author cawthron
Fri, 09 Oct 2009 07:35:41 -0500
changeset 527 aca45c77e587
permissions -rw-r--r--
add Symbian Foundation build scripts

# Copyright (c) 2003, 2006 IBM Corporation and others.
# All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
# are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
# Contributors:
#     IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
# Parameters describing how and where to execute the build.
# Typical users need only update the following properties:
#    baseLocation - where things you are building against are installed
#    bootclasspath - The base jars to compile against (typicaly rt.jar)
#    configs - the list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build.  
# Of course any of the settings here can be overridden by spec'ing 
# them on the command line (e.g., -DbaseLocation=d:/eclipse

#The type of the top level element we are building,  generally "feature"
topLevelElementType = feature
#The id of the top level element we are building
#TODO - no docs on exactly what this is - ideally this is type product and id
#       if it needs to be a feature, we may need to create a "master" feature which just includes all of the
#       features we use in the product.  of course, that's what the product.xml does.  :)
topLevelElementId =

# this is set to work around bug

############# PRODUCT/PACKAGING CONTROL #############

#Set the name of the archive that will result from the product build.

# The prefix that will be used in the generated archive.

# The location underwhich all of the build output will be collected.

# The list of {os, ws, arch} configurations to build.  This 
# value is a '&' separated list of ',' separate triples.  For example, 
#     configs=win32,win32,x86 & linux,motif,x86
# By default the value is *,*,*
#configs = *, *, *
configs=win32, win32, x86

#configs=win32, win32, x86 & \
#	linux, gtk, ppc &\
# linux, gtk, x86 & \
#	linux, gtk, x86_64 & \
#	linux, motif, x86 & \
#	solaris, motif, sparc & \
#	solaris, gtk, sparc & \
#	aix, motif, ppc & \
#	hpux, motif, PA_RISC & \
#	macosx, carbon, ppc

# By default PDE creates one archive (result) per entry listed in the configs property.
# Setting this value to true will cause PDE to only create one output containing all 
# artifacts for all the platforms listed in the configs property.
# To control the output format for the group, add a "group, group, group - <format>" entry to the
# archivesFormat. 

#The format of the archive. By default a zip is created using antZip.
#The list can only contain the configuration for which the desired format is different than zip.
#archivesFormat=win32, win32, x86 - antZip& \
#	linux, gtk, ppc - antZip &\
#    linux, gtk, x86 - antZip& \
#	linux, gtk, x86_64 - antZip& \
# linux, motif, x86 - antZip& \
#	solaris, motif, sparc - antZip& \
#	solaris, gtk, sparc - antZip& \
#	aix, motif, ppc - antZip& \
#	hpux, motif, PA_RISC - antZip& \
#	macosx, carbon, ppc - antZip
archivesFormat =\
 	win32, win32, x86-zip &\
 	linux, gtk, x86-zip &\

#Set to true if you want the output to be ready for an update jar (no site.xml generated)
#outputUpdateJars = true

#Set to true for Jnlp generation
#codebase should be a URL that will be used as the root of all relative URLs in the output.
#jnlp.codebase=<codebase url>
#jnlp.j2se=<j2se version>
#jnlp.locale=<a locale>
#jnlp.generateOfflineAllowed=true or false generate <offlineAllowed/> attribute in the generated features
#jnlp.configs=${configs}			#uncomment to filter the content of the generated jnlp files based on the configuration being built

#Set to true if you want to sign jars
#sign.keystore=<keystore location>
#sign.storepass=<keystore password>

# Used to sign Rgml

#Arguments to send to the zip executable

#Arguments to send to the tar executable

#Control the creation of a file containing the version included in each configuration - on by default 

############## BUILD NAMING CONTROL ################
# The directory into which the build elements are fetched and where
# the build takes place.

# Type of build.  Used in naming the build output.  Typically this value is
# one of I, N, M, S, ...

# ID of the build.  Used in naming the build output.

# Label for the build.  Used in naming the build output

# Timestamp for the build.  Used in naming the build output

#The value to be used for the qualifier of a plugin or feature when you want to override the value computed by pde.
#The value will only be applied to plugin or features indicating, qualifier = context 
#forceContextQualifier=<the value for the qualifier>

#Enable / disable the generation of a suffix for the features that use .qualifier. 
#The generated suffix is computed according to the content of the feature   

############# BASE CONTROL #############
# Settings for the base Eclipse components and Java class libraries 
# against which you are building.
# Base location for anything the build needs to compile against.  For example,
# in most RCP app or a plug-in,  the baseLocation should be the location of a previously
# installed Eclipse against which the application or plug-in code will be compiled and the RCP delta pack.
#Os/Ws/Arch/nl of the eclipse specified by baseLocation

#this property indicates whether you want the set of plug-ins and features to be considered during the build to be limited to the ones reachable from the features / plugins being built

#this property indicates whether the resolution should be done in development mode (i.e. ignore multiple bundles with singletons)

#pluginPath is a list of locations in which to find plugins and features.  This list is separated by the platform file separator (; or :)
#a location is one of:  
#- the location of the jar or folder that is the plugin or feature : /path/to/foo.jar or /path/to/foo
#- a directory that contains a /plugins or /features subdirectory
#- the location of a feature.xml, or for 2.1 style plugins, the plugin.xml or fragment.xml

eclipseURL=<url for eclipse download site>
eclipseBuildId=<Id of Eclipse build to get>

############# MAP FILE CONTROL ################
# This section defines CVS tags to use when fetching the map files from the repository.
# If you want to fetch the map file from repository / location, change the getMapFiles target in the customTargets.xml



############ REPOSITORY CONTROL ###############
# This section defines properties parameterizing the repositories where plugins, fragments
# bundles and features are being obtained from. 

# The tags to use when fetching elements to build.
# By default thebuilder will use whatever is in the maps.  
# This value takes the form of a comma separated list of repository identifier (like used in the map files) and the 
# overriding value
# For example fetchTag=CVS=HEAD, SVN=v20050101

############# JAVA COMPILER OPTIONS ##############
# The location of the Java jars to compile against.  Typically the rt.jar for your JDK/JRE
# jce.jar is required by

# specific JRE locations to compile against. These values are used to compile bundles specifying a 
# Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment. Uncomment and set values for environments that you support
#CDC-1.0/Foundation-1.0= /path/to/rt.jar

# Specify the output format of the compiler log when eclipse jdt is used

# Whether or not to include debug info in the output jars

# Whether or not to fail the build if there are compiler errors

# Enable or disable verbose mode of the compiler

# Extra arguments for the compiler. These are specific to the java compiler being used.

# Default value for the version of the source code. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacSource in

# Default value for the version of the byte code targeted. This value is used when compiling plug-ins that do not set the Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment or set javacTarget in

# this is supposed to work to generated the meta data for the product, but there are problems
# with it so commenting out for now.  we manually call the p2 meta data generator after building
# the product.  note that the current problem with this is that it generates a path from the build
# server in the meta data, so when you use the director, it puts an asbuild1 specific path in the
# config.ini file and the product doesn't launch.  we're also able to pass -compress on the command
# line which basically gives us a repository that's essentially an update site without the site.xml.
# I don't see a similar option that can be specified here.
#generate.p2.metadata = true
#p2.metadata.repo = file:${repoDirectory}
#p2.artifact.repo = file:${repoDirectory} = Carbide.c++ Metadata Repository = Carbide.c++ Artifact Repository
#p2.flavor = tooling
#p2.publish.artifacts = true

# From:
# Generating Individual Source Bundles
# PDE/Build can automatically generate individual source bundles, but only in a headless build.
# Individual soure bundle geneation can be turned on by specifying:
# This must be specified in the build configuration's top level file and it
# controls all source generation for that build. See Generating Source Features and Plug-ins 
# for details on generating traditional source plug-ins and features, the remainder of this
# page assumes familiarity with traditional source generation.