PlatSim-related launch wizard changes: (1) Remember last connection created and offer this by default in the Select Connection dialog; (2) Immediately open New Connection dialog if debugging and no connections exist; (3) Split out SelectConnectionDialog; (4) Fix some wording in Select Connection dialog since this is not always an error situation.
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<toc label="Getting Started" link_to="sdkTOC.xml#sdkGettingStarted">
<topic label="Background information" href="html/gettingStarted/background.htm"/>
<topic label="Setting up your development environment" href="html/gettingStarted/env_setup.htm"/>
<topic label="Installing the Carbide.c++ Plug-in SDK help" href="html/gettingStarted/sdk_help.htm"/>
<topic label="Importing the SDK example and leavescan plug-ins" href="html/gettingStarted/import_examples.htm"/>
<topic label="Debugging a Carbide.c++ plug-in" href="html/gettingStarted/launchconfig.htm"/>