Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
var STATUS_PANE_ID = "";
function setBounds(container, rect) {
if ( != rect.x
|| != rect.y) {
//println("Setting location for " + container.instanceName + " to " + rect.x + "," + rect.y); = rect.x; = rect.y;
if ( != rect.width
|| != rect.height) {
//println("Setting size for " + container.instanceName + " to " + rect.width + "," + rect.height); = rect.width; = rect.height;
function doScreenLayout(container, laf) {
var screenWidth =;
var screenHeight =;
var children = container.children;
var statusArea = getStatusPane(children);
if (statusArea != null) {
setBounds(statusArea, laf.getRectangle("status.pane.bounds"));
var cba = getControlPane(children);
if (cba != null) {
setBounds(cba, laf.getRectangle("control.pane.bounds"));
var contents = getContents(children);
if (contents != null) {
setBounds(contents, laf.getRectangle("content.pane.bounds"));
function getControlPane(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
function getStatusPane(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
function getNaviPaneContent(children) {
return findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, "is-navipane-content", "true");
function getStatusPaneContent(children, componentIdArg) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, componentIdArg);
function getContents(children) {
return findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, "is-top-level-content-container", "true");
function findImmediateChildByAttributeValue(children, attrName, attrValue) {
var result = null;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null &&
child.component.attributes[attrName] == attrValue) {
result = child;
return result;
function findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, componentID) {
var result = null;
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.isOfType(componentID)) {
result = child;
return result;
function hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, attrName, attrValue) {
return attributesArg[attrName] == attrValue;
function hasTopLevelContentContainerAttribute(attributesArg) {
return hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, "is-top-level-content-container", "true");
function hasStatusPaneContentAttribute(attributesArg) {
return hasAttributeValue(attributesArg, "is-status-pane-content", "true");
function buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(errorString, params) {
return buildSimpleErrorStatus(errorString, params);
function buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(header, errorString, params, status) {
return buildMultipleErrorStatus(header, errorString, params, status);
function isControlPane(component) {
return component.isOfType("");
function isStatusPaneId(componentIdArg) {
return componentIdArg == STATUS_PANE_ID;
function isDesignRef(component) {
return component.isOfType("");
function getLayoutChildren(children) {
var result = [];
var idx = 0;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null
&& child.component.attributes["is-non-layout-object"] != "true"
&& child.component.attributes["is-non-transient-object"] != "true") {
result[idx++] = child;
return result;
function allowsCBAInParent(instance) {
return instance.attributes["allow-cba-in-parent"] == "true";
function getInstanceFromChildName(children, name) {
if (children != null) {
for (i in children) {
if (children[i].name == name) {
return children[i];
return null;
* Find a child of type CAknForm
function findAknFormChild(children) {
return findImmediateChildByComponentID(children, "");
* Iterate children to find the one with exitsApp property and return property value
function childWantsExitBehavior(children) {
for (var i in children) {
if (children[i].isInstanceOf("")) {
return children[i].properties.exitsApp;
return false;
function findNaviTabs(appUiInstance) {
var statusPane = findImmediateChildByComponentID(appUiInstance.children, "");
if (statusPane != null) {
var naviTabs = findImmediateChildByComponentID(statusPane.children, "");
return naviTabs;
return null;
function hasNaviTabs(appUiInstance) {
return findNaviTabs(appUiInstance) != null;
* Get the view UID enumerator, adding the generating #include if necessary (for use from views)
function getViewUidConstant(instance) {
// the algorithm can deal with either CAknView or AvkonViewReference
var name = Engine.queryEnumeratorForAlgorithm(instance, ".",
return name;
* Find or create the view UID enumerator (for use from appui)
function findOrCreateViewUidConstant(instance) {
// the algorithm can deal with either CAknView or AvkonViewReference
return Engine.findOrCreateEnumeratorForAlgorithm(instance, ".",
* Get the name of the project's HRH file (which contains view UID enums)
function getProjectHrhFile() {
return getProjectName() + ".hrh";
* Get the name of the project's HRH file (which contains view UID enums)
function includeProjectHrhFile(contribs) {
var mycontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainUserIncludes")
mycontrib.setText("#include \"" + getProjectHrhFile() + "\"\n");
* Set up query containment based on an attribute in potential children.
* @param prototype the prototype to add IQueryContainment to.
* The prototype must implement this functions:
* <p>
* <li>
* getAllowedAttribute(): return the attribute string for allowed children
* The component must define a string with ID "generalContainmentError"
* that takes a single argument for the type of component: e.g.,
* "A <container_type_name> can''t contain objects of type ''{0}''."
function setupAttributeBasedQueryContainment(prototype) {
var origCanContainComponent = null;
if ("canContainComponent" in prototype)
origCanContainComponent = prototype.canContainComponent;
prototype.canContainComponent = function(instance, otherComponent) {
var status = null;
if (origCanContainComponent != null) {
status = origCanContainComponent(instance, otherComponent);
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
if (!hasAttributeValue(otherComponent.attributes, attrName, "true"))
if (status != null)
return buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ), status);
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ));
return status;
var origCanContainChild = null;
if ("canContainChild" in prototype)
origCanContainChild = prototype.canContainChild;
prototype.canContainChild = function(instance, child) {
var status = null;
if (origCanContainChild != null) {
status = origCanContainChild(instance, child);
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
if (!hasAttributeValue(child.component.attributes, attrName, "true"))
if (status != null)
return buildMultipleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( otherComponent.friendlyName ), status);
return buildSimpleContainmentErrorStatus(
new Array( child.component.friendlyName ));
return status;
var origCanRemoveChild = null;
if ("canRemoveChild" in prototype)
origCanRemoveChild = prototype.canRemoveChild;
prototype.canRemoveChild = function(instance, child) {
if (origCanRemoveChild != null) {
return origCanRemoveChild(instance, child);
return true; // everything can be removed
var origIsValidComponentInPalette = null;
if ("isValidComponentInPalette" in prototype)
origIsValidComponentInPalette = prototype.isValidComponentInPalette;
prototype.isValidComponentInPalette = function(instance, otherComponent) {
if (origIsValidComponentInPalette != null) {
var result = origIsValidComponentInPalette(instance, otherComponent);
if (!result)
return result;
var attrName = prototype.getAllowedAttribute();
return hasAttributeValue(otherComponent.attributes, attrName, "true");
function countImmediateChildrenWithAttributeValue(children, attrName, attrValue) {
var result = 0;
if (children != null) {
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.attributes != null &&
child.component.attributes[attrName] == attrValue) {
return result;
function isAvkonView(instance) {
return (instance != null && instance.componentId == "");