Fix NPE when passing a null filter, which is marked as allowed.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
function StatusPaneQueryContainment() {
function isNaviTabsComponent(component) {
var NAVI_TABS_ID = "com.nokia.sdt.series60.NaviTabs";
return component.isOfType(NAVI_TABS_ID);
// can contain single instance of any allowed status pane content
function canContainComponent(component, children) {
// early exit if not status content (we depend on other attributes)
if (!hasStatusPaneContentAttribute(component.attributes)) {
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( component.friendlyName ));
// throw out if incorrect model type
var disposition = component.attributes["model-type-disposition"];
if (disposition == null)
disposition = "any";
if (disposition == "root" && !isInRootModel())
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
[ component.friendlyName ]);
if (disposition == "view" && isInRootModel())
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
[ component.friendlyName ]);
var hasInstance = false;
var NAVI_BASE_ID = "com.nokia.sdt.series60.NaviBase";
var isNaviContent = component.isOfType(NAVI_BASE_ID);
var hasNaviContent = false;
// println("cmp = " + component.id + ", attrs = " + component.attributes);
if (isNaviContent) {
if (getStatusPaneContent(children, NAVI_BASE_ID) != null) {
hasInstance = true;
hasNaviContent = true;
} else {
if (getStatusPaneContent(children, component.id) != null)
hasInstance = true;
if (hasNaviContent)
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( component.friendlyName ));
else if (hasInstance)
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( component.friendlyName ));
return null;
StatusPaneQueryContainment.prototype.canContainComponent = function(instance, otherComponent) {
return canContainComponent(otherComponent, instance.children);
StatusPaneQueryContainment.prototype.canContainChild = function(instance, child) {
return canContainComponent(child.component, instance.children);
StatusPaneQueryContainment.prototype.canRemoveChild = function(instance, child) {
return true;
StatusPaneQueryContainment.prototype.isValidComponentInPalette = function(instance, otherComponent) {
// throw out if incorrect model type
var disposition = otherComponent.attributes["model-type-disposition"];
if (disposition == null)
disposition = "any";
if (disposition == "root" && !isInRootModel())
return false;
if (disposition == "view" && isInRootModel())
return false;
var a = otherComponent.attributes;
return hasStatusPaneContentAttribute(a);