Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
* Create a contribution that sets a property if its value
* is not equal to a given default.
* @param phase the phase to supply
* @param indent extra indentation to add (i.e. 1 if inside an "if")
* @param instanceMemberName the name of the member variable
* @param propertyValue the current value of the property
* @param defaultValue the value considered the default
* @param format a format string for setting the property, where
* {0} is substituted with instanceMemberName and
* {1} is substituted with the propertyValue
* @return a contribution, or null
function createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName,
propertyValue, defaultValue, format) {
if (propertyValue != defaultValue) {
contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
contrib.setFormattedText(format, new Array( instanceMemberName, propertyValue) );
return contrib;
return null;
* Generate a contribution that sets a property if its value
* is not equal to a given default.
* @param contribs the contribution list
* @param phase the phase to supply
* @param indent extra indentation to add (i.e. 1 if inside an "if")
* @param instanceMemberName the name of the member variable
* @param propertyValue the current value of the property
* @param defaultValue the value considered the default
* @param format a format string for setting the property, where
* {0} is substituted with instanceMemberName and
* {1} is substituted with the propertyValue
* @param checkNull if true, insert check for null instance around sette
function setPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName,
propertyValue, defaultValue, format, checkNull) {
contrib = createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, indent,
instanceMemberName, propertyValue, defaultValue, format);
if (contrib == null)
if (checkNull) {
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
acontrib.setFormattedText("if ( {0} )\n", [ instanceMemberName ]);
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
} else {
* Generate a set of contributions to set multiple possible
* properties.
* Like #setPropertyForPhase(), where the 5th and later arguments
* are taken in groups of three as [propertyValue, defaultValue, format].
function setPropertiesForPhase(contribs, phase, indent, instanceMemberName, checkNull) {
var ourContribStr = "";
var any = false;
var innerIndent = indent + (checkNull ? 1 : 0);
for (var h = 5; h < arguments.length; h += 3) {
contrib = createSetPropertyForPhase(contribs, phase, innerIndent, instanceMemberName,
arguments[h], arguments[h+1], arguments[h+2]);
if (contrib == null)
if (!any && checkNull) {
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
acontrib.setFormattedText("if ( {0} )\n", [ instanceMemberName ]);
ourContribStr = acontrib.getText();
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
acontrib.setText("\t" + "{\n");
ourContribStr = ourContribStr + acontrib.getText();
any = true;
ourContribStr = ourContribStr + "\t" + contrib.getText();
if (any && checkNull) {
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
acontrib.setText("\t" + "}\n");
ourContribStr = ourContribStr + acontrib.getText();
acontrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
* Get the base filename
* @param path a path
function getBaseFileName(path) {
var idx = path.lastIndexOf('/');
if (idx >= 0)
base = path.substring(idx+1);
else {
idx = path.lastIndexOf('\\');
if (idx >= 0)
base = path.substring(idx+1);
base = path;
idx = base.lastIndexOf('.');
if (idx >= 0)
base = base.substring(0, idx);
return base;
* Get the bitmap header file
* @param path the system MBM/MIF name from the image.bmpfile property
function getBitmapHeaderName(path) {
var base = getBaseFileName(path);
base = base + ".mbg";
return base.toLowerCase();
function addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent, text) {
var c;
if (phase != null)
c = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
c = Engine.createContributionForLocation(loc);
function addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent, format, args) {
var c;
if (phase != null)
c = Engine.createContributionForPhase(phase);
c = Engine.createContributionForLocation(loc);
c.setFormattedText(format, args);
* Get the nearest enclosing instance that defines a class.
function getClassHolder(instance) {
while (instance != null && ! {
instance = instance.parent;
return instance;
* Get the table of multi-image filenames to literal names
function getFilenameToLiteralTable(instance) {
var holder = getClassHolder(instance);
var key = "ImageSupport.filenameToLiteralTable:" + holder;
var table = Engine.getGlobalDictionary().get(key);
if (table == null) {
table = new java.util.HashMap();
Engine.getGlobalDictionary().put(key, table);
return table;
* Get an identifier name from a MBM/MIF filepath
function makeLiteralIdentifier(map, path) {
// no need to uniquify, as the base mbmdef/mifdef name must be unique as well
var base = getBaseFileName(path);
var litname = "K" + base + "File";
return litname;
* Prepare a container for sourcegen that involves generating
* image properties. We need to ensure the MBM/MIF filename for
* an image is emitted as a constant only once.
function resetImagePropertyState(instance) {
var classHolder = getClassHolder(instance);
classHolder.filenameToLiteralTable = new java.util.HashMap();
* Tell if an image property is set. If not, it should be ignored.
function isImagePropertySet(imageProperty) {
return imageProperty.bmpfile != ""
&& imageProperty.bmpid != "";
* Tell if we support scaling at all
function isScalingIcons() {
var version = getComponentVersions();
if (version.getMajor() >= 3)
return true;
if (version.getMajor() == 2 && version.getMinor() >= 8) {
appUi = getRootModelInstanceOfType("");
if (appUi != null)
return false;
* Set up contributions that set up an image property given
* its compound property. This uses CFbsBitmap* objects and
* thus allows for resizing behavior. Use a separate routine if
* setting up multiple images, since the repeated code for SVG setup
* can get quite long.
* @param contribs the contributions to append to
* @param instance instance the image is for (used to find the class)
* @param phase primary phase to write to (or null, loc must be set)
* @param loc primary location to write to (or null, phase must be set)
* @param indent indentation adjust
* @param imageProperty the property value
* @param aspectOption the appropriate enumeration for aspect ratio handling (or null)
* @param bitmapPattern when only a bitmap is set,
* a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments ([ CFbsBitmap* ])
* @param bitmapAndMaskPattern when a bitmap and mask is set,
* a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments (or null)
* ([ CFbsBitmap*, CFbsBitmap* ])
* @param theSize text representing the TSize argument (e.g. "control->Size()" or "TSize(45, 66)")
* or null to use the image's real size
function setupImageFromPropertyViaCFbsBitmap(contribs, instance, phase, loc, indent,
imageProperty, aspectOption,
bitmapPattern, bitmapAndMaskPattern, theSize) {
var version = getComponentVersions();
var contrib;
// moved here to precede system includes of .mbg files
var isSVG = imageProperty.editableValue.isSVG();
if (isScalingIcons() || isSVG) {
// get icon utilities header
addContrib(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", loc, 0,
"#include <akniconutils.h>\n");
if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {
// make the literal string for the filename
var table = getFilenameToLiteralTable(instance);
var litname = table.get(imageProperty.bmpfile);
if (!litname) {
litname = makeLiteralIdentifier(table, imageProperty.bmpfile);
addContrib(contribs, "MainConstants", null, 0,
"_LIT( " + litname +", \"" +
TextUtils.escape(imageProperty.bmpfile, '"') + "\" );\n");
// get the mbg header
addContrib(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", null, 0,
"#include <" + getBitmapHeaderName(imageProperty.bmpfile) + ">\n");
table.put(imageProperty.bmpfile, litname);
if (!isScalingIcons() && !isSVG) {
// only unscalable bitmaps allowed, and initialized via CFbsBitmap
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null
&& imageProperty.bmpfile != ""
&& imageProperty.bmpmask != ""
&& imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpid + " );\n"
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap* mask = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpmask + " );\n"
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ "bitmap", "mask" ]);
else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "" && imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = iEikonEnv->CreateBitmapL( " + litname + ", " + imageProperty.bmpid + " );\n"
} else {
// no image, but at least a bitmap is required
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap* bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;\n"
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapPattern, [ "bitmap" ]);
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
} else {
// S60 >= 3.0
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
var sizeArg = theSize;
if (sizeArg == null)
sizeArg = "size"; // for SVG
if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {
// load the bitmap and/or mask
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap *bitmap, *mask;\n");
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::CreateIconL( bitmap, mask,\n"+
"\t\t" + litname + ", " +
((bitmapPattern != null && imageProperty.bmpid != "") ?
imageProperty.bmpid : "-1") +
", " +
((bitmapAndMaskPattern != null && imageProperty.bmpmask != "") ?
imageProperty.bmpmask : "-1") +
" );\n");
// prepare to issue two calls needing SVG info
if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"TSize size;\n"+
"AknIconUtils::PreserveIconData( bitmap );\n"+
//"AknIconUtils::PreserveIconData( mask );\n"+
} else {
// no image, but at least a bitmap WITH CONTENT is required
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"CFbsBitmap *bitmap = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap;\n"+
"bitmap->Create( TSize( 1, 1), EGray2 );\n");
// set the size
var aspectText;
if (aspectOption != null && aspectOption != "")
aspectText = ", " + aspectOption;
aspectText = ", EAspectRatioNotPreserved";
if (imageProperty.bmpfile != "") {
if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
// get the size
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::GetContentDimensions( bitmap, size );\n");
if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null
&& imageProperty.bmpfile != ""
&& imageProperty.bmpmask != ""
&& imageProperty.bmpid != "") {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, " + sizeArg + aspectText + " );\n");
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::SetSize( mask, " + sizeArg + aspectText + " );\n");
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ "bitmap", "mask" ]);
} else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::SetSize( bitmap, " + theSize + aspectText + " );\n");
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapPattern, [ "bitmap" ]);
if (isSVG && theSize == null) {
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
"AknIconUtils::DestroyIconData( bitmap );\n");
addContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
* Set up contributions that set up an image property given
* its compound property. This passes arguments to a function
* which takes the (TDesc aFileName, TInt bmpid, TInt maskid)
* arguments. Image resizing is not allowed.
* @param contribs the contributions to append to
* @param instance instance the image is for (used to find the class)
* @param phase primary phase to write to (or null, loc must be set)
* @param loc primary location to write to (or null, phase must be set)
* @param indent indentation adjust
* @param imageProperty the compound property providing bmpfile, bmpid, bmpmask
* @param bitmapPattern when only a bitmap is set,
* a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments
* ([ filename, id ])
* @param bitmapAndMaskPattern when a bitmap and mask is set,
* a MessageFormat string to be substituted with arguments (or null)
* ([ filename, id, maskid ])
function setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapPattern, bitmapAndMaskPattern) {
if (!isImagePropertySet(imageProperty))
var version = getComponentVersions();
var contrib;
// make the literal string for the filename
var table = getFilenameToLiteralTable(instance);
var litname = table.get(imageProperty.bmpfile);
if (!litname) {
litname = makeLiteralIdentifier(table, imageProperty.bmpfile);
addContrib(contribs, "MainConstants", null, 0,
"_LIT( " + litname +", \"" +
TextUtils.escape(imageProperty.bmpfile, '"') + "\" );\n");
// get the mbg header
addContrib(contribs, "MainSystemIncludes", null, 0,
"#include <" + getBitmapHeaderName(imageProperty.bmpfile) + ">\n");
table.put(imageProperty.bmpfile, litname);
if (bitmapAndMaskPattern != null
&& imageProperty.bmpmask != "") {
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapAndMaskPattern, [ litname, imageProperty.bmpid, imageProperty.bmpmask ]);
else if (bitmapPattern != null) {
addFormattedContrib(contribs, phase, loc, indent,
bitmapPattern, [ litname, imageProperty.bmpid ]);
* Create a method that loads and scales SVG or BMP icons, for use when
* multiple icons are loaded at once. This assumes the function defined in
* For S60 2.8 or newer.
function defineIconLoadingRoutines(contribs, location, className) {
// get icon utilities headers.
addContrib(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", null, 0,
"#include <akniconutils.h>\n");
addContrib(contribs, "HeaderIncludes", null, 0,
"#include <gulicon.h>\n");
//// needs to be permanent or else it's duplicated
//addContrib(contribs, "UserHandlers", null, 0,
addContrib(contribs, "ClassMethods", null, 0,
"static CGulIcon* LoadAndScaleIconL(\n"+
"\t\tconst TDesC& aFileName,\n"+
"\t\tTInt aBitmapId,\n"+
"\t\tTInt aMaskId,\n"+
"\t\tTSize* aSize,\n"+
"\t\tTScaleMode aScaleMode );\n"
// force the location to be instantiated
addContrib(contribs, null, location, 0, "");
var alignmentMap = {
"EHLeft+EVTop" : "EHLeftVTop",
"EHLeft+EVCenter" : "EHLeftVCenter",
"EHLeft+EVBottom" : "EHLeftVBottom",
"EHCenter+EVTop" : "EHCenterVTop",
"EHCenter+EVCenter" : "EHCenterVCenter",
"EHCenter+EVBottom" : "EHCenterVBottom",
"EHRight+EVTop" : "EHRightVTop",
"EHRight+EVCenter" : "EHRightVCenter",
"EHRight+EVBottom" : "EHRightVBottom"
function getTGulAlignmentValue(horiz, vert) {
return alignmentMap[horiz+"+"+vert];
* Get the table of unique images in an icon array
* @return an ImageList
function getImageList(instance) {
var key = "srcgenLibrary.ImageList:" +;
var table = Engine.getGlobalDictionary().get(key);
if (table == null) {
table = new ImageList(instance);
Engine.getGlobalDictionary().put(key, table);
return table;
* This is a prototype used to track arrays of icons.
* Create an instance of the class and populate it with image
* properties, then generate contributions that create a
* CArrayPtr<CGulIcon> array, then look up indices of image
* properties either by index or generated enum.
* @param ownerInstance the instance that owns all the images
function ImageList(ownerInstance) {
this.ownerInstance = ownerInstance;
this.imageMap = new java.util.LinkedHashMap();
this.enumSet = new java.util.LinkedHashSet();
this.imageIdx = 0;
this.lastEnum = "0";
ImageList.prototype.getImagePropertyKey = function(imageProperty) {
if (isImagePropertySet(imageProperty)) {
return imageProperty.bmpfile + "|" + imageProperty.bmpid + "|" + imageProperty.bmpmask;
} else {
return null;
ImageList.prototype.uniquifyEnum = function(enm) {
var idx = 1;
var base = enm;
while (this.enumSet.contains(enm)) {
enm = base + (++idx);
return enm;
* Register an image property. Only adds if unique.
* @param instance the instance containing the property
* @param property the property ID
ImageList.prototype.registerImageProperty = function(imageProperty) {
var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
if (key != null && !this.imageMap.containsKey(key)) {
var base = imageProperty.bmpid;
if (base == "")
base = imageProperty.bmpmask;
if (base.substring(0, 4) == "EMbm")
base = base.substring(4);
var enm = "E" + titleCase( + base + "Index";
enm = this.uniquifyEnum(enm);
this.lastEnum = enm;
this.imageMap.put(key, [imageProperty, this.imageIdx++, enm]);
ImageList.prototype.getSystemImageKey = function(bitmap, mask) {
if (bitmap == null || bitmap.length == 0)
return null;
var file = "KAvkonBitmapFile"; // constant in aknconsts.h
var prefix = "EMbmAvkon";
var key = file
+ "|"
+ (bitmap.length > 0 ? prefix + titleCase(bitmap) : "")
+ "|"
+ (mask.length > 0 ? prefix + titleCase(mask) : "");
return key;
* Register an Avkon system image (only added if unique).
ImageList.prototype.registerAvkonSystemImage = function(bitmap, mask) {
var key = this.getSystemImageKey(bitmap, mask);
if (key != null && !this.imageMap.containsKey(key)) {
var enm = "E" + titleCase(
+ "Avkon" + titleCase(bitmap != null ? bitmap : mask)
+ "Index";
enm = this.uniquifyEnum(enm);
this.lastEnum = enm;
this.imageMap.put(key, [null, this.imageIdx++, enm]);
* Get the icon index for the given image.
ImageList.prototype.getListIconIndexForProperty = function(imageProperty) {
var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
var value = this.imageMap.get(key);
if (value != null)
return value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
return -1;
* Get the enumerator for the given image.
ImageList.prototype.getListIconEnumForProperty = function(imageProperty, getEnum) {
var key = this.getImagePropertyKey(imageProperty);
var value = this.imageMap.get(key);
if (value != null)
return value[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
return null;
* Get the number of images, also the upper bound of the indices
ImageList.prototype.getImageCount = function() {
return this.imageIdx;
ImageList.prototype.getLastEnumerator = function() {
return this.lastEnum;
* Generate code to set up a CGulIcon icon array. Since S60 doesn't
* tolerate empty arrays, the generated code allocates the array only if needed,
* leaving it on the cleanup stack. The caller of this code/routine
* needs to examine the return value and handle cleaning up appropriately.
* @param contribs
* @param iconsVar name of array variable to create (must be declared)
* @param location the function to add code to
* @param mainLocation preferably owned section in main file to add function to if needed
* @param instance instance to search upwards for owning class
* @param isScaling true if scaling bitmaps and icons, false otherwise
* @return true if icon array allocated
ImageList.prototype.generateSetupIconArrayL = function(contribs, iconsVar, location, mainLocation, instance, isScaling) {
// must not generate a zero-size array or set an empty icon array
var anyIcons = false;
var iconVar = (iconsVar.match(".*s") ? iconsVar.substring(0, iconsVar.length - 1) : iconsVar + "_instance");
for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
var entry =;
var key = entry.getKey();
var value = entry.getValue();
var property = value[IL_PROPERTY_INDEX];
var index = value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
var enm = value[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
var granularity = this.enumSet.size() > 0? this.enumSet.size() : 1;
if (!anyIcons) {
addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location, 0,
"{0} = new (ELeave) CAknIconArray( {1} );\n",
[ iconsVar,
] );
addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location, 0,
"CleanupStack::PushL( {0} );\n",
[ iconsVar ]);
if (isScaling) {
defineIconLoadingRoutines(contribs, mainLocation, getClassHolder(instance).properties["className"]);
addFormattedContrib(contribs, null, location, 0,
"CGulIcon* {0};\n",
[ iconVar ]);
anyIcons = true;
//println("querying " + instance + ", property="+property);
// This assumes the user doesn't modify the ordering and
// all enums map evenly to 0...N.
// We can't use ->InsertL or ->ExtendL since they're stupid.
var adder = "->AppendL";
// Bug 7621: please ensure that a leave in the AppendL doesn't
// leak the allocated image.
var saveIcon = "CleanupStack::PushL( " + iconVar + " );\n";
var restoreIcon = "CleanupStack::Pop( " + iconVar + " );\n";
var addIcon = iconsVar + adder + "( " + iconVar + " );\n";
var saveAddAndRestore = saveIcon + addIcon + restoreIcon;
contrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation(location);
contrib.setText("// for " + enm + "\n");
if (property == null) {
// system image
var parts = key.split("\\|");
var contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainSystemIncludes");
contrib.setText("#include <aknconsts.h>\n");
contrib = Engine.createContributionForPhase("MainSystemIncludes");
contrib.setText("#include <avkon.mbg>\n");
var format;
if (isScaling) {
if (parts[2] != "") {
format = iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2},\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore;
} else {
format = iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, -1,\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore;
} else {
if (parts[2] != "") {
format = iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2} );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore;
} else {
format = iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1} );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore;
contrib = Engine.createContributionForLocation(location);
contrib.setFormattedText(format, parts);
} else {
if (isScaling) {
setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, null, location, 0,
iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, -1,\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore,
iconVar + " = LoadAndScaleIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2},\n\t\tNULL, EAspectRatioPreserved );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore
} else {
setupImageFromPropertyViaTuple(contribs, instance, null, location, 0,
iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1} );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore,
iconVar + " = CEikonEnv::Static()->CreateIconL(\n\t\t{0}, {1}, {2} );\n"
+ saveAddAndRestore);
if (anyIcons) {
return true;
return false;
* Generate text to be substituted into an enum{} declaration.
ImageList.prototype.generateImageListEnums = function() {
var text = "";
for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
var entry =;
var index = entry.getValue()[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
var enm = entry.getValue()[IL_ENUM_INDEX];
text += enm + " = " + index + ",\n";
text += "E" + titleCase( + "FirstUserImageIndex\n";
return text;
ImageList.prototype.dump = function() {
println("dump of image list: ");
for (var iter = this.imageMap.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
var entry =;
var key = entry.getKey();
var value = entry.getValue();
var property = value[IL_PROPERTY_INDEX];
var index = value[IL_INDEX_INDEX];
println("key="+key+", property="+property+", index="+index);