Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
include("embeddedControlImplLibrary.js")// for isSettingItemList
editorLibraryStrings = getLocalizedStrings("editorLibrary");
* Set up rendering support for editor components. This clears out
* a rectangle of the component's size and draws text inside it
* according to a component-specific formatter and MFNE layout.
* This sets up a component to appear in a form.
* @param prototype the prototype to add IVisualAppearance to.
* The prototype must implement these functions:
* <p>
* <li>
* getDisplayText(instance): return the text formatted for display
* (may be empty or null). Return the entire
* string, even if longer than getMaxLength()
* <li>
* getMaxLength(instance): return the character limit on the text
* <li>
* getFlags(instance, laf): return an IFont#xxx mask desribing
* parameters to font.drawFormattedString()
function setupEditorRendering(prototype) {
prototype.drawContent = function(instance, laf, graphics, rect) {
var properties =;
if( properties.isVisible != null && properties.isVisible == false)
var flags = this.getFlags(instance, laf);
if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
flags = (flags & ~Font.ALIGN_MASK) | Font.ALIGN_CENTER;
// white on blue doesn't look good antialiased
flags = (flags & ~Font.ANTIALIAS_MASK) | Font.ANTIALIAS_OFF;
var font = this.getFont(instance, laf);
if (font == null)
font = laf.getFont("NormalFont");
graphics.setBackground(getBackgroundColor(instance, laf));
var color = null;
if (prototype.getDisplayColor) {
color = prototype.getDisplayColor(instance, laf);
if (color == null && isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
color = laf.getColor("CAknSettingItemList.ContentForeground");
if (color == null)
color = laf.getColor("EEikColorControlText");
var text = "" + this.getDisplayText(instance);
if (instance.isInstanceOf(""))
text = text.replace(/\n/,"");
text = chooseScalableText(text, font, rect.width);
var maxLength = this.getMaxLength(instance);
if (maxLength == 0 || text.length <= maxLength) {
// in settings list, blank text is replaced
if ((!text || text == "") && isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
text =;
if (!text || text == "")
text = editorLibraryStrings.getString("EmptyText");
graphics.drawFormattedString(text, rect, flags, 0);
} else {
var visibleText = text.substring(0, maxLength);
var truncatedText = text.substring(maxLength);
var visibleSize = font.formattedStringExtent(visibleText, new Point(rect.width, rect.height), flags, 0);
var truncatedSize = font.formattedStringExtent(truncatedText, new Point(rect.width, rect.height), flags, 0);
// indicate truncated text
if (false) {
// dim background of truncated part
graphics.fillRectangle(rect.x + visibleSize.x, rect.y, truncatedSize.x, rect.height);
graphics.drawFormattedString(text, rect, flags, 0);
} else {
// dim letters of truncated part
graphics.drawFormattedString(visibleText, rect, flags, 0);
graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(200, 200, 200));
rect.x += visibleSize.x;
graphics.drawFormattedString(truncatedText, rect, flags, 0);
prototype.getContentSize = function(instance, laf, size) {
var properties =;
var isInForm = isForm(instance.parent);
var font = this.getFont(instance, laf);
if (font == null)
font = laf.getFont("NormalFont");
var flags = this.getFlags(instance, laf);
var text = this.getDisplayText(instance);
if (text == null || text == "")
text = "Temporary"; // provide enough space so click-added
// editor has some perceivable width
// use wrapping width to get adjusted height
var size = font.formattedStringExtent(text, size, flags, 0);
// this property is not necessarily present, in which case only one line is used
var lines = properties.lines;
if (isNaN(lines) || lines < 1)
lines = 1;
var linesHeight = getFontHeight(font) * lines;
var textHeight = size.y;
// this property flag is not necessarily present, in which case this code falls through
var isResizable = 'flags' in properties
&& 'EEikEdwinResizable' in properties.flags
&& properties.flags.EEikEdwinResizable;
//println("lines("+lines+"), linesHeight(" + linesHeight + "), textHeight(" + textHeight + "), resizable(" + isResizable + ")");
if (isResizable && (textHeight > linesHeight))
size.y = textHeight;
else if (!isInForm)
size.y = linesHeight; // don't resize if in container
return size;
// now make this form-able
* Format the number to have zeroes on the left.
function padWithZeroes(number, count) {
var str = "" + number;
if (str.length >= count)
return str;
var zeroes = "0000000000000000000".substring(0, count);
return zeroes.substring(0, count - str.length) + str;
* Format the number to have spaces on the left.
function padWithSpaces(number, count) {
var str = "" + number;
if (str.length >= count)
return str;
var zeroes = " ".substring(0, count);
return zeroes.substring(0, count - str.length) + str;
* Format a time the way S60 would. This is piggishly restricted
* to the American format, since S60 has some weirdness with formatting
* (hiding hours -- but not AM/PM!, and hiding seconds) which would make
* our task of mirroring these in a locale-dependent way too difficult.
* Likely it would be better to use a format string in the future.
function formatTime(h, m, s, showHours, showMinutes, showSeconds, showAmPm) {
var str = "";
var suffix = "";
if (showAmPm) {
if (h >= 12) {
h -= 12;
suffix = " PM";
} else {
suffix = " AM";
if (h == 0)
h = 12;
if (showHours) {
str += padWithZeroes(h, 2) + ":";
if (showMinutes) {
str += padWithZeroes(m, 2);
if (showSeconds) {
str += ":" + padWithZeroes(s, 2);
str += suffix;
return str;
* Format a date the way S60 would.
function formatDate(d) {
return formatDateDMY(, d.month, d.year);
function formatDateDMY(day, month, year) {
var str = "";
str = padWithZeroes(day - 0 + 1, 2) + "/" +
padWithZeroes(month - 0 + 1, 2) + "/" +
padWithZeroes(year, 4);
return str;
function commonEditorGetFlags(instance, laf) {
var properties =;
var flags = 0;
if (properties.alignment == undefined)
return flags;
switch (properties.alignment) {
case "EAknEditorAlignCenter":
flags = Font.ALIGN_CENTER; break;
case "EAknEditorAlignLeft":
flags = Font.ALIGN_LEFT; break;
case "EAknEditorAlignRight":
flags = Font.ALIGN_RIGHT; break;
return flags;
var CONTROL_ID = "";
function isControl(instance) {
return instance.componentId == CONTROL_ID;