bug 10773 - fix initial text of finish button + tweak width of other settings dialog to wrap text
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
function CAknStylusPopUpMenu() {
this.lafInfo = null;
// the bounds of the dialog, rel. to instance
this.dialogBounds = null;
// the bounds of the prompt part, rel. to dialogBounds
this.promptBounds = null;
// the bounds of the list box part, rel. to dialogBounds
this.listBounds = null;
// IQueryContainment
function canContainComponent(instance, component) {
if (isStylusPopupItemComponent(component))
return null;
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
lookupString("stylusPopupItemContainmentErr"), new Array( component.friendlyName ));
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.canContainComponent = function(instance, otherComponent) {
if (instance.children.length >= 4){
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
lookupString("maxStylusPopupItemContainmentErr"), new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ));
return canContainComponent(instance, otherComponent);
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.canContainChild = function(instance, child) {
return canContainComponent(instance, child.component);
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.canRemoveChild = function(instance) {
return true;
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.isValidComponentInPalette = function(instance, otherComponent) {
return canContainComponent(instance, otherComponent) == null;
function isStylusPopupItemComponent(component) {
return component.id == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.StylusPopupItem";
// IVisualAppearance
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.draw = function(instance, laf, graphics) {
var width = instance.properties.size.width - 3;
var height = instance.properties.size.height - 3;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
// fill
graphics.setBackground(getBackgroundColor(instance, laf))
graphics.fillRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height))
// edge
graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(0, 0, 0))
graphics.drawRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height))
// shadows
graphics.drawLine(x + 1, y + height + 1, x + width + 1, y + height + 1)
graphics.drawLine(x + width + 1, y + 1, x + width + 1, y + height + 1)
graphics.drawLine(x + 2, y + height + 2, x + width + 2, y + height + 2)
graphics.drawLine(x + width + 2, y + 2, x + width + 2, y + height + 2)
if (instance.children.length == 0) {
drawTextItem(" No data ", new Point(0, 0), new Point(width + 5, height + 2), laf, graphics);
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.getPreferredSize = function(instance, laf, wHint, hHint) {
return null;
// IDirectLableEdit
// ILayout
CAknStylusPopUpMenu.prototype.layout = function(instance, laf) {
//Get the rectangle for the screen, we'll put the popup menu in the middle
var d = laf.getDimension("screen.size");
var textPadding = 10;
var numChildren = instance.children.length;
if (numChildren == 0){
numChildren = 1; // Leave space for text to indicate no menu items present
var font = laf.getFont("menuitem.font");
var extent = font.stringExtent(" No data "); // get default widest text length
var menuWidth = extent.x + textPadding;
var fontHeight = font.getHeight() + 8;
for (var i in instance.children) {
// figure out the max width of the text item...
var child = instance.children[i];
var childProperties = child.properties;
if (menuWidth < font.stringExtent(child.properties.textItem).x) {
if (font.stringExtent(child.properties.textItem).x > d.x / 2) {
// NOTE: I'm not sure about the termination. The popup menu doesn't seem to work
// on the emulator on all the resolutions so far, so proper elipsis length is unknown.
// However, currently it seems to be 1/2 of screen size.
menuWidth = d.x /2 + 10; // menu width can only be 1/2 of screen width
} else {
menuWidth = font.stringExtent(child.properties.textItem).x + textPadding;
var menuLayoutHeight = fontHeight * numChildren + numChildren * 2;
var contentRect = laf.getRectangle("content.pane.bounds");
var menuRect = new Rectangle(contentRect.x, contentRect.y, contentRect.width, contentRect.height);
menuRect.width = menuWidth + 10;
menuRect.height = menuLayoutHeight + 4;
menuRect.x = d.x / 2 - (menuRect.width / 2) + 2;
menuRect.y = (d.y / 2) - (menuLayoutHeight / 2) + 2;
setBounds(instance, menuRect); // Sets the bounds of the menu itself
var properties = instance.properties;
// set the layout bounds for each menu item child
for (var i in instance.children) {
var child = instance.children[i];
var childProperties = child.properties;
// Set the offsets so that the text item shows with it's bounds inside the menu rectangle borders
setBounds(child, new Rectangle(defaultX, defaultY, menuWidth-4, fontHeight-2));
defaultY = defaultY + fontHeight + 2;