Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply.
Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists.
Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
// Calculated drawing values
// this.xValueLabelPos -- x coordinate for drawing the value label
// this.yValueLabelPos -- y coordinate for drawing the value label
// this.ySlider -- y coordinate for drawing the slider line
// this.xSliderStart -- x coordinate for drawing the start of the slider line
// this.xSliderEnd -- x coordinate for drawing the end of the slider line
// this.xMinLabelPos -- x coordinate for drawing the min label
// this.yMinLabelPos -- y coordinate for drawing the min label
// this.xMaxLabelPos -- x coordinate for drawing the max label
// this.yMaxLabelPos -- y coordinate for drawing the max label
// this.requiredHeight -- calculated height for returning in getPreferredSize
// this.requiredWidth -- calculated width for returning in getPreferredSize
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.printValues = function() {
println("this.xValueLabelPos: " + this.xValueLabelPos);
println("this.yValueLabelPos: " + this.yValueLabelPos);
println("this.ySlider: " + this.ySlider);
println("this.xSliderStart: " + this.xSliderStart);
println("this.xSliderEnd: " + this.xSliderEnd);
println("this.xMinLabelPos: " + this.xMinLabelPos);
println("this.yMinLabelPos: " + this.yMinLabelPos);
println("this.xMaxLabelPos: " + this.xMaxLabelPos);
println("this.yMaxLabelPos: " + this.yMaxLabelPos);
println("this.requiredHeight: " + this.requiredHeight);
function CAknSliderVisual() {
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.drawContent = function(instance, laf, graphics, rect) {
var properties = instance.properties;
this.calcLayout(instance, properties.layout, laf, rect);
var y = rect.height/2;
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var font = laf.getFont("NormalFont");
var range = properties.maxValue - properties.minValue;
var sliderStart = rect.x + this.xSliderStart;
var sliderEnd = this.xSliderEnd;
var sliderY = rect.y + this.ySlider;
if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(255, 255, 255));
graphics.setForeground(Colors.getColor(0, 0, 0));
graphics.drawLine(sliderStart, sliderY, sliderEnd, sliderY);
if (image != null && range > 0) {
// slider image is centered around value. Account for image
// size so we can fully draw at the min and max values
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
var valueWidth = sliderEnd - sliderStart - 8;
var value = properties.value;
if (value < properties.minValue)
value = properties.minValue;
else if (value > properties.maxValue)
value = properties.maxValue;
var xOffset = (((value - properties.minValue)/range) * 100) * valueWidth;
xOffset = xOffset/100 -2;
y = y - imageBounds.height/2;
graphics.drawImage(image, sliderStart + xOffset, sliderY - imageBounds.height/2 + 1);
graphics.setBackground(getBackgroundColor(instance, laf))
drawLabel(graphics, getFormattedValue(properties), this.xValueLabelPos, this.yValueLabelPos, rect);
drawLabel(graphics, properties.minLabel, this.xMinLabelPos, this.yMinLabelPos, rect);
drawLabel(graphics, properties.maxLabel, this.xMaxLabelPos - rect.x, this.yMaxLabelPos, rect);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getContentSize = function(instance, laf, size) {
var parentWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
this.calcLayout(instance, instance.properties.layout, laf, new Rectangle(0, 0, parentWidth, size.y));
return new Point(this.requiredWidth, this.requiredHeight);
function formatSymbianString(str, val) {
return str.replace("%U", val);
function getFormattedValue(properties) {
var valueLabel = "";
if (properties.valueType == "EAknSliderValueBareFigure") {
if (properties.value == 1 && properties.singularValueLabel != "")
valueLabel = formatSymbianString(properties.singularValueLabel, properties.value);
valueLabel = "" + properties.value;
else if (properties.valueType == "EAknSliderValuePercentage") {
var range = properties.maxValue - properties.minValue;
var val = properties.value - properties.minValue;
var pct = (100 * val) / range;
valueLabel = pct.toFixed() + "%";
else if (properties.valueType == "EAknSliderValueFraction") {
valueLabel = "" + properties.value + "/" + properties.maxValue;
else if (properties.valueType == "EAknSliderValueDecimal") {
var decPlaces = properties.decimalPlaces;
if (decPlaces < 0 || decPlaces > 9) {
decPlaces = 0;
valueLabel = properties.value.toFixed(decPlaces);
return valueLabel;
function drawLabel(graphics, text, xPos, yPos, rect) {
if (xPos >= 0 && xPos >= 0) {
var availableWidth = rect.width - xPos;
text = chooseScalableText(text, graphics.getFont(), availableWidth);
graphics.drawString(text, rect.x + xPos, rect.y + yPos, true);
function getContentBounds(instance, laf) {
if (isForm(instance.parent))
return getFormContentBounds(instance, laf);
else if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
return getSettingItemContentBounds(instance, laf);
return new Rectangle(0, 0,
instance.properties.size.width, instance.properties.size.height);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getMinLabelBounds = function(instance, laf) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var extent = getLabelFont(laf).formattedStringExtent("XXXXXX", new Point(0, 0), 0, 0);
var rect = getContentBounds(instance, laf);
return new Rectangle(rect.x + this.xMinLabelPos, rect.y + this.yMinLabelPos,
extent.x, extent.y);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getMaxLabelBounds = function(instance, laf) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var extent = getLabelFont(laf).formattedStringExtent("XXXXXX", new Point(0, 0), 0, 0);
var rect = getContentBounds(instance, laf);
return new Rectangle(rect.x + this.xMaxLabelPos, rect.y + this.yMaxLabelPos,
extent.x, extent.y);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getValueLabelBounds = function(instance, laf) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var extent = getLabelFont(laf).formattedStringExtent("XXXXXX", new Point(0, 0), 0, 0);
var rect = getContentBounds(instance, laf);
return new Rectangle(rect.x + this.xValueLabelPos, rect.y + this.yValueLabelPos,
extent.x, extent.y);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getImage = function(instance, laf) {
// TODO allow for custom image
var image;
if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
image = laf.getImage("slider.settingslist.image")
image = laf.getImage("slider.image");
return image;
function getInset(instance, laf) {
var parentIsForm = isForm(instance.parent);
var inset = laf.getInteger("form.divider.offset.single", 10) +
if (parentIsForm && !isDoubleSpaced(instance.parent))
inset = 0;
return inset;
function getFormMargin(instance, laf) {
if (isForm(instance.parent))
return 10;
return 0;
function getLabelFont(laf) {
return laf.getFont("NormalFont");
function getRowSpacing(laf) {
return laf.getInteger("slider.rowSpacing", 8);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout1 = function(instance, laf, rect) {
// two "rows"
// left aligned value label on top
// slider below
var properties = instance.properties;
var font = getLabelFont(laf);
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var inset = getInset(instance, laf);
var rowSpacing = getRowSpacing(laf);
var imageHeight = 11;
var imageWidth = 11;
if (image != null) {
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
this.xValueLabelPos = inset;
this.yValueLabelPos = 0;
this.ySlider = font.getHeight() + imageHeight/2 + rowSpacing;
this.xSliderStart = inset;
this.xSliderEnd = rect.width - 2*getFormPadding(laf);
this.xMinLabelPos = -1;
this.yMinLabelPos = -1;
this.xMaxLabelPos = -1;
this.yMaxLabelPos = -1;
this.requiredHeight = font.getHeight() + imageHeight + rowSpacing
+ getFormMargin(instance, laf);
this.requiredWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout2 = function(instance, laf, rect) {
// two "rows"
// slider on top
// min label on left, max label on right
var properties = instance.properties;
var font = getLabelFont(laf);
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var inset = getInset(instance, laf);
var rowSpacing = getRowSpacing(laf);
var imageHeight = 11;
var imageWidth = 11;
if (image != null) {
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
this.ySlider = imageHeight/2;
this.xSliderStart = inset;
this.xSliderEnd = rect.width - 2*getFormPadding(laf);
this.xMinLabelPos = inset;
this.yMinLabelPos = imageHeight + rowSpacing;
// may need to be smarter about available width
var text = chooseScalableText(properties.maxLabel, font, rect.width);
var maxLabelExtent = font.stringExtent(text);
this.xMaxLabelPos = rect.width - maxLabelExtent.x;
this.yMaxLabelPos = this.yMinLabelPos;
this.xValueLabelPos = -1;
this.yValueLabelPos = -1;
this.requiredHeight = font.getHeight() + imageHeight + rowSpacing
+ getFormMargin(instance, laf);
this.requiredWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout3 = function(instance, laf, rect) {
// three "rows"
// 1: value on left
// 2: slider
// 3: min label on left, max label on right
var properties = instance.properties;
var font = getLabelFont(laf);
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var inset = getInset(instance, laf);
var rowSpacing = getRowSpacing(laf);
var imageHeight = 11;
var imageWidth = 11;
if (image != null) {
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
this.xValueLabelPos = inset;
this.yValueLabelPos = 0;
this.ySlider = font.getHeight() + imageHeight/2 + rowSpacing;
this.xSliderStart = inset;
this.xSliderEnd = rect.width - 2*getFormPadding(laf);
this.xMinLabelPos = inset;
this.yMinLabelPos = imageHeight + font.getHeight() + 2*rowSpacing;
// may need to be smarter about available width
var text = chooseScalableText(properties.maxLabel, font, rect.width);
var maxLabelExtent = font.stringExtent(text);
this.xMaxLabelPos = rect.width - maxLabelExtent.x;
this.yMaxLabelPos = this.yMinLabelPos;
this.requiredHeight = 2*font.getHeight() + imageHeight + 2*rowSpacing;
+ getFormMargin(instance, laf);
this.requiredWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
// not used since we don't render the full screen
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcSettingsItemLayout_full = function(instance, laf, rect) {
// four "rows"
// 1: value label on left, indented
// 2: blank
// 3: slider
// 4: min label on left, max label on right
var properties = instance.properties;
var font = getLabelFont(laf);
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var rowSpacing = getRowSpacing(laf);
var padding = getSILPaddingX(laf);
var imageHeight = 11;
var imageWidth = 11;
if (image != null) {
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
var valueLabelIndent = 20; // TODO - determine indent
this.xValueLabelPos = valueLabelIndent;
this.yValueLabelPos = 0;
var blankRowHeight = font.getHeight()*2; // TODO - determine this height
this.ySlider = blankRowHeight + font.getHeight() + imageHeight/2 + rowSpacing;
this.xSliderStart = 10;
this.xSliderEnd = rect.width - (imageBounds.width/2 + 3*padding);
this.xMinLabelPos = this.xSliderStart;
this.yMinLabelPos = this.ySlider + imageHeight/2;
// may need to be smarter about available width
var text = chooseScalableText(properties.maxLabel, font, rect.width);
var maxLabelExtent = font.stringExtent(text);
this.xMaxLabelPos = rect.width - (maxLabelExtent.x + padding);
this.yMaxLabelPos = this.yMinLabelPos;
this.requiredHeight = this.yMaxLabelPos + maxLabelExtent.y;
this.requiredWidth = rect.width - padding;
// we show only the slider bar
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcSettingsItemLayout = function(instance, laf, rect) {
// one row
// 1: slider
var properties = instance.properties;
var font = getLabelFont(laf);
var image = this.getImage(instance, laf);
var rowSpacing = getRowSpacing(laf);
var padding = getSILPaddingX(laf);
var imageHeight = 12;
var imageWidth = 12;
if (image != null) {
var imageBounds = image.getBounds();
imageHeight = imageBounds.height;
imageWidth = imageBounds.width;
var blankRowHeight = font.getHeight();
this.ySlider = blankRowHeight / 2 ;
this.xSliderStart = 10;
this.xSliderEnd = rect.width - (imageBounds.width/2 + 3*padding);
this.xValueLabelPos = -1;
this.yValueLabelPos = -1;
this.xMinLabelPos = -1;
this.yMinLabelPos = -1;
this.xMaxLabelPos = -1;
this.yMaxLabelPos = -1;
this.requiredHeight = font.getHeight();
this.requiredWidth = rect.width - padding;
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcSettingsItemLayoutWithGraphics = function(instance, laf, rect) {
this.calcSettingsItemLayout(instance, laf, rect);
// use this form instead of switch()
layoutTable = {
"EAknFormSliderLayout1" : CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout1,
"EAknFormSliderLayout2" : CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout2,
"EAknFormSliderLayout3" : CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcFormLayout3,
"EAknSettingsItemSliderLayout" : CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcSettingsItemLayout,
"EAknSettingsItemSliderLayoutWithGraphics" : CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcSettingsItemLayoutWithGraphics
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.calcLayout = function(instance, layout, laf, rect) {
// get the prototype function out of the table, and call the function
// apply calls the function
// this is passed explicitly and the other arguments are passed in an array
layoutTable[layout].apply(this, [instance, laf, rect]);
// IDirectLabelEdit
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getPropertyPaths = function(instance) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var paths = new Array;
if (isForm(instance.parent))
paths = paths.concat(["prompt"]);
if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
paths = paths.concat(["itemTitle", "compulsoryLabel"]);
if (this.xValueLabelPos != -1)
paths = paths.concat(["value"]);
if (this.xMinLabelPos != -1)
paths = paths.concat = ["minLabel", "maxLabel"];
return paths;
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getLabelBounds = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
if (isForm(instance.parent)) {
if (propertyPath == "prompt") {
return getFormItemRectangles(instance, laf)[PROMPT_LABEL_RECT_INDEX];
if (isSettingItemList(instance.parent)) {
var rects = getSettingItemRectangles(instance, laf);
if (propertyPath == "itemTitle") {
return rects[SIL_TITLE_RECT_INDEX];
if (propertyPath == "compulsoryLabel") {
var properties = instance.properties;
var rect = getContentBounds(instance, laf);
this.calcLayout(instance, properties.layout, laf, rect);
if (propertyPath == "minLabel")
return this.getMinLabelBounds(instance, laf);
if (propertyPath == "maxLabel")
return this.getMaxLabelBounds(instance, laf);
if (propertyPath == "value")
return this.getValueLabelBounds(instance, laf);
return new Rectangle(0,0,0,0);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.getFont = function(instance, propertyPath, laf) {
if (propertyPath == "prompt")
return getPromptFont(laf);
return getLabelFont(laf);
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.propertyChanged = function(instance, propertyID, laf) {
if (isForm(instance.parent) || isSettingItemList(instance.parent))
var properties = instance.properties;
if (propertyID == "layout") {
var parentWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
this.calcLayout(instance, instance.properties.layout, laf, new Rectangle(0, 0, parentWidth, 0));
if (this.requiredWidth == parentWidth &&
instance.properties.location != 0) {
instance.properties.location.x = 0;
instance.properties.size.width = this.requiredWidth;
instance.properties.size.height = this.requiredHeight;
// we need to guard against recursive notifications when changing
// the location property
else if (propertyID == "location" && !this.inLocationChanged) {
this.inLocationChanged = true;
var parentWidth = instance.parent.properties.size.width;
this.calcLayout(instance, instance.properties.layout, laf, new Rectangle(0, 0, parentWidth, 0));
if (this.requiredWidth == parentWidth &&
instance.properties.location != 0) {
instance.properties.location.x = 0;
this.inLocationChanged = false;
// note that laf will be null if a display model was not created
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.validate = function(instance, laf) {
return null;
// note that laf will be null if a display model was not created
CAknSliderVisual.prototype.queryPropertyChange = function(instance, propertyPath,
newValue, laf) {
var properties = instance.properties;
var message = null;
newValue = newValue - 0;
if (propertyPath == "maxValue") {
if (properties.minValue >= newValue || newValue < properties.value) {
message = formatString(lookupString("maxValueConstraint"),
newValue, properties.minValue, properties.value);
} else if ((newValue - properties.minValue) % properties.step != 0) {
message = formatString(lookupString("minMaxStepConstraint"),
newValue, properties.maxValue, properties.minValue,
properties.maxValue - properties.minValue);
} else if (propertyPath == "minValue") {
if (properties.maxValue <= newValue || newValue > properties.value) {
message = formatString(lookupString("minValueConstraint"),
newValue, properties.maxValue, properties.value);
} else if ((properties.maxValue - newValue) % properties.step != 0) {
message = formatString(lookupString("minMaxStepConstraint"),
newValue, properties.maxValue, properties.minValue,
properties.maxValue - properties.minValue);
} else if (propertyPath == "value") {
if (properties.maxValue < newValue || newValue < properties.minValue) {
message = formatString(lookupString("valueConstraint"),
newValue, properties.minValue, properties.maxValue);
} else if ((newValue - properties.minValue) % properties.step != 0) {
message = formatString(lookupString("valueStepConstraint"),
newValue, properties.minValue,
newValue - properties.minValue, properties.step);
} else if (propertyPath == "step") {
if ((properties.maxValue - properties.minValue) % newValue != 0) {
message = formatString(lookupString("stepConstraint"),
newValue, properties.maxValue, properties.minValue,
properties.maxValue - properties.minValue);
} else if ((properties.value - properties.minValue) % newValue != 0
|| (properties.maxValue - properties.value) % newValue != 0) {
message = formatString(lookupString("stepValueConstraint"),
newValue, properties.value, properties.minValue,
properties.value - properties.minValue);
return message;