Bug 11195 Regression. Avoid having perspective switch dialog dismissed or deadlocked by passing in the active shell.
rem batch file to run the ant build for this plugin. this is just mean as a way to locally trouble shoot build problems, not a script to be run for autobuilds
rem com.nokia.cdt.debug.cw.symbian>perl "%ANT_HOME/bin/runant.pl" -Declipse.home=C:\eclipse -Dws=win32 -Dos=win32 -Darch=x86 -Dnl=en_US -buildfile D:/Products/Carbide/CWEclipse/eclipse/workspace/com.freescale.cdt.debug.cw.core/build.xml zip.plugin
perl "%ANT_HOME%\bin\runant.pl" -Declipse.home=C:\eclipse -Dws=win32 -Dos=win32 -Darch=x86 -Dnl=en_US -buildfile build.xml zip.plugin