remove perl not found dialog (only emit to error log). Clean up some text messages.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// ClientManager.h: interface for the CClientManager class.
#if !defined(AFX_CLIENTMANAGER_H__D8CD8281_5D57_43E9_922D_9532DC8669C4__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CLIENTMANAGER_H__D8CD8281_5D57_43E9_922D_9532DC8669C4__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include <vector>
#include <list>
#include "ServerClient.h"
#include "InputStream.h"
#include "ErrorMonitorData.h"
#include "TCErrorConstants.h"
#include "TCDebugLog.h"
typedef std::vector<CInputStream*> InputStreamList;
typedef std::vector<CErrorMonitor*> ErrorMonitorList;
//typedef std::vector<CInputStream> InputStreamList;
#ifdef WIN32
#define SERVER_PROCESS_NAME "TCFServer.exe"
#define SERVER_LOCKFILE_NAME "TCFServer.lock"
#define PATH_DELIMITER '\\'
#error not WIN32
#define MAX_DLLPATHNAME (2048)
class CClientManager
CClientManager(HINSTANCE hinstDLL);
virtual ~CClientManager();
// starting/stopping server
BOOL StartServer(pServerProcessData pData);
BOOL StopServer(pServerProcessData pData);
long StartServer();
long StopServer();
BOOL IsServerRunning(); // { return m_ServerRunning; }
BOOL m_ServerRunning;
void TerminateServerThroughLockFile(pServerProcessData pData);
void CreateLockFile(DWORD processId);
void AppendToLockFile(DWORD processId);
void DeleteLockFile();
void DeleteFromLockFile(DWORD processId);
BOOL IsTCFServerActive(DWORD processId);
// input stream
CInputStream* FindInputStream(long inClientId);
long InputStreamListSize();
void RemoveInputStream(CInputStream* inputStream);
void AddInputStream(CInputStream* stream);
BOOL WaitForStreamListAccess() { return m_StreamListMutex.Wait(); }
BOOL ReleaseStreamListAccess() { return m_StreamListMutex.Release(); }
Mutex m_StreamListMutex;
// error monitors
CErrorMonitor* FindErrorMonitor(long inClientId);
long ErrorMonitorListSize();
void RemoveErrorMonitor(CErrorMonitor* errorMonitor);
void AddErrorMonitor(CErrorMonitor* monitor);
BOOL WaitForErrorMonitorListAccess() { return m_ErrorMonitorListMutex.Wait(); }
BOOL ReleaseErrorMonitorListAccess() { return m_ErrorMonitorListMutex.Release(); }
Mutex m_ErrorMonitorListMutex;
CServerCommand* m_Server;
TCDebugLog* m_DebugLog;
InputStreamList* m_StreamList;
ErrorMonitorList* m_ErrorMonitorList;
char* m_DllLocation;
HANDLE m_hServer; // our handle to the server process (per process)
HANDLE m_hServerThread; // handle to server main thread (creator process only)
char m_Version[MAX_VERSION_STRING]; // our version string
char* m_ServerLockFile; // TCFServer lock file name at the DLL location
char* m_ServerExeFile; // TCFServer exe
#endif // !defined(AFX_CLIENTMANAGER_H__D8CD8281_5D57_43E9_922D_9532DC8669C4__INCLUDED_)