Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
information=Button control
buttonTextDisplay=button text
buttonTextDescription=text that appears on the button
buttonHelpTextDisplay=button help text
buttonHelpTextDescription=text that appears in a tool tip when the button has a long press event
horizTextAlignDescr=sets the horizontal button text alignment
horizTextAlign=horizontal text alignment
vertTextAlignDescr=sets the vertical button text alignment
vertTextAlign=vertical text alignment
toolTipPosition=tool tip position
toolTipPositionDescr=location of the tooltip relative to the button
textAndIconAlignment=text and icon alignment
textAndIconAlignmentDescr=relative location of icon to text
imageDescription=button image and masks
textFontDescr=sets the text font via CAknButton::SetTextFont()
buttonTextLeft=left text
buttonTextLeftDescr=For Text and Icon button, by default text is on the right side.
buttonSizeFitText=size fit text
buttonSizeFitTextDescr=When set you can call CAknButton::MinimumSize() to get the font size to fit the button. Follow up with CAknButton::SetTextFont(CFont *).
buttonNoFrame=button no frame
buttonNoFrameDescr=No frame is drawn for the button, useful for icon buttons.
buttonKeyRepeat=key repeat
buttonKeyRepeatDescr=Reports state changed events repeatedly, when button is kept pressed.
buttonReportOnKeyDown=report on key down
buttonReportOnKeyDownDescr=Reports of state change on key down event, instead of key up event.
buttonNoFramePressEvent=no frame press event
buttonNoFramePressEventDescr=When button has frame frame won't be changed on press event.
buttonRequestExitOnButtonUpEvent=request exit on button up event
buttonRequestExitOnButtonUpEventDescr=Button requests exit on button up event.
buttonReportOnLongPress=report on long press
buttonReportOnLongPressDescr=Reports CAknButton::ELongPressEvent, when button is pressed for a long time. Check for this event in your container's MCoeControlObserver::HandleControlEventL() function.
selectedDescription=Handles command triggered by button item
images=button images
imagesDescription=The set of images that make up the button in various states.
# the name here starts with 'c' so it will sort earliest in English
bmpfile=common multi-image file
bmpfileDescription=Full path to the compiled multi-image file (*.mbm or *.mif), or blank for unset image
bmpid=image id
bmpidDescription=Enumerator of the bitmap, or blank for mask-only or unset images
bmpmask=image mask id
bmpmaskDescription=Enumerator of the mask, or blank for opaque images
bmpidDimmed=dimmed image id
bmpidDimmedDescription=Enumerator of the bitmap shown in the 'dimmed' state, or blank for mask-only or unset images
bmpmaskDimmed=dimmed image mask id
bmpmaskDimmedDescription=Enumerator of the mask shown in the 'dimmed' state, or blank for opaque images
bmpidPressed=pressed image id
bmpidPressedDescription=Enumerator of the bitmap shown in the 'pressed' state, or blank for mask-only or unset images
bmpmaskPressed=pressed image mask id
bmpmaskPressedDescription=Enumerator of the mask shown in the 'pressed' state, or blank for opaque images
bmpidHover=hover image id
bmpidHoverDescription=Enumerator of the bitmap shown in the 'hover' state, or blank for mask-only or unset images
bmpmaskHover=hover image mask id
bmpmaskHoverDescription=Enumerator of the mask shown in the 'hover' state, or blank for opaque images