Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
* Copyright (c) 2007 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
function CAknButton() {
CAknButton.prototype.draw = function(instance, laf, graphics) {
var borderPadding = 3;
var properties = instance.properties;
var width = properties.size.width - borderPadding;
var height = properties.size.height - borderPadding;
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
// fill
if (properties.buttonNoFrame == false){
graphics.fillGradientRectangle(x, y, width, height, true)
// edge
graphics.drawRectangle(new Rectangle(0, 0, width, height))
// shadows
graphics.drawLine(x + 1, y + height + 1, x + width + 1, y + height + 1)
graphics.drawLine(x + width + 1, y + 1, x + width + 1, y + height + 1)
graphics.drawLine(x + 0, y + height + 0, x + width + 0, y + height + 0)
graphics.drawLine(x + width + 0, y + 0, x + width + 0, y + height + 0)
var fontFlags = getFontFlagsFromProperties(properties);
if (properties.images.bmpfile != ""){
var inToolbar = instance.parent.component.isOfType("com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar");
if (instance.properties.buttonText != "" && !inToolbar) {
// there's an image and text and it's a button on the main pane (not in toolbar)
renderImage(CAknButton.prototype, instance, laf, graphics,
borderPadding, borderPadding, "images", true, "normal");
var imageBounds = getImageBounds(instance, properties.images, "normal");
var textOffsetForImage = getTextOffsetForImage(imageBounds, properties);
drawButtonTextItem(instance, instance.properties.buttonText, new Point(0, 0), new Point(width, height), laf, graphics, textOffsetForImage, fontFlags);
} else {
// there's only an image: draw the specified image on the button
if (!inToolbar) // not in toolbar so center image horizontally
x = width / 2 - height + 3*borderPadding;
y = borderPadding;
renderImage(CAknButton.prototype, instance, laf, graphics,
x, y, "images", true, "normal");
} else {
// there's only text
var textOffsetForImage = new Point(0, 0);
drawButtonTextItem(instance, instance.properties.buttonText, new Point(0, 0), new Point(width, height), laf, graphics, textOffsetForImage, fontFlags);
* Get text offsets when text and image are together so that the text is not overwriting the image
function getTextOffsetForImage(imageBounds, properties){
var imageDim = 0;
if (imageBounds != null)
imageDim = properties.size.height;
// if it's left aligned and image is on left
if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconBeforeText" &&
(properties.horizTextAlign == "CGraphicsContext::ELeft" ||
properties.horizTextAlign == "CGraphicsContext::ECenter"))
return new Point(imageDim, 0);
// if it's right aligned and image is on right
if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconAfterText" &&
properties.horizTextAlign == "CGraphicsContext::ERight")
return new Point(imageDim, 0);
// if it's top aligned and image is on top
if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconOverText" &&
properties.vertTextAlign == "CAknButton::ETop")
return new Point(0, imageDim);
// if it's bottom aligned and image is on bottom
if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconUnderText" &&
properties.vertTextAlign == "CAknButton::EBottom")
return new Point(0, imageDim);
return new Point(0, 0);
function getFontFlagsFromProperties(properties){
// text can be offset as: center, left hand side, right hand side, top, or bottom
var fontFlags;
if (properties.horizTextAlign == "CGraphicsContext::ELeft" || (properties.buttonTextLeft == true) ) {
fontFlags |= Font.ALIGN_LEFT;
}else if (properties.horizTextAlign == "CGraphicsContext::ERight") {
fontFlags |= Font.ALIGN_RIGHT;
} else {
fontFlags |= Font.ALIGN_CENTER; // default alignment
if (properties.vertTextAlign == "CAknButton::ETop") {
fontFlags |= Font.VERTICAL_ALIGN_TOP;
}else if (properties.vertTextAlign == "CAknButton::EBottom") {
} else {
return fontFlags;
* Get the rectangle in which to draw the icon
function getIconRect(properties, laf) {
var iconSize = laf.getDimension("note.icon.size");
var padding = laf.getInteger("note.padding", 2);
var iconRect = new Rectangle(properties.size.width - iconSize.x - padding*2,
iconSize.x, iconSize.y);
return iconRect;
CAknButton.prototype.getViewableSize = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
var size = instance.properties.size;
var padding = laf.getInteger("note.padding", 2);
return new Point(size.height, size.height - padding*2);
CAknButton.prototype.isScaling = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
return true;
CAknButton.prototype.getAlignmentWeights = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
// If there's no button text align in the center, else align on the left
var properties = instance.properties;
if (properties.buttonText == "") {
return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_TOP, ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_TOP);
} else {
// image and text
if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconBeforeText"){
return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_LEFT, ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_TOP);
} else if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconAfterText"){
return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_RIGHT, ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER_OR_TOP);
} else if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconUnderText"){
return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER, ImageUtils.ALIGN_BOTTOM);
} else if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EIconOverText"){
return new Point(ImageUtils.ALIGN_CENTER, ImageUtils.ALIGN_TOP);
} else if (properties.textAndIconAlignment == "CAknButton::EOverlay"){
return new Point(0, 0);
} else {
return new Point(0, 0);
CAknButton.prototype.isPreservingAspectRatio = function(instance, propertyId, laf) {
// Preserving aspect ratio only when button is child of toolbar
if (instance.parent.component.isOfType("com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar")){
return true;
} else {
return false;
CAknButton.prototype.getPreferredSize = function(instance, laf, wHint, hHint) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var width = -1;
var height = -1;
if (wHint >= 0)
width = wHint;
if (hHint >= 0)
height = hHint;
var imgBounds = getImageBounds(instance, properties.images, "normal");
if (imgBounds) {
if (imgBounds.width > width)
width = imgBounds.width;
if (imgBounds.height > height)
height = imgBounds.height;
} else {
if (width < 0)
width = 16;
if (height < 0)
height = 16;
var bounds = new Point(width, height);
return bounds;
setupCommonDirectImageEditing(CAknButton.prototype, "images",
null // areafunction
function drawButtonTextItem(instance, text, location, size, laf,
graphics, textOffsetForImage, fontFlags) {
var x = location.x;
var y = location.y;
var width = size.x;
var height = size.y;
var parentIsToolbar = instance.parent.component.isOfType("com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar");
var font = laf.getFont("ButtonFont");
var textMargin = 1;
if (!parentIsToolbar){
textMargin = laf.getInteger("control.button.text.margin", 0);
if (size.x <= textMargin) {
return; // will crash when drawing if no return
if (textOffsetForImage.x > textMargin){
textMargin = textOffsetForImage.x
} else {
textMargin = textMargin + textOffsetForImage.x
var extent = font.stringExtent(text)
var fontVertOffset = 0;
if ((fontFlags & Font.VERTICAL_ALIGN_BOTTOM) != 0){
fontVertOffset = (height - extent.y) - textMargin - textOffsetForImage.y;
} else if ((fontFlags & Font.VERTICAL_ALIGN_CENTER) != 0){
fontVertOffset = (height - extent.y) / 2 - (laf.getInteger("control.button.text.margin", 0)/2); // center
} else {
// top aligned
fontVertOffset = textMargin + textOffsetForImage.y;
if (parentIsToolbar){
// always vertically center text in toolbar
fontVertOffset = ((height - extent.y) / 2) - 5; // center
if (laf.getBoolean("is.portrait", true)) {
var fontHorizOffset = 0
var rect = new Rectangle(x + fontHorizOffset, y + fontVertOffset,
width - (2*fontHorizOffset), height );
rect.y = fontVertOffset;
rect.height = extent.y + 5;
rect.x = textMargin;
rect.width = rect.width - textMargin;
text = chooseScalableText(text, font, rect.width);
if (text != ""){
if (rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0) {
graphics.drawFormattedString(text, rect, fontFlags | Font.OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIS, 0);
else {
var fontHeight = font.getHeight();
var sbar1Bounds = laf.getRectangle("status.bar1.bounds");
var sbar2Bounds = laf.getRectangle("status.bar2.bounds");
var fontOffset = (sbar2Bounds.height - extent.y) / 2
var rect = new Rectangle(x, y + fontOffset, width, height);
rect.y = fontVertOffset;
rect.height = extent.y + 5;
rect.x = textMargin;
rect.width = rect.width - textMargin*2;
graphics.fillRectangle(x, y + sbar2Bounds.y, width, sbar2Bounds.height);
text = chooseScalableText(text, font, rect.width);
if (text != "" && rect.width > 0 && rect.height > 0) {
graphics.drawFormattedString(text, rect, fontFlags | Font.OVERFLOW_ELLIPSIS, 0);
// IDirectLabelEdit
CAknButton.prototype.getPropertyPaths = function(instance) {
return new Array("buttonText");
CAknButton.prototype.getLabelBounds = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
return new Rectangle(0, 0,
instance.properties.size.width, instance.properties.size.height);
CAknButton.prototype.getLabelFont = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
return laf.getFont("ButtonFont");
// IComponentEventInfo
CAknButton.prototype.getEventGroups = function(instance) {
// do not provide Control events when child of Toolbar
if (instance.parent.component.isOfType("com.nokia.sdt.series60.Toolbar")){
return ["ToolbarEvent"];
} else {
return ["CCoeControl"];