Added API change notes for SDK/Builder related stuff. Added an @since 3.0 tag on API
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Create a contribution that sets up a CharFormat and CharFormatMask for use
* by CEikGlobalText and subcomponents (CEikRichText).
* @param contribs the contributions to append to
* @param instance instance of the component assumed to have the correct properties.
* @param location location to write to
* @param phase phase to write to
* @return true iff generated the contribution (if some property not default).
function createCharFormatStructs(contribs, instance, location, phase) {
var generated = false;
var properties = instance.properties;
var contribText = "\tTCharFormatMask charFormatMask;\n\tTCharFormat charFormat;\n";
if (properties.charFormat.textColor != "") {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttColor );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iTextColor = TLogicalRgb( ";
contribText += this.getRgb(properties.charFormat.textColor);
contribText += " );\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.highlightColor != "") {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontHighlightColor );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iHighlightColor = TLogicalRgb( ";
contribText += this.getRgb(properties.charFormat.highlightColor);
contribText += " );\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.highlightStyle != "EFontHighlightNone") {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontHighlightStyle );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iHighlightStyle = ";
contribText += "\tTFontPresentation::";
contribText += properties.charFormat.highlightStyle;
contribText += ";\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.strikethrough) {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontStrikethrough );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iStrikethrough = EStrikethroughOn;\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.underline) {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontUnderline );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iUnderline = EUnderlineOn;\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.italics) {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontPosture );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetPosture( EPostureItalic );\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.bold) {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontStrokeWeight );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontSpec.iFontStyle.SetStrokeWeight( EStrokeWeightBold );\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.hiddenText) {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontHiddenText );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iHiddenText = ETrue;\n";
generated = true;
if (properties.charFormat.pictureAlignment != "EAlignBaseLine") {
contribText += "\tcharFormatMask.SetAttrib( EAttFontPictureAlignment );\n";
contribText += "\tcharFormat.iFontPresentation.iPictureAlignment = ";
contribText += "\tTFontPresentation::";
contribText += properties.charFormat.pictureAlignment;
contribText += ";\n";
generated = true;
if (generated) {
if (instance.component.id == "com.nokia.carbide.uiq.CEikRichText") {
contribText += "\tCRichText* richtxt = " + instance.memberName + "->RichText();\n";
contribText += "\trichtxt->ApplyCharFormatL( charFormat, charFormatMask, 0, richtxt->DocumentLength() );\n";
} else {
contribText += "\t" + instance.memberName + "->ApplyCharFormatL( charFormat, charFormatMask );\n";
if (generated) {
var contrib = null;
if (location != null) {
contrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation(location);
} else {
contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
var opening = "\nif ( " + instance.memberName + " != NULL )\n";
opening += "\t{\n";
var closing = "\t}\n"
contribText = opening + contribText + closing;
return generated;
* Create a contribution that sets up a CharFormat and CharFormatMask for use
* by CEikGlobalText and subcomponents (CEikRichText).
* @param contribs the contributions to append to
* @param instance instance of the component assumed to have the correct properties.
* @param phase phase to write to
* @return true if generated the contribution (if some property not default).
function createCharFormatStructsForPhase(contribs, instance, phase) {
var generated = createCharFormatStructs(contribs, instance, null, phase);
return generated;
function getRgb(colorProperty) {
if (colorProperty.indexOf(',') > 0)
return "TRgb( " + colorProperty + " )";
return "iEikonEnv->Color( ( TLogicalColor ) " + colorProperty + " )";