For single file compilation under Raptor, make sure to check if anything needs to be appeded to the -c arg value.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>+ −
<?NLS TYPE=""?>+ −
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<!-- Carbide help include all feature and tool plugins developed by the -->+ −
<!-- Native Tools team in Austin. It should not include tool plugins developed -->+ −
<!-- by other groups in Nokia -->+ −
+ −
<toc label="Carbide Tools" >+ −
+ −
<anchor id="anchorCarbideInfo" /> <!-- forums, blogs, general dev info -->+ −
<anchor id="anchorCarbideProduct" /> <!-- product (j, c++, etc.) manuals -->+ −
<anchor id="anchorCarbideFeature" /> <!-- feature (ui designer, etc.) manuals -->+ −
<anchor id="anchorCarbideMisc" /> <!-- catch all anchor, very infrequent usage -->+ −
<anchor id="anchorCarbideExample" /> <!-- Examples --> + −
<anchor id="anchorLegal" /> <!-- License info, copyright, trademarks, disclaimers, notices -->+ −
+ −
</toc>+ −