author fturovic <>
Fri, 13 Aug 2010 15:06:59 -0500
changeset 1828 bcf84b8ee3f9
parent 1791 727385d8e2b3
child 1805 1d57e533b09e
permissions -rw-r--r--
replaced carbide portal with carbide.c++ portal

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<h2>Carbide.c++ Release Notes 3.0.0</h2>
<p>The Carbide.c++  is a comprehensive development tool suite for Symbian OS that is based on the Eclipse framework. The C++ Development Toolkit (CDT), provides the foundation for project and build tools management, as well as the primary interface for the debugger to communicate with the IDE. </p>
<p>This is a collection of important information concerning last-minute
  changes and other topics that deserve special attention.&nbsp;Please
  read these notes carefully before using the Carbide tools so you
  understand the current limitations and workarounds for known
  issues. </p>
  <li><a href="#whatsNew">What's new </a></li>
  <li><a href="bugs_fixed.htm">K</a><a href="#issues">nown issues</a></li>
  <li><a href="bugs_fixed.htm">Bug Fixes</a></li>
  <li><a href="#support">Technical support</a> </li>
<p>Once you have read the release notes, we recommend you follow the <img src="images/command_link.png" width="16" height="12" alt="" /> <a class="command-link" href='javascript:executeCommand("org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.openCheatSheet(")'>HelloWorld tutorial</a> for
a quick introduction to Carbide.c++.</p>
<p class="note" style="color: rgb(255, 0, 0);"><span style="font-weight: bold;">WARNING</span>:
Updating the CDT feature in Carbide.c++/Eclipse will wipe out our
changes making the tools unusable!</p>
<h3><a name="whatsNew" id="whatsNew"></a>What's New in 3.0.0 </h3>
<p>The following features for Symbian  development are provided within Carbide.c++:</p>
<h4>Milestone 2</h4>
    <li>A new <a href="reference/view_carbide_portal.htm">Carbide Portal</a> view provides easier access to Carbide information, an extensions marketplace, and support.</li>
    <li>The <a href="reference/view_variables.htm">Variables</a> view and debug hover now supports the following Qt data types: <span class="code">QString</span>, <span class="code">QByteArray</span>, <span class="code">QSet</span>, <span class="code">QHash</span>, <span class="code">QMap</span>, <span class="code">QVector</span>, <span class="code">QList</span>, <span class="code">QLinkedList</span> and <span class="code">Qvariant</span>.</li>
<h4>Milestone 1</h4>
    <li><b>Eclipse 3.6 </b>&#8212; The Eclipse 3.6 project (Helios) provides the foundation, or integration platform, on which  Carbide.c++  is built. See <a href="PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/whatsNew/platform_whatsnew.html">What's New in 3.6</a> for more information.</li>
    <li><b>CDT 7.0 </b>&#8212; The final version of CDT is included as part of the Helios release. See the <a href="">CDT 7.0 News and Noteworthy</a> page for more information.    </li>
    <li><strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong><strong> </strong>&mdash; Carbide now uses the <strong>Eclipse Debugger for C/C++</strong> (EDC) as its default debugger. EDC provided an entirely new Debug view with all of the standard debug features like variables, breakpoints, watchpoints, disassembly, and all the other views required to run a debugging session. In addition, EDC provides the framework to add new debug features like snapshots.</li>
  <li><strong>Customized Carbide environment</strong>  &mdash; Carbide introduces Plugin Discovery Sites where you can search for and download Carbide plugins to customize your Carbide environment. Think of it as an app store for plugins. It uses the Eclipse P2 feature  to provide a common framework for finding, installing, updating, and removing plugins from the Carbide environment.</li>
  <li><strong>Improved UI</strong> &mdash; Carbide's UI has been streamlined and minimized to a core set of functionality, mainly that of creating Symbian projects, building and debugging them. Context menus have been reworked to show a minimum set of options. If your favorite option is missing, you can use the <strong>Capability</strong> preference panel or the <strong>Customize Perspective</strong> dialog to add favorite commands back onto the context menus.</li>
  <li><strong>Performance improvements</strong>  &mdash; We continue to address known performance issues as they reveal themselves. This release provides improvements for:
          <li><strong>Stack frames</strong>   &mdash; in the Debug view stack frames were displayed once the symbol tables were completely read. For large symbol files this sometimes slowed down the display and hence the ability to continue debugging. Now the Debug view will show a subset of stack frames after a set time and update the remainder once it has finished scanning the symbol file.</li>
          <li><strong>Executables view</strong>   &mdash; eliminated several use cases that forced the Executables list to update to frequently.</li>
          <li><strong>Large symbol tables</strong> supported &mdash; The Carbide symbol reader has been rewritten to provide faster access to symbols and to handle very large symbol files (larger than 10GB).</li>
<h4><a name="new270" id="new270"></a>2.7.0 </h4>
  <li>The Leavescan plug-in has been deprecated and is no longer included in  Carbide.c++ releases. Use Codescanner to replace the Leavescan functionality.</li>
<h4><a name="new260" id="new2"></a>2.6.0 </h4>
    <li><b>GCCE 4.0 </b> supported &mdash; required for future SBSv2 releases.</li>
    <li><b>Symbian^3 </b>supported &mdash; new templates and improvements required for the public Symbian^3 SDK.</li>
    <li><b>Known Issues in v2.6.0</b>: 
        <p>GCCE4 support requires using a SBSv2 build alias (<span class="code">-c</span> parameter) of <span class="code">armv5_udeb_gcce</span> or <span class="code">armv5_urel_gcce</span>. As of this writing, these aliases were not available in the SDK or SBSv2, but will appear in some future version. Carbide versions prior to 2.6 do not support GCCE4.</p>
        <p>Users should consult the SDK documentation for GCCE and SBSv2 issues and installation requirements.</p>
        <p>TRK: If you install the TRK app onto your phone's flash memory (Mass Storage) a Remote Connection may not find the TRK-service even though TRK is already connected to your PC.         Workaround: Uninstall TRK then reinstall it onto your PHONE memory (C-drive). The TRK service should now be &quot;Available&quot;.</p>
<h4><a name="new250" id="new"></a>2.5.0</h4>
  <li><b>Plug-and-Play (PnP) On-device Debugging </b> supported &mdash; debugging a target device just got easier. Using a USB cable, connect the PC to the target device, then launch Carbide.c++. Carbide locates the connected device and creates a remote connection setup to communicate with it. Build the program and launch it on the device to start the debugging session. Refer to <a href="#pnpIssues">Known PnP Issues</a> for details if you experience problems.</li>
  <li><b>PnP Phone Launch Wizard</b> - If the project does not already have a launch configuration, the PnP Launch Wizard makes it easy to create one for <a href="projects/launch/launch_phone.htm">phones</a>. In addition the new <a href="projects/launch/wnd_config_launch_config.htm">Configure Launch Configuration</a> dialog provides a quick summary of the remote connection for easy review and modification.</li>
  <li><b>Carbide  automatically detects TRK on target phones and devices</b> - Carbide  now detects the presence of either Application or System TRK on a connected device when TRK 3.2.6 or later are installed. Earlier TRK versions  do not support this recognition feature.</li>
  <li><b>TRK improvements</b> - TRK continues to evolve and now includes these improvements:
        <li>Both Application and System TRK v3.2.6 support PnP debugging. Update and install  using the <b>Help &gt; On Device Connections &gt; Install Remote Agents</b> pane in the <b>New Connection</b> dialog.</li>
      <li><span class="code">VERSION3</span> command now supported</li>
  <li><b>RVCT 4.0 (ARMv5)</b> builds and some limited debugging is supported</li>
  <li><b>Symbian ^3 SDK</b> now supported</li>
<h3><a name="issues" id="issues"></a>Known issues</h3>
<p>Workarounds for known issues: </p>
    <li><strong>Qt issues</strong> &mdash; If Qt does not seem to be working as expected, be sure to run the <span class="code">\configuration\qt\register_plugins.bat</span> file to properly register the Qt plugins. This is especially important if you installed Carbide using a zip file and not an installer.</li>
    <li><strong>USB issues</strong>  &mdash; There are know problems with some USB configurations. We are working to resolve these asap.</li>
<h3><a name="support" id="support"></a>Technical support </h3>
<p>The following support services are available:</p>
<ul><li>Visit the <a href="">Symbian Foundation</a> for Carbide.c++ and Symbian development information </li>
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