Initial work to support an ISDKManager implementation that only understands SBSv2 (meaning, no devices.xml support).
This abstracts the common behavior of both SDKManagers into AbstractSDKManager but does not change API.
SBSv2Utils is extended to encapsulate some repeated patterns to find sbs.bat.
SymbianOS.label=Symbian OS
GenericSymbianOS.label=Generic Symbian OS
S80.label=Series 80
gui.label=GUI Application
dll.label=Basic dynamically linked library (DLL)
exe.label=Basic console application (EXE)
lib.label=Basic static library (LIB)
empty.label=Empty Project for Symbian
uiq3.label=3.x GUI Application
openc.label=Open C Console Application
cclass.label=Simple Symbian Style C++ Class
activeobject.label=Active Object Class