author Ed Swartz <>
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 15:36:34 -0600
changeset 636 f96e62c11eac
parent 0 fb279309251b
permissions -rw-r--r--
More portability fixes for Linux. -- make EpocEnginePathHelper et al produce an IPath that matches an existing path in the filesystem even if the case doesn't match. File#getCanonical* does not do this in Unix. -- SISBuilderInfo2 and bld.inf exports fixes for full path detection -- make some tests less dependent on having specific SDKs available. -- fix some warnings

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="CDT ISV Doc Build" default="all"  basedir="." >

	<property name="outputDir" value="reference/api" />
	<property name="extensionPointsDir" value="html/reference/extension-points" />
	<target name="all">
		<antcall target="generateJavadoc" />
		<antcall target="generateExtensionPointHTML" />
	<target name="getJavadocPath">
		<available file="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc.exe" property="javadoc" value="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc.exe"/>
		<available file="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc" property="javadoc" value="${java.home}/../bin/javadoc" />
	<target name="generateJavadoc" depends="getJavadocPath" if="javadoc">
	    <condition property="optionsFile" value="docBuildOptions.txt">
		      <os family="windows" />
		<replace file="${basedir}/${optionsFile}" token="@rt@" value="${bootclasspath}" />
		<delete dir="${outputDir}"/>
		<mkdir dir="${outputDir}"/>	
		<exec dir="." executable="${javadoc}" output="doc.bin.log">
			<arg line="@${basedir}/${optionsFile} -J-Xmx500M" />
	<target name="generateExtensionPointHTML">
		<pde.convertSchemaToHTML manifest="../" destination="${extensionPointsDir}" />
		<!-- the HTML generated will have fixed references to Eclipse CSS files. We can't copy
		 	 those into our plugin. So we update the output to point to copies in the cdt.isv
		 	 documentation -->
		<replace dir="${extensionPointsDir}">
			<replacetoken><![CDATA[import url("../..]]></replacetoken>
			<replacevalue><![CDATA[import url("PLUGINS_ROOT/org.eclipse.cdt.doc.isv]]></replacevalue>
	<target name="createDocZip">
		<zip zipfile="${basedir}/"
