author timkelly
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 16:29:13 -0500
changeset 1757 ec3c1e4702be
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply. Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists. Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.

information=An S60 slider control graphically displays a bounded value.
layoutDescription=Appearance of the slider, telling whether labels, the min/max values, or the slider itself are displayed
minValue=minimum value
minValueDescription=Minimum value the slider is allowed to take 
maxValue=maximum value
maxValueDescription=Maximum value (inclusive) the slider is allowed to take
valueDescription=Initial value of the slider
step=step value
stepDescription=Integral step between contiguous values in the slider; this must satisfy the relation: (maxValue - minValue) % step == 0 
valueTypeDescription=Displayed format of the value
decimalPlaces=decimal places
decimalPlacesDescription=If the format is "decimal", the number of decimal places displayed
singularValueLabel=singular value label
singularValueLabelDescription=If the format is "plain figure", the format string used when the value is 1 (use "%U" to represent the number)
minLabel=minimum value label
minLabelDescription=Label displayed at the minimum end of the slider
maxLabel=maximum value label
maxLabelDescription=Label displayed at the maximum end of the slider
graphicalImage=graphical image
graphicalImageDescription=Image displayed above the slider while editing in the "setting item with graphics" layout 
EAknFormSliderLayout1=value only layout
EAknFormSliderLayout2=min/max label layout
EAknFormSliderLayout3=value and min/max label layout
EAknSettingsItemSliderLayout=settings item
EAknSettingsItemSliderLayoutWithGraphics=settings item with graphics
EAknSliderValueBareFigure=plain figure
invalidRange=the range in instance ''{0}'' is invalid (failed test: {1} <= {2})
valueExceedsRange=the ''value'' property in instance ''{0}'' is out of range (failed test: {1} <= {2} <= {3})
stepNotValid=the ''step'' property in instance ''{0}'' is invalid (failed test: ({1} - {2}) % {3} == 0)
valueNotValid=the ''value'' property in instance ''{0}'' is invalid (failed test: ({1} - {2}) % {3} == 0) 

maxValueConstraint=The maximum value must be greater than the minimum value ({1}) and current value ({2}).
minValueConstraint=The minimum value must be less than the maximum value ({1}) and current value ({2}).
minMaxStepConstraint=The step size ({0}) must divide into the difference of minimum and maximum values ({1} - {2} = {3}).
stepConstraint=The step value ({0}) must divide into the difference of the minimum and maximum values ({1} - {2} = {3}).
stepValueConstraint=The step value ({0}) must divide into the difference of the current value and the minimum ({1} - {2} = {3}).
valueConstraint=The value ({0}) must be between the minimum and maximum values ({1} <= value <= {2}).
valueStepConstraint=The difference of the value and minimum ({0} - {1} = {2}) must be a multiple of the step size ({3}).