author timkelly
Thu, 10 Dec 2009 13:45:47 -0600
changeset 671 80524b72f957
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Add S60 5.2 support.

DumpMemoryDialog.2=Memory Dump Options
DumpMemoryDialog.4=The address of the object
DumpMemoryDialog.5=Address of the object
DumpMemoryDialog.6=Length (Hexadecimal):
DumpMemoryDialog.7=The length of data to read in hexadecimal.
DumpMemoryDialog.8=The length of data to read in hexadecimal.
DumpMemoryDialog.12=The address entered is not a valid hexidecimal address.
DumpMemoryDialog.13=Please specify the address of the object.
DumpMemoryDialog.15=The length entered is not a valid hexidecimal number.
DumpMemoryDialog.16=Please specify the length.

CrashDebuggerView.27=Show container contents
CrashDebuggerView.29=Terminate Session
CrashDebuggerView.25=Carbide Symbian Crash Debugger View
CrashDebuggerView.23=License Manager did not verify
CrashDebuggerView.22=FLEXlm error checking out license for 
CrashDebuggerView.30=Terminate Session
CrashDebuggerView.36=Select All
CrashDebuggerView.37=Display fault info
CrashDebuggerView.38=Displays information about the the kernel fault that caused the debugger to be entered.
CrashDebuggerView.40=Displays the help from the crash debugger.
CrashDebuggerView.46=Memory dump
CrashDebuggerView.47=Dumps memory in both hexadecimal and ASCII format.
CrashDebuggerView.53=Memory dump excluding unmapped
CrashDebuggerView.54=Dumps memory in both hexadecimal and ASCII format, but excludes any unmapped memory space. If an illegal memory access occurs, it does not stop, but skips to the next page instead. This is useful to inspect the content of discontiguous chunks.
CrashDebuggerView.57=Display brief object info
CrashDebuggerView.58=Displays basic information about the DObject at the given address.
CrashDebuggerView.61=Display full object info
CrashDebuggerView.62=Displays full information about the DObject at the given address.
CrashDebuggerView.63=Display context info
CrashDebuggerView.64=Displays information for the current process and thread.
CrashDebuggerView.66=Displays the contents of the kernel's thread container.
CrashDebuggerView.68=Displays the contents of the kernel's process container.
CrashDebuggerView.70=Displays the contents of the kernel's chunk container.
CrashDebuggerView.72=Displays the contents of the kernel's library container.
CrashDebuggerView.74=Displays the contents of the kernel's semaphore container.
CrashDebuggerView.76=Displays the contents of the kernel's mutex container.
CrashDebuggerView.78=Displays the contents of the kernel's timer container.
CrashDebuggerView.80=Displays the contents of the kernel's server container.
CrashDebuggerView.82=Displays the contents of the kernel's session container.
CrashDebuggerView.83=Logical devices
CrashDebuggerView.84=Displays the contents of the kernel's logical device container.
CrashDebuggerView.85=Physical devices
CrashDebuggerView.86=Displays the contents of the kernel's physical device container.
CrashDebuggerView.88=Displays the contents of the kernel's channel container.
CrashDebuggerView.89=Change notifiers
CrashDebuggerView.90=Displays the contents of the kernel's change notifier container.
CrashDebuggerView.92=Displays the contents of the kernel's undertaker container.
CrashDebuggerView.93=Message queues
CrashDebuggerView.94=Displays the contents of the kernel's message queue container.
CrashDebuggerView.95=Property references
CrashDebuggerView.96=Displays the contents of the kernel's property references container.
CrashDebuggerView.97=Register dump
CrashDebuggerView.98=Dumps the full ARM register set.

AddressDialog.1=Object Address
AddressDialog.3=The address of the object
AddressDialog.4=Address of the object
AddressDialog.7=The address entered is not a valid hexidecimal address.
AddressDialog.8=Please specify the address of the object.

RomLogFileTab.0=ROM Log
RomLogFileTab.1=Parse Rom Log File
RomLogFileTab.2=Rom log file is necessary for finding out the address for each module in the rom log file. Please specify the rom log file and epoc32 directory for the Symbian OS kit
RomLogFileTab.3=Symbian Rom Log File:
RomLogFileTab.4=Specify the rom log file generated when building the rom image
RomLogFileTab.6=Select Symbian Rom Log file
RomLogFileTab.7=Symbian Rom Log files
RomLogFileTab.8=All files
RomLogFileTab.9=Symbian OS Kit Epoc32 Directory:
RomLogFileTab.10=Specify the Symbian OS kit Epoc32 directory to resolve the full paths for the various modules in the rom log file
RomLogFileTab.11=Select Epoc32 directory
RomLogFileTab.12=Epoc32 dir
RomLogFileTab.13=Log unresolved modules
RomLogFileTab.14=This check box allows the user to see the list of unresolved modules from the log file
RomLogFileTab.15=Debug non-XIP executables
RomLogFileTab.16=This check box enables the debugging of non-XIP modules i.e. modules from ROFS image 
RomLogFileTab.17=Symbian rom log file not specified
RomLogFileTab.18=Specified Symbian rom log file does not exist
RomLogFileTab.19=Epoc32 directory not specified
RomLogFileTab.20=Specified epoc32 directory does not exist
RomLogFileTab.21=Rom log file is not specified. You need to specify the rom log file for debugging Symbian modules

CrashDebugConnectionTab.0=Serial port:
CrashDebugConnectionTab.1=Specify which serial port on your PC to use for TRK connection
CrashDebugConnectionTab.2=Baud rate:
CrashDebugConnectionTab.3=Specify the connection baud rate to match the TRK settings on the phone. This is typically 115200.
CrashDebugConnectionTab.4=Data bits:
CrashDebugConnectionTab.5=Specify the connection data bits to match the TRK settings on the phone. This is typically 8.
CrashDebugConnectionTab.7=Specify the connection parity to should match the TRK settings on the phone. This is typically 'None'.
CrashDebugConnectionTab.8=Stop bits:
CrashDebugConnectionTab.9=Specify the connection stop bits to match the TRK settings on the phone. This is typically 1.
CrashDebugConnectionTab.10=Flow control:
CrashDebugConnectionTab.11=Specify the connection stop bits to match the TRK settings on the phone. This is typically 'None'.
CrashDebugConnectionTab.15=Hardware (RTS/CTS)
CrashDebugConnectionTab.16=Software (XON/XOFF)