Added ICarbideBuildConfigutation#getCompileTimeMacros() and EpocEngineHelper#getGlobalDefinesForConfiguration()
as convenience wrappers for getting macros contributing to a carbide project. Removed ICarbideBuildConfiguration#hasSTDCPPSupport().
Refactored CarbideLanguageData to use simplified macro retrieval
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<!-- Carbide tools include all tool plugins not developed by the Native Tools -->
<!-- in Austin, but from other Nokia groups or even external developer plugins -->
<!-- that want their tools to work in Carbide -->
<toc label="Carbide Tools" >
<anchor id="anchorCarbideToolsInfo" /> <!-- tool manuals -->
<anchor id="anchorCarbideToolsMisc" /> <!-- tool addendums, etc -->
<anchor id="anchorCarbideToolsExample" /> <!-- tool examples -->