author fturovic <>
Tue, 07 Apr 2009 13:55:47 -0500
changeset 69 cab50ba61335
parent 2 d760517a8095
permissions -rw-r--r--
added info on IAD custom rules

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"><html><head>
<title>Running CodeScanner from the Command-line</title>
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   <div class="Head1">
<h2>Running CodeScanner from the Command-line</h2>
   <p>CodeScanner can be run from a command prompt using the command, <span class="code">codescanner</span>, and appropriate 
   parameters and options. The output is in the form of  HTML or XML files. </p>
   <p>When CodeScanner  is invoked from the command line it can scan files within any Symbian OS 
     project directory structure or within a single source file. </p>
   <p>The options are: </p>
   <table width="650"
border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
     <tr valign="top">
       <th width="151" class="Cell">Option</th>
       <th width="489" class="Cell">Description</th>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-c &lt;config file&gt;</td>
       <td class="Cell">Specify a config file used by CodeScanner. </td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-h</td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>Display CodeScanner  help. </p>         </td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-i &lt;src dir|file&gt; </td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>Specify additional directory or file to scan. For example: </p>
         <p class="listing">codescanner -i c:/myproject/includes c:/myproject/sources c:/myproject/results</p>       </td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-l &lt;path|file&gt; </td>
       <td class="Cell">Creates debug log file of the specified filename in the same directory as the CodeScanner command-line tool. Include a path to specify another location to store the log file.</td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-o html|xml|std </td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>Specifies the output report format. Multiple formats can be set at the same time. Default setting is <span class="code">html</span>. For example:</p>
           <p class="listing">codescanner -o xml,html c:\sources c:\reports</p></td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">outputdir </td>
       <td class="Cell">The directory in which to produce the output HTML files. If omitted from the command-line, CodeScanner will only output the problems list and not generate a report. </td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-r</td>
       <td class="Cell">Used to specify the LXR version. </td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">sourcedir </td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>The directory containing the source code.</p></td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">sourcefile</td>
       <td class="Cell"> The single source file to scan, and its path.</td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-t on|off </td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>Creates a time-stamped directory for results. Default setting is on. For example:</p>
       <p class="listing">codescanner -t off c:/myproject/sources c:/myproject/results</p></td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-v</td>
       <td class="Cell">Display verbose messages.</td>
     <tr valign="top">
       <td class="code">-x</td>
       <td class="Cell"><p>Used to specify the LXR site. Once scanning is complete, links in the report will point to the LXR server instead of the local directory (<span class="code">C:\sources</span>). For example:</p>
       <p class="listing">codescanner -x http://some.lxr.server/sources/ -r S60_3_2_12 c:\sources c:\reports</p>       </td>
   <div class="step">
     <h4>Running CodeScanner on a directory</h4>
       <li>At the command prompt for your CodeScanner directory enter: <br />
	   <p class="listing">codescanner [options] &lt;sourcedir&gt; &lt;outputdir&gt;</p></li>
   <p>For example: </p>
   <p class="listing">codescanner -t C:\Projects\CodeToScan C:\Output </p>
   <p>This example scans all of the text code files found in <span class="code">C:\Projects\CodeToScan</span> and saves the 
     HTML output to <span class="code">C:\Output</span>. No extra lines are displayed in the output to provide context for 
   the line containing each issue.</p>
   <div class="step">
     <h4>Running CodeScanner on a single source file</h4>
       <li>At the command prompt for your CodeScanner directory enter: <br />
	   <p class="listing">codescanner [options] &lt;sourcefilewithpath&gt; &lt;outputdir&gt;</p></li>
   <p>For example: </p>
   <p class="listing">codescanner c:\Projects\SingleFiles\Csymbianfile.cpp c:\tmp</p>
   <p>This example scans the single file, <span class="code">Csymbianfile.cpp</span>, and saves the HTML output to 
   <span class="code">C:\tmp</span>. 	</p>
   <b>Related references   </b>
     <li><a href="run_cs.htm">Running CodeScanner  </a></li>
   <div id="footer">Copyright &copy; 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). All rights reserved. <br>License: <a href=""></a></div>