author fturovic <frank.turovich@nokia.com>
Tue, 24 Aug 2010 10:41:38 -0500
changeset 1876 c509443a8289
parent 1383 619a297ab336
child 2025 6534cbd5fa45
permissions -rw-r--r--
revised ico file to include 32bpp, 16m, 256, and 16 color variations for 48, 32, and 16 sized images

SymbianOS.label=Symbian OS
GenericSymbianOS.label=Generic Symbian OS
gui.label=GUI Application
dll.label=Basic dynamically linked library (DLL)
exe.label=Basic console application (EXE)
lib.label=Basic static library (LIB)
empty.label=Empty Project for Symbian
openc.label=Open C Console Application
cclass.label=Simple Symbian Style C++ Class
activeobject.label=Active Object Class