author fturovic <>
Fri, 16 Apr 2010 09:51:37 -0500
changeset 1225 a546534a48de
parent 113 72a551b82501
child 2131 ff0156b93599
permissions -rw-r--r--
minor edits to remote conn pages, updated copyrights, fixed some broken links

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<title>Creating Carbide Tools</title>
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<h2>Creating Carbide Tools</h2>
<p>Carbide.c++ provides a host of functionality when it comes to designing, writing, compiling, and debugging Symbian OS based applications for mobile devices. In addition there are tools for evaluating your applications performance, memory, and energy usage to make them run faster and use less resources. </p>
<p>However, while there are a lot of tools included with Carbide.c++ you may have ideas of your own that you'd like to develop and use. Since Carbide is based upon Eclipse, a highly extensible open framework, you can develop  tools and employ them inside the Carbide  environment where they can operate alongside   the standard tools. Best of all, you can do this all within the famliiar Carbide IDE. </p>
<p>To effectively write Carbide tool plug-ins you will need:</p>
  <li>The <b>Carbide Development Kit</b> (CDK) includes the resources, examples, and documentation necessary to create plug-ins within Carbide (required)</li>
  <li>Knowledge and experience writing Java code and the Eclipse plug-in framework</li>
  <li>Familiarity with writing and debugging Eclipse plug-ins </li>
  <li>Some knowledge of the Carbide APIs</li>
<p>Download the CDK  to get started developing your own Carbide tool plug-ins using the instructions below.</p>
<div class="step">
  <h4>Downloading the <b>Carbide Development Kit</b></h4>
    <p>The CDK contains all the resources you need to write Carbide tool plug-ins. To download:</p>
      <li>Click <b>Help &gt; Software Updates &gt; Find &amp; Install</b>. </li>
      <li>Select the Search for new features to install option, click Next.<br />
      <p class="note"><b>NOTE</b> If you experience problems connecting to the updater site, verify that the connection settings are correct in the <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/reference/ref-net-preferences.htm">Network Connections</a> preference panel before trying again. This is especially important if  a proxy setting is required to connect to the internet.</p>
      <li>On the Update sites to search page, checkmark the Carbide.c++ Update Site option, click Finish.</li>
      <li>On the Search results page, checkmark the Carbide.c++ Development Kit option, click Next.</li>
      <li>On the Feature license  page, accept the license agreement, click Next.</li>
      <li>On the Optional features page, click Next.</li>
      <li>On the Installation page, click Finish.</li>
<p>Carbide downloads and asks for permission to install the CDK. Once installed, it asks you to restart Carbide to load the new plug-ins.</p>
<p>To learn more about writing Carbide tool plug-ins, see the <b>Help &gt; Carbide Tools &gt; Carbide.c++ Plug-in Developer Guide</b> installed by the CDK. It provides more detailed information on writing Carbide tool plug-ins.</p>
<h4>Other references</h4>
  <li>Carbide.c++ Plug-in Developer Guide</li>
<div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>