hopefully fixed bug #11795.
* Copyright (c) 2006 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
function findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, componentID) {
var result = null;
for (var i in children) {
var child = children[i];
if (child.component != null && child.component.isOfType(componentID)) {
result = child;
return result;
function isRestricted(instance) {
return instance.component.id == "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBARestricted";
function findCbaLeftId(children) {
var cba = findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBABase");
if (cba == null) return null;
return getCbaLeftId(cba);
function findCbaMiddleId(children) {
var cba = findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBABase");
if (cba == null) return null;
return getCbaMiddleId(cba);
function getCbaLeftId(cba) {
var info = cba.properties.info;
if (isRestricted(cba)) {
return "EAknSoftkeyOptions";
else if (info == "R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_BACK")
return "EAknSoftkeyOk";
else {
// need to check, since CBA may not be emitted if not custom (thus no enumerator registered)
if (cba.properties.info.editableValue != "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA.Type.CUSTOM")
return cba.properties.info.leftId;
return Engine.findBuiltinOrGeneratedEnumeratorForAlgorithm(cba, "leftId", "com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_COMMANDS");
function getCbaMiddleId(cba) {
var info = cba.properties.info;
// TODO: Need to revisit this code for MSK
if (isRestricted(cba)) {
return "EAknSoftkeyOptions";
else if (info == "R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_BACK")
return "EAknSoftkeyOk";
else {
// need to check, since CBA may not be emitted if not custom (thus no enumerator registered)
if (cba.properties.info.editableValue != "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA.Type.CUSTOM")
return cba.properties.info.middleId;
return Engine.findBuiltinOrGeneratedEnumeratorForAlgorithm(cba, "middleId", "com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_COMMANDS");
function findCbaRightId(children) {
var cba = findImmediateChildByComponentId(children, "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBABase");
if (cba == null) return null;
return getCbaRightId(cba);
function getCbaRightId(cba) {
var info = cba.properties.info;
if (isRestricted(cba)) {
return "EAknSoftkeyBack";
return "EAknSoftkeyExit";
else {
// need to check, since CBA may not be emitted if not custom (thus no enumerator registered)
if (cba.properties.info.editableValue != "com.nokia.sdt.series60.CBA.Type.CUSTOM")
return cba.properties.info.rightId;
return Engine.findBuiltinOrGeneratedEnumeratorForAlgorithm(cba, "rightId", "com.nokia.sdt.component.symbian.NAME_ALG_COMMANDS");
function drawCBA(leftText, rightText, middleText, location, size, laf, graphics) {
var x = location.x;
var y = location.y;
var width = size.x;
var height = size.y;
var backColor = laf.getColor("control.pane.background");
var font = laf.getFont("control.pane.font");
var margin = laf.getInteger("control.pane.text.margin", 5);
var extent = font.stringExtent(leftText + "/" + rightText)
if (laf.getBoolean("is.portrait", true)) {
var fontOffset = (height - extent.y) / 2
var rect = new Rectangle(x + margin, y + fontOffset,
width - (2*margin), height - fontOffset);
graphics.fillRectangle(x, y, width, height);
leftText = chooseScalableText(leftText, font, rect.width);
graphics.drawFormattedString(leftText, rect, Font.ALIGN_LEFT, 0);
rightText = chooseScalableText(rightText, font, rect.width);
graphics.drawFormattedString(rightText, rect, Font.ALIGN_RIGHT, 0);
middleText = chooseScalableText(middleText, font, rect.width);
if (middleText == "_" || middleText == "."){
var imageMSK;
if (middleText == "_") {
imageMSK = laf.getImage("msk.context.options.icon");
} else {
imageMSK = laf.getImage("msk.left.key.icon");
if (imageMSK != null) {
var imageData = imageMSK.getImageData();
graphics.drawImage(imageMSK, 0, 0, imageData.width, imageData.height,
width/2-imageData.width/2, height/2-imageData.height/2, imageData.width, imageData.height);
} else {
graphics.drawFormattedString("NO IMAGE", rect, Font.ALIGN_CENTER, 0);
} else {
graphics.drawFormattedString(middleText, rect, Font.ALIGN_CENTER, 0);
else {
// middle soft key text is not displayed in landscape
var fontHeight = font.getHeight();
var sbar1Bounds = laf.getRectangle("status.bar1.bounds");
var sbar2Bounds = laf.getRectangle("status.bar2.bounds");
var gradientStart = laf.getColor("control.pane.gradient.start");
var gradientEnd = laf.getColor("control.pane.gradient.end");
var alignCenter = laf.getBoolean("cba.align.center", false);
var flags = alignCenter ? Font.ALIGN_CENTER : Font.ALIGN_RIGHT;
var fontOffset = (sbar1Bounds.height - extent.y) / 2
var rect = new Rectangle(x, y + fontOffset, width-margin, height-fontOffset);
graphics.fillGradientRectangle(x, y + sbar1Bounds.y, width, sbar1Bounds.height, false);
rightText = chooseScalableText(rightText, font, rect.width);
graphics.drawFormattedString(rightText, rect, flags, 0);
rect.y = y + height - sbar1Bounds.height + fontOffset;
rect.height = sbar1Bounds.height - fontOffset;
graphics.fillGradientRectangle(x, y + sbar2Bounds.y, width, sbar2Bounds.height, false);
leftText = chooseScalableText(leftText, font, rect.width);
graphics.drawFormattedString(leftText, rect, flags, 0);