author timkelly
Mon, 02 Nov 2009 09:48:03 -0600
changeset 559 9198c2581dd6
parent 553 fe69ca72a1a0
child 560 1734d2cdd72f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove file counting (too slow performance on slow drive connections). See bug 9997.

ProjectPropertiesPage_title=Project Properties
ProjectPropertiesPage_description=Project name and location
ProjectPropertiesPage_projectNameLabel=Project name:
ProjectPropertiesPage_projectNameTooltip=Specify the name of the project
ProjectPropertiesPage_rootDirectoryLabel=Root directory:
ProjectPropertiesPage_rootDirectoryTooltip=Specify the root file system directory which contains the project contents you are interested in
ProjectPropertiesPage_helpText=The root directory should contain all files related to your project that you want to work with in the IDE.\r\nThe default value is calculated by parsing the bld.inf file and mmp file(s).
ProjectPropertiesPage_noProjectSpecifiedError=Please enter a name for the project.
ProjectPropertiesPage_projectExistsError=Another project with that name already exists in the workspace.
ProjectPropertiesPage_projectNameTooLong=Project name must not exceed 32 characters.
ProjectPropertiesPage_projectFileExistsError=The project %s already exists in the directory: %s.  Click the help icon and select 'Troubleshooting' for more information.
ProjectPropertiesPage_browseButtonTooltip=Browse the file system and select the directory to use as the root of the project.
ProjectPropertiesPage_browseDialogTitle=Select root project directory
ProjectPropertiesPage_noDirectorySpecifiedError=Please enter a root directory for the project.
ProjectPropertiesPage_directoryDoesNotExitError=The root directory specified does not exist.
ProjectPropertiesPage_directoryDoesNotContainRequiredFiles=The root directory must contain all project files (bld.inf, mmp and make files).  Click the help icon and select 'Troubleshooting' for more information.
ProjectPropertiesPage_directoryDoesNotContainSourceFiles=The root directory specified does not contain all the source and resource files referenced in the project.  This may make navigation and editing more difficult.  
ProjectPropertiesPage_directoryTooLong=The root directory specified is too long.  It cannot exceed 215 characters so that project settings files do not exceed the 256 character path limit.
ProjectPropertiesPage_directoryIsRoot=Importing a project at root or next to root is not recommended. Please select another root or import a subset of included bld.inf files (if possible).
MMPSelectionPage_title=MMP Selection
MMPSelectionPage_description=Select the mmp and extension make files to work with.  You will be able to edit this after the project has been created.
MMPSelectionPage_selectAllAButtonLabel=Select All
MMPSelectionPage_selectAllAButtonTooltip=Select all items in the list
MMPSelectionPage_deselectAllAButtonLabel=Deselect All
MMPSelectionPage_deselectAllAButtonTooltip=Deselect all items in the list
MMPSelectionPage_showFullPathsCheckboxLabel=Show full paths
MMPSelectionPage_showFullPathsCheckboxTooltip=Show full paths to mmp and extension make files
MMPSelectionPage_sortByMMPNameCheckboxLabel=Sort by MMP/Make file name
MMPSelectionPage_sortByMMPNameCheckboxTooltip=Sorts the list alphabetically by name. Otherwise they are displayed in the order listed in the bld.inf file.
MMPSelectionPage_noMMPsFoundWarning=Note: No mmp or extension make files were found in the bld.inf file.
MMPSelectionPage_noMMPsSelectedError=Please select at least one mmp or extension makefile.
BldInfImportWizard_title=File Import Wizard
BldInfSelectionPage_title=Symbian OS Bld.inf file
BldInfSelectionPage_description=Import an existing Symbian OS project
BldInfSelectionPage_infFileLabel=Bld.inf file:
BldInfSelectionPage_infFileToolTip=Specify the bld.inf file to import
BldInfSelectionPage_browseButtonTooltip=Browse the file system and select the bld.inf file to import.
BldInfImportWizard_CreatingProjectJobName=Creating project...
BldInfSelectionPage_browseDialogTitle=Select bld.inf file
BldInfSelectionPage_noSpacesInPathError=The path cannot contain spaces due to limitations in the build system.
BldInfSelectionPage_invalidInfError=The selected bld.inf file does not exist.
BldInfSelectionPage_notInfError=The specified path does not refer to a bld.inf file.
BldInfSelectionPage_badLocationError=The bld.inf file cannot be at the root of the workspace.