis file if necessary
			if (createPartialUpgradeEnabled && modifiedFiles.size() > 0) {
				creatingPU = true;
				if (!createPartialUpgradeSis(sisInfo, config, cmdLauncher, subMonitor, createOutputFromPKGFileName, modifiedFiles)) {
			} else {
				// delete the partial upgrade files and links if they exist since they are now obsolete
				IFile tempPkgFileLink = getTempPkgIFile(pkgPath, getTempPkgBuildTreePath(sisInfo, config), config);
				if (tempPkgFileLink.exists()) {
					try {
						tempPkgFileLink.delete(0, null);
					} catch (CoreException e) {

				IPath tempPkgBuildTreePath = getTempPkgBuildTreePath(sisInfo, config);
				IFile tempSisFileLink = getTempSisIFile(pkgPath, getPUSisPath(sisInfo, tempPkgBuildTreePath, createOutputFromPKGFileName, false), config);
				if (tempSisFileLink.exists()) {
					try {
						tempSisFileLink.delete(0, null);
					} catch (CoreException e) {
		} else {
	   		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {

	   		cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\nSIS file " + sisFile.getAbsolutePath() + " already up to date.  Skipping...");
    	buildSisxFile(sisInfo, config, cmdLauncher, monitor, createOutputFromPKGFileName, sisFile, creatingPU);
   		cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***SIS Creation Complete\n");
    private static void buildSisxFile(ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName, File sisFile, boolean creatingPu) {
    	if (sisInfo.getSigningType() == ISISBuilderInfo.DONT_SIGN) {

    	boolean shouldBuild = false;

		IPath pkgPath = sisInfo.getPKGFullPath();

		String sisxName = sisInfo.getSignedSISFullPath().toOSString();
		if (createOutputFromPKGFileName){
			sisxName = pkgPath.toOSString().substring(0, pkgPath.toOSString().lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sisx";

		File sisxFile = new File(sisxName);
		if (!sisxFile.exists()) {
			// no sisx file - need to build
			shouldBuild = true;
		} else {
			// see if the sis file is newer than the sisx
			if (sisFile.lastModified() > sisxFile.lastModified()) {
				shouldBuild = true;
		if (!shouldBuild) {
			// see if they have changed any sisx builder settings since the
			// last build
	    	if (sisInfo instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
	    		SISBuilderInfo2 info = (SISBuilderInfo2)sisInfo;
	    		if (info.hasSisxChanges()) {
	    			shouldBuild = true;

    	SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2);

    	if (shouldBuild) {
	    	if (sisInfo instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
	    		SISBuilderInfo2 info = (SISBuilderInfo2)sisInfo;

   	    	IPath buildDirPath = getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getMakefileDirectory(config);
			ISymbianSDK sdk = config.getSDK();
			ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
			IPath toolsPath;
			if (sbsv1BuildInfo != null) {
				toolsPath = sbsv1BuildInfo.getReleaseRoot(sdk);
			} else {
				toolsPath = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT()).append("epoc32/tools");

   	    	int signingMethod = sisInfo.getSigningType();
	   		if (signingMethod != ISISBuilderInfo.DONT_SIGN) {
				String password = sisInfo.getPassword();

		   		if (signingMethod == ISISBuilderInfo.SELF_SIGN) {

		   	    	// call makekeys
					cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n...No key/cert defined. Generating dummy key/cert for self-signing (" + DEFAULT_KEY_NAME + "/" + DEFAULT_CERT_NAME + ")...\n");
					if (password.length() == 0){
						password = DEAULT_PASSWORD;
						cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("No passphrase defined. Using: \"" + DEAULT_PASSWORD + "\"\n");
					cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Invoking makekeys....\n");

					IPath makekeys = toolsPath.append(MAKEKEYS_EXE);
					List<String> makekeysArgList = new ArrayList<String>();
					makekeysArgList.add("\"CN=JoeBloggs OR=Acme\"");
					String[] makeKeysArgs = 
						(String[]) makekeysArgList.toArray(new String[makekeysArgList.size()]);
					// set the working directory to the epoc32/build directory so the temp file get generated there
	 				subMonitor.setTaskName("Invoking makekeys...");
	 				cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1), getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER));
	 				int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(makekeys, makeKeysArgs, getResolvedEnvVars(config), buildDirPath);
	 				if (retVal != 0){
	 		   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: " + MAKEKEYS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal);
	 		   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  MAKEKEYS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);

	 		   		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {

				// call signsis...
				cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Invoking " + SIGNSIS_EXE + "....\n");

				IPath signsis = toolsPath.append(SIGNSIS_EXE);
				List<String> signSISArgList = new ArrayList<String>();
				if (sisInfo.getAdditionalOptions().length() > 0){
					String additionalOpts = sisInfo.getAdditionalOptions();
					String[] addOptsArray = additionalOpts.split(" ");
					if (addOptsArray.length > 0){
						for (String currOpt : addOptsArray) {
				if (createOutputFromPKGFileName){
					String sisName = pkgPath.toOSString().substring(0, pkgPath.toOSString().lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sis";
					signSISArgList.add(sisName + "x");
				} else {
		   		if (signingMethod == ISISBuilderInfo.SELF_SIGN) {
				} else {
					signSISArgList.add("\"" + sisInfo.getCertificateFullPath().toOSString() + "\"");
					signSISArgList.add("\"" + sisInfo.getKeyFullPath().toOSString() + "\"");
				String[] signSisArgs = (String[]) signSISArgList.toArray(new String[signSISArgList.size()]);

				subMonitor.setTaskName("Signing sisfile...");
				cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1), getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER));
				int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(signsis, signSisArgs, getResolvedEnvVars(config), pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1));
				if (retVal != 0) {
		   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: " + SIGNSIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal);
		   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  SIGNSIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);

		   		// now create the partial upgrade sisx file if necessary
		    	if (creatingPu) {
					if (!createPartialUpgradeSisx(sisInfo, config, cmdLauncher, subMonitor, createOutputFromPKGFileName)) {
		    	} else {
					// delete the partial upgrade file and link if they exist since they are now obsolete
					IPath tempPkgBuildTreePath = getTempPkgBuildTreePath(sisInfo, config);
					IFile tempSisxFileLink = getTempSisIFile(pkgPath, getPUSisPath(sisInfo, tempPkgBuildTreePath, createOutputFromPKGFileName, true), config);
					if (tempSisxFileLink.exists()) {
						try {
							tempSisxFileLink.delete(0, null);
						} catch (CoreException e) {

	   		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {
		} else {
	   		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {

	   		cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\nSISX file " + sisxFile.getAbsolutePath() + " already up to date.  Skipping...");
	private static boolean createPartialUpgradeSis(final ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName, final List<File> modifiedFiles) {
		final IPath pkgPath = sisInfo.getPKGFullPath();

		// make a copy of the pkg file and put it in the epoc32 build tree
    	IPath tempPkgBuildTreePath = getTempPkgBuildTreePath(sisInfo, config);
		File tempPkgFile = tempPkgBuildTreePath.toFile();
		try {
			if (!tempPkgFile.exists()) {
			FileUtils.copyFile(pkgPath.toFile(), tempPkgFile);
		} catch (IOException e) {
			return false;

		// update the temp pkg file by setting the PU flag and removing any files that have not been modified
				new DefaultViewConfiguration(config.getCarbideProject(), config.getBuildContext()), 
				new PKGViewRunnableAdapter() {

				public Object run(IPKGView view) {
					PKGViewPathHelper helper = new PKGViewPathHelper(view, config);
					if (sisInfo != null) {
					// we moved the file so we need to set the main directory for the parser so it picks up
					// relative paths correctly.

					// set the PU flag in the package header
					IPKGHeader header = view.getPackageHeader();
					if (header != null) {
						String puFlag = "TYPE=PU";  //$NON-NLS-1$
						List<String> options = header.getOptions();
						if (!options.contains(puFlag)) {
					// remove any files that haven't changed
					for (IPKGInstallFile file : view.getAllInstallFiles()) {
						Map<EPKGLanguage, IPath> sourceFiles = file.getSourceFiles();
						// with multiple launguages, we need to keep the install file if any one of
						// the language variant files has changed
						boolean anyVariantHasChanged = false;
						for (EPKGLanguage language : sourceFiles.keySet()) {
							IPath path = helper.getAbsolutePathFromViewPath(sourceFiles.get(language));
							if (path != null) {
								if (modifiedFiles.contains(path.toFile())) {
									anyVariantHasChanged = true;
						if (!anyVariantHasChanged) {
					// remove any embedded sis files that haven't changed
					for (IPKGEmbeddedSISFile file : view.getAllEmbeddedSISFiles()) {
						Map<EPKGLanguage, IPath> sourceFiles = file.getSourceFiles();
						// with multiple launguages, we need to keep the embedded sis file if any one of
						// the language variant files has changed
						boolean anyVariantHasChanged = false;
						for (EPKGLanguage language : sourceFiles.keySet()) {
							IPath path = helper.getAbsolutePathFromViewPath(sourceFiles.get(language));
							if (path != null) {
								if (modifiedFiles.contains(path.toFile())) {
									anyVariantHasChanged = true;
						if (!anyVariantHasChanged) {

					// now commit the changes and release the file
					while (true) {
						try {
						} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
							if (!view.merge()) {

					return null;

		tempPkgBuildTreePath = resolvePKGFile(tempPkgBuildTreePath, config.getBuildContext(), tempPkgBuildTreePath);

		// create link to temp pkg file and mark it as derived.
		IFile tempPkgFileLink = getTempPkgIFile(pkgPath, tempPkgBuildTreePath, config);
		if (!tempPkgFileLink.exists()) {
			try {
				tempPkgFileLink.createLink(tempPkgBuildTreePath, 0, null);
			} catch (CoreException e) {
				return false;

		// change the sis name and location as well
		IPath puSisPath = getPUSisPath(sisInfo, tempPkgBuildTreePath, createOutputFromPKGFileName, false);
		List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>();

		// add the search location if specified
		String searchDir = sisInfo.getContentSearchLocation();
		if (searchDir != null && searchDir.length() > 0) {
			args.add("-d" + searchDir);


		cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Invoking " + MAKESIS_EXE + " for partial upgrade....\n");
		cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1), getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER));

		ISymbianSDK sdk = config.getSDK();
		ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
		IPath toolsPath;
		if (sbsv1BuildInfo != null) {
			toolsPath = sbsv1BuildInfo.getReleaseRoot(sdk);
		} else {
			toolsPath = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT()).append("epoc32/tools");
		IPath makeSisPath = toolsPath.append(MAKESIS_EXE);
		int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(makeSisPath, args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), getResolvedEnvVars(config), pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1));
    	SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 1);
		subMonitor.setTaskName("Building partial upgrade sis file");

		if (subMonitor.isCanceled()) {
			return false;
		if (retVal != 0){
			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: " + MAKESIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal);
			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  MAKESIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);
			return false;
		} else {
			// create link to sis file
			IFile tempSisFile = getTempSisIFile(pkgPath, puSisPath, config);
			if (!tempSisFile.exists()) {
				try {
					tempSisFile.createLink(puSisPath, 0, null);
				} catch (CoreException e) {
					return false;

		return true;
	private static boolean createPartialUpgradeSisx(final ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo, final ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName) {
    	if (sisInfo.getSigningType() == ISISBuilderInfo.DONT_SIGN) {
    		return true;

    	String sisxName = "PU_" + sisInfo.getSignedSISFullPath().lastSegment();
		if (createOutputFromPKGFileName) {
			String pkgName = sisInfo.getPKGFullPath().lastSegment();
			sisxName = pkgName.substring(0, pkgName.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sisx";

    	IPath buildDirPath = getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getMakefileDirectory(config);
		IPath puSisxPath = buildDirPath.append(sisxName);

    	SubMonitor subMonitor = SubMonitor.convert(monitor, 2);

		// call signsis...
		cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Invoking " + SIGNSIS_EXE + " for partial upgrade....\n");

		ISymbianSDK sdk = config.getSDK();
		ISBSv1BuildInfo sbsv1BuildInfo = (ISBSv1BuildInfo)sdk.getBuildInfo(ISymbianBuilderID.SBSV1_BUILDER);
		IPath toolsPath;
		if (sbsv1BuildInfo != null) {
			toolsPath = sbsv1BuildInfo.getReleaseRoot(sdk);
		} else {
			toolsPath = new Path(sdk.getEPOCROOT()).append("epoc32/tools");
		IPath signsis = toolsPath.append(SIGNSIS_EXE);
		List<String> signSISArgList = new ArrayList<String>();
		if (sisInfo.getAdditionalOptions().length() > 0){
			String additionalOpts = sisInfo.getAdditionalOptions();
			String[] addOptsArray = additionalOpts.split(" ");
			if (addOptsArray.length > 0){
				for (String currOpt : addOptsArray) {
		signSISArgList.add(getPUSisPath(sisInfo, getTempPkgBuildTreePath(sisInfo, config), createOutputFromPKGFileName, false).toOSString());
		String password = sisInfo.getPassword();

		if (sisInfo.getSigningType() == ISISBuilderInfo.SELF_SIGN) {
			if (password.length() == 0){
				password = DEAULT_PASSWORD;
				cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("No passphrase defined. Using: \"" + DEAULT_PASSWORD + "\"\n");
		} else {
			signSISArgList.add("\"" + sisInfo.getCertificateFullPath().toOSString() + "\"");
			signSISArgList.add("\"" + sisInfo.getKeyFullPath().toOSString() + "\"");
		String[] signSisArgs = (String[]) signSISArgList.toArray(new String[signSISArgList.size()]);

		subMonitor.setTaskName("Signing partial upgrade sisfile...");
		IPath pkgPath = sisInfo.getPKGFullPath();
		cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1), getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_SIS_BUILDER));
		int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(signsis, signSisArgs, getResolvedEnvVars(config), pkgPath.removeLastSegments(1));
		if (retVal != 0){
   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: " + SIGNSIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal);
   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  SIGNSIS_EXE + " returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW);
   			return false;
   		} else {
			// create link to sisx file
			IFile tempSisxFile = getTempSisIFile(pkgPath, puSisxPath, config);
			if (!tempSisxFile.exists()) {
				try {
					tempSisxFile.createLink(puSisxPath, 0, null);
				} catch (CoreException e) {
					return false;


   		return true;

	private static IPath getTempPkgBuildTreePath(ISISBuilderInfo info, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config) {
    	IPath buildDirPath = getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getMakefileDirectory(config);
    	return buildDirPath.append("PU_" + info.getPKGFullPath().lastSegment());

	private static IPath getPUSisPath(ISISBuilderInfo sisInfo, IPath tempPkgBuildTreePath, boolean createOutputFromPKGFileName, boolean sisx) {
		IPath puSisPath = tempPkgBuildTreePath.removeLastSegments(1);
		if (createOutputFromPKGFileName) {
			String name = tempPkgBuildTreePath.lastSegment();
			if (sisx) {
				puSisPath = puSisPath.append(name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sisx");
			} else {
				puSisPath = puSisPath.append(name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".")) + ".sis");
		} else {
			if (sisx) {
				puSisPath = puSisPath.append("PU_" + sisInfo.getSignedSISFullPath().lastSegment());
			} else {
				puSisPath = puSisPath.append("PU_" + sisInfo.getUnsignedSISFullPath().lastSegment());
		return puSisPath;

	private static IFile getTempPkgIFile(IPath pkgPath, IPath tempPkgBuildTreePath, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config) {
		// create the file is in the same directory as the real pkg file.  if the pkg file is
		// not under the project then create the file in the root of the project.
		IPath tempPkgPath = null;
		IProject project = config.getCarbideProject().getProject();
		IPath projectRootPath = project.getLocation();
		if (projectRootPath != null && projectRootPath.isPrefixOf(pkgPath)) {
			IPath projectPathToPkg = pkgPath.removeFirstSegments(projectRootPath.segmentCount()).setDevice(null);
			tempPkgPath = projectPathToPkg.removeLastSegments(1).append(tempPkgBuildTreePath.lastSegment());
		} else {
			tempPkgPath = new Path(tempPkgBuildTreePath.lastSegment());
		return project.getFile(tempPkgPath);
	private static IFile getTempSisIFile(IPath pkgPath, IPath puSisPath, ICarbideBuildConfiguration config) {
		// create the file is in the same directory as the real pkg file.  if the pkg file is
		// not under the project then create the file in the root of the project.

		IPath tempSisPath = null;
		IProject project = config.getCarbideProject().getProject();
		IPath projectRootPath = project.getLocation();
		if (projectRootPath != null && projectRootPath.isPrefixOf(pkgPath)) {
			IPath projectPathToPkg = pkgPath.removeFirstSegments(projectRootPath.segmentCount()).setDevice(null);
			tempSisPath = projectPathToPkg.removeLastSegments(1).append(puSisPath.lastSegment());
		} else {
			tempSisPath = new Path(puSisPath.lastSegment());
		return project.getFile(tempSisPath);

     * Given PKG file to be built, check to see if it has supported macros and if so replace them so
     * the PKG file will contain current build context values.
     * @param pkgFile - The PKG file input
     * @param context - The sdk/plat/target currently building for
     * @param tempPKGFileName - The name of the PKG file to generate. If null or empty string one will be generated for you
     * @return IPath - If macros don't exist, the input path is returned others the new file
     * that is created, fully resolved is returned.
    public static IPath resolvePKGFile(IPath pkgFile, ISymbianBuildContext context, IPath tempPKGFileName){
    	try {
    		String charset = null;
    		IFile iFile = FileUtils.convertFileToIFile(pkgFile.toFile());
    		if (iFile != null) {
    			charset = iFile.getCharset();
    		char[] pkgFileBuf = FileUtils.readFileContents(pkgFile.toFile(), charset);
    		String pkgFileStr = new String(pkgFileBuf);
    		if (pkgFileStr.contains(PKG_SYMBOL_EPOCROOT) || 
    			pkgFileStr.contains(PKG_SYMBOL_PLATFORM) ||
    			pkgFileStr.contains(PKG_SYMBOL_TARGET) ) {
    				// need to create a new PKG file, resolved...
    				pkgFileStr = pkgFileStr.replace(PKG_SYMBOL_EPOCROOT, context.getSDK().getEPOCROOT());
    				String platSubst = context.getPlatformString().toLowerCase();				
    				if (context instanceof CarbideBuildConfiguration){
    					// Test is this is an SBSv2 build binary variant (changes the output directory)
    					ISBSv2BuildConfigInfo sbsv2Info = ((CarbideBuildConfiguration)context).getSBSv2BuildConfigInfo();
    					if (sbsv2Info != null && SBSv2Utils.getVariantOutputDirModifier(sbsv2Info.getSBSv2Setting(ISBSv2BuildConfigInfo.ATTRIB_SBSV2_VARIANT)) != null){
    						platSubst = platSubst + SBSv2Utils.getVariantOutputDirModifier(sbsv2Info.getSBSv2Setting(ISBSv2BuildConfigInfo.ATTRIB_SBSV2_VARIANT));
    				pkgFileStr = pkgFileStr.replace(PKG_SYMBOL_PLATFORM, platSubst);
    				pkgFileStr = pkgFileStr.replace(PKG_SYMBOL_TARGET, context.getTargetString().toLowerCase());
    				IPath tmpPKGPath = pkgFile.removeLastSegments(1);
    				if (tempPKGFileName == null){
    					tmpPKGPath = tmpPKGPath.append(RESOLVED_PKG_PREFIX + pkgFile.lastSegment());
    				} else {
    					tmpPKGPath = tempPKGFileName;
    	    		FileUtils.writeFileContents(tmpPKGPath.toFile(), pkgFileStr.toCharArray(), charset);
    	    		return new Path(tmpPKGPath.toString());	
    	} catch (CoreException e){
    	return pkgFile;

     * Given a sis/sisx path, returns the absolute file system path of the associated
     * partial upgrade sis/sisx file if any, otherwise null.  note that the file may or
     * may not exist.
     * @param config the build configuration
     * @param sisPath the absolute file system path to the normal sis/sisx file
     * @return absolute path to PU sis/sisx file, or null
     * @since 2.0
    public static IPath getPartialUpgradeSisPath(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, IPath sisPath) {
    	for (ISISBuilderInfo info : config.getSISBuilderInfoList()) {
    		if (info instanceof SISBuilderInfo2) {
    			SISBuilderInfo2 info2 = (SISBuilderInfo2)info;
    			if (info2.isPartialUpgrade()) {
    	    		if (info2.getFinalSISFullPath().equals(sisPath)) {
    	    			return getPUSisPath(info, getTempPkgBuildTreePath(info, config), false, info.getSigningType() != ISISBuilderInfo.DONT_SIGN);
    	return null;
	 * Invoke the ROM builder for the given build configuration
	 * @param config - The current configuration from where to get the settings from
	 * @param cmdLauncher - The object to use for the process execution
	 * @param monitor - An IProgressMonitor
	public static void invokeROMBuilder(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor) {

		IROMBuilderInfo info = config.getROMBuildInfo();
		if (info != null) {
			String commandLine = info.getCommandLine().trim();
			if (commandLine.length() > 0) {

				monitor.setTaskName("Building ROM Image");

				IPath workingDir = config.getCarbideProject().getINFWorkingDirectory();
				String workingDirString = info.getWorkingDirectory().trim();
				if (workingDirString.length() > 0) {
					workingDir = new Path(workingDirString);
				cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\n***Building ROM Image ....\n");
				List<String> args = tokenizeArgsWithQuotes(commandLine);
				args.add(0, "/c");

				cmdLauncher.setErrorParserManager(workingDir, getParserIdArray(ICarbideBuildConfiguration.ERROR_PARSERS_ROM_BUILDER));
				int retVal = cmdLauncher.executeCommand(CarbideCommandLauncher.getCmdExeLocation(), args.toArray(new String[args.size()]), getResolvedEnvVars(config), workingDir);
		   		if (retVal != 0){
		   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("***Non-Zero Status: Specified rom build command returned with exit value = " + retVal);  //$NON-NLS-1$
		   			CarbideBuilderPlugin.createCarbideProjectMarker(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR,  "Specified rom build command returned with exit value = " + retVal, IMarker.PRIORITY_LOW); //$NON-NLS-1$
		   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\nRom build failed\n");			   			
		   		} else { 
		   			cmdLauncher.writeToConsole("\nRom build completed\n");	//$NON-NLS-1$

		   		if (monitor.isCanceled()) {

	  * Returns a list of arguments as strings.  The given string is basically split at spaces, but not if the space(s)
	  * is contained in quotes.  Arguments are typically quoted if they contain spaces.
	  * @param line
	  * @return
	private static List<String> tokenizeArgsWithQuotes(String line) {
		List<String> allTokens = new ArrayList<String>();

		int tokenStart = 0;
		boolean inQuotes = false;

		for (int index = 0; index < line.length() - 1; index++) {
			char c = line.charAt(index);
			if (c == '"') {
				inQuotes = !inQuotes;
			} else if (c == ' ' && !inQuotes) {
				allTokens.add(line.substring(tokenStart, index).replace("\"", ""));
				tokenStart = index + 1;
		// add the last token
		allTokens.add(line.substring(tokenStart, line.length()));

		return allTokens;

	 * This method performs a build for a given Carbide build configuration.
	 * @param config - The Carbide configuration to build
	 * @param monitor - A progress monitor so user can cancel build (can be null)
	 * @param console - Where to pipe the output. If null, a new CConole will be created and existing console cleared.
	 * @param buildKind - FULL_BUILD, else incremental build assumed.
	 * @deprecated use {@link #invokeBuild(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, IConsole, IProgressMonitor)} instead
	public static void callAbldBuildForConfiguration(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, IProgressMonitor monitor, IConsole console, int buildKind, boolean clearMarkers){
		if (monitor == null) {
			monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
		if (console == null){
			console = CCorePlugin.getDefault().getConsole();

		CarbideCommandLauncher launcher = new CarbideCommandLauncher(config.getCarbideProject().getProject(), monitor, console, getParserIdArray(config.getErrorParserId()), config.getCarbideProject().getINFWorkingDirectory());

		invokeBuild(config, launcher, monitor, clearMarkers);

	 * Invoke bldmake bldfiles on the current bld.inf and SDK.
	 * @param config - Config to generate makefiles for.
	 * @param cmdLauncher - The process launcher
	 * @param monitor - The progress monitor
	 * @param console - The console to write the messages to.
	 * @param env - The array of environment variables to be used for the process
	 * @param workingDir - The full path to the bld.inf file to be used as the current working directory
	 * @deprecated use {@link #generateBldmakeMakefilesIfNecessary(ICarbideBuildConfiguration, CarbideCommandLauncher, IConsole, IProgressMonitor, boolean)} instead
	public static boolean invokeBldmakeBldFiles(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config, CarbideCommandLauncher cmdLauncher, IProgressMonitor monitor, IConsole console, String[] env, IPath workingDir ){
		return generateBldmakeMakefilesIfNecessary(config, cmdLauncher);

	 * Check to see if abld.bat and the SDK's platform makefile exists. If either don't exist, re-generate makefiles
	 * This also tests to make sure the makefile target is OLDER than the bld.inf file.
	 * @param bldInfDir - The working dir of the bld.inf file (should not contain 'bld.inf')
	 * @param defaultConfig - The ISymbianBuildConfiguration to be built.
	 * @return true if makefiles need to be regenerated
	 * @deprecated use {@link #needsBldmakeMakefileGeneration(ICarbideBuildConfiguration)}
	public static boolean projectNeedsMakefileGeneration(IPath bldInfDir, ICarbideBuildConfiguration defaultConfig){
		return needsBldmakeMakefileGeneration(defaultConfig);

     * Checks the Problems view for any error markers.
     * @param project - IProject to check for problem markers
     * @return true if at least one error marker exists on the project
    public static boolean projectHasBuildErrors(IProject project){
    	try {
			IMarker [] errorMarkers = project.findMarkers(IMarker.PROBLEM, true, IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE);
			for (IMarker currMarker : errorMarkers){
				if (currMarker.getAttribute(IMarker.SEVERITY, IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR) == IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR){
		    	   	if (currMarker.isSubtypeOf(CarbideBuilderPlugin.CARBIDE_PROJECT_MARKER) ||
		    	   		currMarker.isSubtypeOf(ICModelMarker.C_MODEL_PROBLEM_MARKER)) {
		        		return true;
		} catch (CoreException e){
		return false;
    public static IPath getBuilderMakefileDir(ICarbideBuildConfiguration config){
    	return getBuilder(config.getCarbideProject().getProject()).getMakefileDirectory(config);