author timkelly
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 16:29:13 -0500
changeset 1757 ec3c1e4702be
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply. Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists. Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.

friendlyName=Avkon View
information=The S60 top-level Avkon view class. This is a non-visual class which holds a reference to a UI class (such as CAknViewAppUI).
cbaDisplay=Control Pane
generalContainmentError=An Avkon View can''t contain objects of type ''{0}''.
singleInstanceContainmentError=An Akvon View can''t contain more than one object of type ''{0}''.
optionsMenu=options menu
optionsMenuDescription=Menu pane object to use as the Options menu
validateOptionsMenu=The control pane is configured to display an Options menu, but the view's optionMenu property is not set. The application will panic if run in this state.
validateMenubarWithForm=Menubars added to Avkon views containing a Form will not \
automatically replace the Form''s default options menu. \
Handwritten code must be added to replace the options menu of a Form.

handleStatusPaneSizeChangeDescription=Handle changes to status pane size (CAknAppUi::HandleStatusPaneSizeChange)
handleCommandDescription=Handles commands at the view level (CAknView::HandleCommandL)
activatedDescription=Extends view activation / construction (CAknView::DoActivateL)
deactivatedDescription=Extends view deactivation / destruction (CAknView::DoDeactivateL)