Added API change notes for SDK/Builder related stuff. Added an @since 3.0 tag on API
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
var STATUS_PANE_ID = "";
function setBounds(container, rect) {
if ( != rect.x
|| != rect.y) {
//println("Setting location for " + container.instanceName + " to " + rect.x + "," + rect.y); = rect.x; = rect.y;
if ( != rect.width
|| != rect.height) {
//println("Setting size for " + container.instanceName + " to " + rect.width + "," + rect.height); = rect.width; = rect.height;
function doScreenLayout(container, laf) {
var screenWidth =;
var screenHeight =;
var children = container.children;
var statusArea = getStatusPane(children);
if (statusArea != null) {
setBounds(statusArea, laf.getRectangle("status.pane.bounds"));
var cba = getControlPane(children);
if (cba != null) {
setBounds(cba, laf.getRectangle("control.pane.bounds"));
var contents = getContents(children);
if (contents != null) {
setBounds(contents, laf.getRectangle("content.pane.bounds"));
function getControlPane(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
function getStatusPane(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
function getNaviPaneContent(children) {
return findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, "is-navipane-content", "true");
function getStatusPaneContent(children, componentIdArg) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, componentIdArg);
function getContents(children) {
return findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, "is-top-level-content-container", "true");
function findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, attrName, attrValue) {
var result = null;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null &&
child.component.attributes[attrName] == attrValue) {
result = child;
return result;
function findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, componentID) {
var result = null;
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.isOfType(componentID)) {
result = child;
return result;
function hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, attrName, attrValue) {
return attributesArg[attrName] == attrValue;
function hasTopLevelContentContainerAttribute(attributesArg) {
return hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, "is-top-level-content-container", "true");
function hasStatusPaneContentAttribute(attributesArg) {
return hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, "is-status-pane-content", "true");
function buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(errorString, params) {
return buildSimpleErrorStatus(errorString, params);
function buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(header, errorString, params, status) {
return buildMultipleErrorStatus(header, errorString, params, status);
function isControlPane(component) {
return component.isOfType("");
function isStatusPaneId(componentIdArg) {
return componentIdArg == STATUS_PANE_ID;
function isDesignRef(component) {
return component.isOfType("");
function getLayoutChildren(children) {
var result = [];
var idx = 0;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null
&& child.component.attributes["is-non-layout-object"] != "true"
&& child.component.attributes["is-non-transient-object"] != "true") {
result[idx++] = child;
return result;
function allowsCBAInParent(instance) {
return instance.attributes["allow-cba-in-parent"] == "true";
function getInstanceFromChildName(children, name) {
if (children != null) {
for (i in children) {
if (children[i].name == name) {
return children[i];
return null;
* Find a child of type CAknForm
function findAknFormChild(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
* Iterate children to find the one with exitsApp property and return property value
function childWantsExitBehavior(children) {
for (var i in children) {
if (children[i].isInstanceOf("")) {
return children[i].properties.exitsApp;
return false;
function findNaviTabs(appUiInstance) {
var statusPane = findImmediateChildByComponentID(appUiInstance.children, "");
if (statusPane != null) {
var naviTabs = findImmediateChildByComponentID(statusPane.children, "");
return naviTabs;
return null;
function hasNaviTabs(appUiInstance) {
return findNaviTabs(appUiInstance) != null;
* Get the view UID enumerator, adding the generating #include if necessary (for use from views)
function getViewUidConstant(instance) {
// the algorithm can deal with either CAknView or AvkonViewReference
var name = Engine.queryEnumeratorForAlgorithm(instance, ".",
return name;
* Find or create the view UID enumerator (for use from appui)
function findOrCreateViewUidConstant(instance) {
// the algorithm can deal with either CAknView or AvkonViewReference
return Engine.findOrCreateEnumeratorForAlgorithm(instance, ".",
* Get the name of the project's HRH file (which contains view UID enums)
function getProjectHrhFile() {
return getProjectName() + ".hrh";
* Get the name of the project's HRH file (which contains view UID enums)
function includeProjectHrhFile(contribs) {
var mycontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainUserIncludes")
mycontrib.setText("#include \"" + getProjectHrhFile() + "\"\n");
* Set up query containment based on an attribute in potential children.
* @param prototype the prototype to add IQueryContainment to.
* The prototype must implement this functions:
* <p>
* <li>
* getAllowedAttribute(): return the attribute string for allowed children
* The component must define a string with ID "generalContainmentError"
* that takes a single argument for the type of component: e.g.,
* "A <container_type_name> can''t contain objects of type ''{0}''."
function setupAttributeBasedQueryContainment(prototype) {
var origCanContainComponent = null;
if ("canContainComponent" in prototype)
origCanContainComponent = prototype.canContainComponent;
prototype.canContainComponent = function(instance, otherComponent) {
var status = null;
if (origCanContainComponent != null) {
status = origCanContainComponent(instance, otherComponent);
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
if (!hasAttributeValue(otherComponent.attributes, attrName, "true"))
if (status != null)
return buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ), status);
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ));
return status;
var origCanContainChild = null;
if ("canContainChild" in prototype)
origCanContainChild = prototype.canContainChild;
prototype.canContainChild = function(instance, child) {
var status = null;
if (origCanContainChild != null) {
status = origCanContainChild(instance, child);
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
if (!hasAttributeValue(child.component.attributes, attrName, "true"))
if (status != null)
return buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ), status);
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( child.component.friendlyName ));
return status;
var origCanRemoveChild = null;
if ("canRemoveChild" in prototype)
origCanRemoveChild = prototype.canRemoveChild;
prototype.canRemoveChild = function(instance, child) {
if (origCanRemoveChild != null) {
return origCanRemoveChild(instance, child);
return true; // everything can be removed
var origIsValidComponentInPalette = null;
if ("isValidComponentInPalette" in prototype)
origIsValidComponentInPalette = prototype.isValidComponentInPalette;
prototype.isValidComponentInPalette = function(instance, otherComponent) {
if (origIsValidComponentInPalette != null) {
var result = origIsValidComponentInPalette(instance, otherComponent);
if (!result)
return result;
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
return hasAttributeValue(otherComponent.attributes, attrName, "true");
function countImmediateChildrenWithAttributeValue(children, attrName, attrValue) {
var result = 0;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null &&
child.component.attributes[attrName] == attrValue) {
return result;
function isAvkonView(instance) {
return (instance != null && instance.componentId == "");