make SDK scan job a user job. Run jobs under new init method to avoid the SDKManager from being constructed twice by client requests.
* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// ConnectionImpl.h: interface for the CConnectionImpl class.
#if !defined(AFX_CONNECTIONIMPL_H__1D0D5B50_3DDD_49B8_834B_5996D9CC0124__INCLUDED_)
#define AFX_CONNECTIONIMPL_H__1D0D5B50_3DDD_49B8_834B_5996D9CC0124__INCLUDED_
#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000
#include "Connection.h"
class CConnectionImpl : public CConnection
CConnectionImpl(ConnectData conData, DWORD connectionId);
virtual ~CConnectionImpl();
BOOL IsEqual(CConnection* connection);
BOOL IsEqual(pConnectData pConData);
BOOL AddClient(CClient* client); // add a client to this connection
BOOL RemoveClient(CClient* client); // remove a client from this connection
BOOL AddClientToRegistry(CClient* client, long numberIds, BYTE* ids);
BOOL RemoveClientFromRegistry(CClient* client); // remove a client from this registry
BOOL StartClient(CClient* client){ return TRUE; } // start processing for a specified client
BOOL StopClient(CClient* client){ return TRUE; } // stop processing for a specified client
long DoConnect();
long DoDisconnect();
long DoSendMessage(long encodeOption, BYTE protocolVersion, BOOL useMsgId, BYTE msgId, DWORD msgLength, BYTE* msg);
long DoRetryProcessing();
long EnterRetryPeriod(long err, bool passOsErr, DWORD osErr);
long HandleFatalPortError(long err, bool passOsErr, DWORD osErr);
BOOL PauseProcessing(); // pause processing thread (not exit)
BOOL RestartProcessing(); // restart processing after a pause
BOOL StartProcessing(); // start processing thread
BOOL ExitProcessing(); // exit processing thread
BOOL IsProcessingPaused() { return (m_MessageProcessorState == MP_PAUSE); }
BOOL IsProcessingStarted() { return (m_MessageProcessorState == MP_START); }
BOOL IsProcessingContinuing() { return (m_MessageProcessorState == MP_PROCESSING); }
long GetConnectionId() { return m_ConnectionID; }
// m_Status operations
BOOL IsConnected() { return ((m_Status == eConnected) || (m_Status == eRetryInProgress)); }
BOOL IsDisconnected() { return (m_Status == eDisconnected); }
BOOL IsRetryInProgress() { return (m_Status== eRetryInProgress); }
BOOL IsRetryTimedOut() { return (m_Status == eRetryTimedOut); }
void SetConnected() { m_Status = eConnected; }
void SetDisconnected() { m_Status = eDisconnected; }
void SetRetryInProgress() { m_Status = eRetryInProgress; }
void SetRetryTimedOut() { m_Status = eRetryTimedOut; }
void NotifyClientsCommError(long tcfError, bool passOsError=false, DWORD osError=0);
BOOL CreateCommProtocols(const char* commLibraryPath, const char* protocolLibraryPath);
BOOL HasVersion();
void GetVersion(char* outVersion);
long GetNumberClients() { return m_ClientList->size(); }
void UnLockAllDestinations();
void FlushAllClientMessageFiles();
ConnectData* m_ConnectSettings; // connection settings
ClientList* m_ClientList; // this connection only
eConnectionStatus m_Status; // this connection status
CRegistry* m_Registry; // registry for this connection
long m_ConnectionID; // id for this connection
CBaseCom* m_BaseComm; // communication port handler
HINSTANCE m_BaseCommHandle;
CBaseProtocol* m_BaseProtocol; // protocol for port
HINSTANCE m_BaseProtocolHandle;
unsigned long m_OsError; // error from OS if applicable
char m_DebugLogMsg[2000];
TCDebugLog* m_DebugLog;
char m_DebugLogMsg2[2000];
TCDebugLog* m_DebugLog2;
// MessageProcessor thread
static DWORD WINAPI MessageProcessor(LPVOID lpParam);
int m_MessageProcessorState;
bool m_ExitMessageProcessor; // flag to tell MessageProcessor thread to exit
bool m_PauseMessageProcessing; // flag to tell MessageProcessor thread to stop all message processing (temporarily)
bool m_StartMessageProcessing; // flag to tell MessageProcessor thread to start message processing
HANDLE m_hMessageProcessorExittedEvent; // event to tell main thread that MessageProcessor thread has exitted
HANDLE m_hMessageProcessorStoppedEvent; // event to tell main thread that MessageProcessor thread has stopped processing
HANDLE m_hMessageProcessorStartedEvent; // event to tell main thread that MessageProcessor thread has started processing
HANDLE m_hMessageProcessorThread; // handle to MessageProcessor thread
DWORD m_dwMessageProcessorThreadId; // ID for " "
// com errors and retry stuff
time_t m_NextRetryTime;
time_t m_RetryTimeoutTime;
// client flush times
DWORD m_NextFlushFileTime;
#endif // !defined(AFX_CONNECTIONIMPL_H__1D0D5B50_3DDD_49B8_834B_5996D9CC0124__INCLUDED_)