author timkelly
Tue, 03 Aug 2010 16:29:13 -0500
changeset 1757 ec3c1e4702be
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
Remove makefile dependency checks on SBSv2 builder since they don't apply. Remove SBSv2BuilderInfo.java and functionality. That has been used for loading the SBSv2 tab, which no longer exists. Now the SBSv2 data in the .cproject is loaded directly by the build configuration loading mechanism.

* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

function CAknViewLayout() {

CAknViewLayout.prototype.layout = function(instance, laf) {

	var screenWidth = instance.properties.size.width;
	var screenHeight = instance.properties.size.height;
	var children = instance.children;
	var statusArea = getStatusPane(children);
	if (statusArea != null) {
		setBounds(statusArea, laf.getRectangle("status.pane.bounds"));

	// Check for toolbar. The toolbar is a child of a view and depending
	// on the size and orientation of the toolbar, the view needs to be adjusted
	var hasToolBar = false;
	var toolBarRect;
	var toolBar = getToolbar(children);
	if (toolBar) {
		hasToolBar = true;
		toolBarRect = setToolbarLayout(toolBar, laf);
	var cba = getControlPane(children);
	if (cba != null) {
		setBounds(cba, laf.getRectangle("control.pane.bounds"));

	var contents = getContents(children);
	if (contents != null) {
		var contentPaneRect = laf.getRectangle("content.pane.bounds");
		var contentRect = new Rectangle(contentPaneRect.x, contentPaneRect.y, contentPaneRect.width, contentPaneRect.height);
In later 5.0 versions, toolbar draws over content!!
		if (hasToolBar){
			var toolBarMarginPadding = laf.getInteger("control.toolbar.margin", 0);
			// check if toolBar is vertical or horizontal
			var isHorizontal = toolBar.properties.orientation == "Horizontal" ? true : false;
			if (isHorizontal) {
				contentRect.height -= toolBar.properties.size.height + toolBarMarginPadding + 1;
			} else {
				contentRect.width -= toolBar.properties.size.width + toolBarMarginPadding + 1;
				contentRect.x += toolBar.properties.size.width + toolBarMarginPadding + 1;
		setBounds(contents, contentRect);

CAknViewLayout.prototype.getPreferredSize = function(instance, laf, wHint, hHint) {
	return null;

// Sets the toolbar layout and its children as well as adjusts the parent view
// depending on the toolbar orientation. 
// Returns the toolbar's size as Rectangle
function setToolbarLayout(instance, laf) {
	var isPortrait = laf.getBoolean("is.portrait", true);
	var properties = instance.properties;
	var isHorizontal = properties.orientation == "Horizontal" ? true : false;
	var toolBarMarginPadding = laf.getInteger("control.toolbar.margin", 0);
	var contentRect = laf.getRectangle("content.pane.bounds");
	var controlPaneRect = laf.getRectangle("control.pane.bounds");
	var screenDim = laf.getDimension("screen.size");
	var toolBarRect = new Rectangle(contentRect.x, contentRect.y, contentRect.width, contentRect.height);
	var toolBarWidth = laf.getInteger("control.toolbar.height", 0);
	var toolBarDim = getToolBarSize(instance, laf);
	toolBarRect.width = toolBarDim.x; // width
	toolBarRect.height = toolBarDim.y; // height
	var toolBarHeight = toolBarWidth;
	var isSmallBar =   properties.smallToolbar == true ? true : false;
	if (isHorizontal){
		toolBarRect.x = contentRect.width / 2 - (toolBarRect.width / 2);
		if (isPortrait)
			toolBarRect.y = screenDim.y - controlPaneRect.height - toolBarHeight - toolBarMarginPadding;
		else {
			// landscape
			toolBarRect.y = screenDim.y - toolBarHeight*2;
			if (!isSmallBar){ 
				var sBarRect = laf.getRectangle("status.bar2.bounds");
				toolBarRect.y = screenDim.y - toolBarHeight - sBarRect.height - toolBarMarginPadding;
	} else {
		// vertical toolbar
		toolBarRect.y = screenDim.y / 2 - (toolBarRect.height / 2);
		if (isPortrait){
			 toolBarRect.y += (controlPaneRect.height/2);
		toolBarRect.x = toolBarMarginPadding;
	setBounds(instance, toolBarRect); // Set the bounds of the toolbar itself
	return toolBarRect;	